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Everything posted by BibleBeltCatholicMom

  1. We do formal grammar only every few years. We studies it a couple of times in elementary and we're studying it in 8th. Mostly, we rely on reading really good lit, editing, and foreign language study.
  2. :iagree::lol: Neither are we at level three but . . . you know you're not on a schedule with them, per se. You have more than a scheduled school year to complete the work. You could do half days instead of complete days and then spend half the time on the subject. You would find that you go much longer in the year, of course, but smaller increments each day. That may be appealing to your daughter. I think what you'll find if you do that is that there will be some times (spring break, break b/t spring and summer, break b/t summer and fall) that you'll be without a tutor for a couple of weeks but that shouldn't be too bad as such a slow pace. The advantage would be that you would continue with level 3 with the same program w/o getting behind or go through the pains of switching programs. As I say, we haven't gotten to level 3 yet and we haven't tried this idea but it seems viable.
  3. That's what we thought. We were about to throw them away a couple of weeks later and discovered them all over the habitat. 4 days is too early to give up.
  4. What chapter is that problem? We're using Chalkdust and in unit one but haven't seen that one. Also, Chalkdust has a solutions manual that not only gives the answer but shows how to solve for it.
  5. INFP -- this is interesting to me b/c it's the SAME result I got (several hundreed years ago) in college. My major and first career was Deaf Ed. and I was a teacher for a few years. No, it was absolutely not a good fit. I like teaching but I always hated everything that went along with it. I love my current careers of homeschooling mom and sign language interpreter.
  6. :iagree:I, too, just put mine on the bottom of the canner but my grandmother used to use a worn out tea towl on the bottom of hers. It was so old that it had been relegated to that job only.
  7. Well, this is why I'm asking. I just know I would do anything to protect my daughter and husband. I just know it . . . I think. I'm sure, like all the PPs, I would never, ever, desire such a thing and would never be the same again. But I would certainly die to save my family so I'd also be willing to suffer the rest of my life, too. I really think I would. On the other hand . . . I'm not sure I *should* feel that way. I don't know. To take a life . . . But to protect my girl, I would.
  8. would you kill to protect your child? your husband? a stranger?
  9. It takes all day all week! M-R we're at it 8-12, 1-4, and about 1-1.5 hr in the evening (algebra with dad). Fridays about 8.30 to 11. Several hours on the weekend. Why? Because we study three, Three, THREE, languages: latin, Greek, and German plus all the other wonderful things we do (writing, math, science, la, history, logic).
  10. Ok, I finally got it. As I said, we haven't used these yet but they look so promising. One of them is actually a board member but I don't remember which. Hope they help! http://appliejuice.wordpress.com/apologia-biology/ http://www.goldiesroom.org/video_archive.htm http://homeschoolersresources.blogspot.com/p/biology.html http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/virtual_labs/
  11. doggonnit! I have tried three times to edit in some links for you that I think might be helpful but i've messed it up all three times! I'll try again in the morning!
  12. I'm not very knowledgeable about high school transcripts but we're doing Apologia Bio this year in 8th, too. For what it's worth, my own understanding is this: "High school" Biology done in 8th grade will not count on the high school transcript but it will allow her to move in to a more advanced science and/or a more interest led science later in high school. So, if my daughter does Bio in 8th, Chem in 9th, she can do AP Bio in 10th and still have a couple of years to play around with in any Science she wants.
  13. My 13 year old 8th/9th grader and I would like a Biology Buddy. I think what we both have in mind is someone to have over for labs each week and go on field trips. I don't really want to teach anyone else. I just really don't know anyone irl my daughter's age who is doing Bio at all and certainly not anyone using Apologia. sigh . . . I don't really know why I'm telling you that except that you might have some cool idea I didn't think of. :001_huh::bigear:
  14. ditto many of those above. It's a school subject that just has to get done b/f school is over. The only thing I have to add is that there are two things that are particularly motivating for my daughter: -- impending contests/auditions (which are not actually auditions at all but just playing for the judge, competing against herself). My girl has fiddle contests in September and June for big ones and a couple of others. Auditions are in November and May, I think. -- Our teacher has a 100 Day Club. It starts in January and in the summer all the students who practice every single day for 100 days straight get to go to a big swim, pizza, and ice cream party. ALL the kids work on this, all ages from 4 to 18. Not coming is a really big deal.
  15. Oh, I don't know . . . I'm not that good at math. I'd have to multiply by the number of my daughter's shoes that I wear and divide by the number of my shoes that she wears and find the square root of those which oughtn't be worn for anything but mowing. I don't know, I'm just not mathy like that.
  16. We focus on Fiddle practice, Languages, Writing and Vocabulary in the mornings. In the afternoon she does classical violin and either Socratic or Religion (confirmation prep) and the things she does in blocks: History, Science, Grammar, Logic. Monday Up at 6.30, get ready, chores, et c. (in real life we usually over sleep on Mondays and end up eating while we do school). 7 -- prayer, breakfast and reading 8-12 -- school lunch 1-3 -- Online Socratic class or Confirmation prep alternating weeks and block schedule. 4 -- Writing class (i teach) Algebra when Dad gets home. tough day! Tuesday 6 -- up and chores, et c. 7 -- Mass, home, breakfast 8-12 -- School 12 lunch 1-4 School Algebra when Dad gets home. Wednesday 6 -- up, chores 7-8 -- adoration 9-12 -- School lunch 1-4 -- school Algebra when Dad gets home. Thursday 6 -- up and chores, et c. 7 -- Mass, home, breakfast 8-12 -- School 12-2 - latin and lunch break 2.30 or 3-4 -- school Algebra when Dad gets home. Friday 6 -- up, chores 7-8 -- Adoration 8.30 -- home and reviewing schedule for unfinished subjects, study 11 -- violin lesson off the rest of the day unless pressing deadlines require otherwise. Saturday Study Languages Math Unfinished school work, if needed Extra-curricular Extra-curricular activities vary and get scheduled in where they go. She usually alternates b/t riding lessons and swim team but is taking a break to do theatre (for two more weeks). Violin isn't considered extra. Classical Gk, Latin 3, German 2 I teach Writing a la Lively Art of Writing Vocabulary from Classical Roots and SAT notebook Socratic with Angelicum Confirmation and Catechism Literature a mix of me and Angelicum Algebra Blocks US and World History Biology Logic 2 Grammar
  17. Warning! I didn't check out that link carefully enough. Yes, my daughter had the upper part of that list but I hadn't seen the part at the bottom added by the host of that site. It has Wh . . .son. Just a heads up so you can use your own discretion. Sorry about that.
  18. I think this is the actual list my daughter had. http://www.pangloss.com/seidel/shake_rule.html If you're the hateful ogre type you might find this funny.;) I don't think so, of course, (way to highbrow and kind) but maybe you will. http://www.pangloss.com/seidel/Shaker/
  19. Um . . . well . . . er . . . oh, okay, put me in for the Horrid Mother Award. My daughter, who now LOVES Shakespeare, got a hold of a (n extensive) list of Shakespearean insults and has loved his work since! She had read several for-children books before that, though. One she really liked was a book of tales that were common at that time and probably inspired Shakespeare or at least were familiar enough to him to feature the story lines in his works. It's probably too young for teens but I still like it and so does my now-teen daughter. http://www.amazon.com/Shakespeares-Storybook-Folk-Tales-Inspired/dp/1841483079/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346863637&sr=8-1&keywords=tales+that+inspired+shakespeare I do agree with others that his plays were meant to be seen BUT we do very much enjoy (what I think may be called) reading in the round. We assign parts and just sit together and read our parts. We don't get up to act our parts or anything, we just read but try to read in character. In face, it is one of our favorite things to do on long winter nights with a fire in the fire place and cocoa or snacks.
  20. The only "school" my daughter has been to was one school year at a private school preschool when she was three, two days per week. The good thing is that by the end of that year, we knew we'd homeschool. The bad thing is that, at three, she seemed to be a lefty but at "school" the teacher told her she coulnd't use her left hand for things like writing and coloring, et c. Naturally I told her she could use which ever hand she wanted but "Ms. Peavey said no!" got stuck. From then on my daughter wouldn't use her left hand. I don't know if she would have been a leftie or not. I do know that her handwriting is atrocious and always has been. I always chalked this up to the unnatural forced dominance of her right hand. I have always thought this. I thougth this all through learning to write in English and all through learning to write in Latin (which is no different from learning to write in English). But now . . . ! My daughter is learning to write in (ancient) Greek. Do you want to guess? Yes, she has to concentrate and get it right and voila, her Greek hand is M.U.C.H! nicer than her English/Latin writing. So now, all my assumptions about handedness have flown out the window and now I think it may have been a touch of laziness. At this late date, though, what's to be done?
  21. I"m thinking about committing. I really have to consider what goals I'll commit to, et c. My understanding is that if you "need" it and plan for it, it doesn't count, right? So, if I plan for my much needed post-Adoration coffee, that wouldn't be a breach but if I were running around town and drove by that cute little coffee shop and succumbed . . . that would be a breach. Is that right? So groceries, planned expenditures . . . ok. Impulse purchases, no. yes? The idea of an absolute spend free month is just too foreign to me. Groceries, gas, bills, et c. but if I could narrow it down to a figure and then narrow that figure down to something even tighter . . . I'll be thinking.
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