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Everything posted by GraciebytheBay

  1. Totally normal. My daughter had a lump on only one side for six months, then the other developed one.
  2. My girlie is 11 and plays with her dolls every day. I hope she doesn't give them up soon because we're getting her an American Girl doll for Christmas!
  3. ...because I only put good food in my body and drank enough water. I also got to grocery shop alone and linger in the health food section reading labels for as long as I wanted. My kids had a great school day. I confirmed that my brother and s-i-l are coming for Thanksgiving. We had no outside activities today. The oranges I bought are sweet sweet sweet! And now, the kids are sleeping and I get to watch some West Wing on dvd with dh. Not a bad day!:001_smile:
  4. I wouldn't charge interest. One of the advantages of borrowing from parents should be no interest, imho. If the child borrowing needed incentive to pay on time (i.e. If I wasn't sure if they were responsible enough to handle a loan), I probably wouldn't give them the loan.
  5. Actually, I can't even do that! I took it out of the plastic, and it has a funky smell!! The plastic smells like skunk and would not enhance my Thanksgiving table in any way. What in the world would make it smell like skunk??:confused:
  6. :001_smile: Two Make Your Own History book packets (Middle Ages). I had planned to use them but ended up switching programs to match with what our co-op was using.
  7. I am SO relieved for you! It is wonderful when parents behave as parents. You will sleep so much better tonight!:001_smile:
  8. Oh, I am so very sorry.:grouphug:Praying for you!
  9. I KNOW!!! That's exactly what I said as I was greedily gathering them up. Of course, there is a reason they were still left when there were no Reece cups, Snickers or M&Ms to be found. I think we've come up with ther next slogan: Whoppers: They will always be there for you!:001_smile:
  10. Hey, I did very well for about four days. Then I wandered in for all the fruity tootsie rolls (it's fruit, right?). At the one week mark, I began to lose all sense of propriety and hoovered the Whoppers. Today it was the plain Hershey's, which I don't even really like. Geesh, can't these kids eat faster??
  11. So what I'm hearing is that if I decide to sell it, nobody would send me nasty hate pms telling me that I am a horrible human being? Because that would definitely not be worth the 10 whole bucks I might make!
  12. To be honest, I did think of that! It just seems wasteful and irresponsible. It is made of paper, so I suppose I could compost it!;)
  13. I ordered the material knowing their request regarding the re-sale policy and intending to honor that request. However, upon seeing it sitting there on the bookshelf, completely unused, I felt like it was ridiculous that someone else's kids shouldn't be able to enjoy it! Hmmm...this is a tough one for me. I don't think I'll order from them again - I have a problem with this. Are there other companies who request this as well? bleh. Thanks for the replies. I'm going to mull this over.
  14. Oh, this is an easy one! I love a nice big Greek salad, with romaine, cubes of beef, tomato, some onion, and LOTS of feta cheese! Add a delicious Greek dressing and some grilled pita bread, and I'm in heaven. Yuummmm...!:)
  15. I have a question about giving away Winterpromise materials. I realize that according to their policy, I cannot re-sell their original materials. But can I give it away? If I offer it free (for the cost of shipping), would that violate their policy? I copied the relevant portion below. If I interpret it correctly, it seems that I should not give it away either, as the author/illustrator would not receive payment for their work whether I profit from it or not. It would seem a shame not to be able to allow someone else to use these, as I ordered them and decided not to use them at the last minute. What do you think? From the Winterpromise website: With that in mind, understand that we price our materials with the intent of providing this ongoing support to a single family. The price of the materials also pays the authors and illustrators who work with us, many of whom are also homeschool families. We pay them according to the numbers of each title that is sold. When a resource is resold, these families do not receive payment for their work. So, when materials are resold, those families receive the benefit of ongoing support, despite the fact that they did not purchase it from WinterPromise. It also keeps good authors and illustrators and their families from receiving payment for their work.
  16. In fact, it is one of the very few photos I do display. (Not because I don't want to have them displayed, just because I am not good at figuring out HOW or where to display them. I have wanted to have a family wall somewhere for 7 years. UGH.)
  17. Nope. But then I am always in the camp that says if you have to ask, don't eat it!
  18. #1 is at college, so I don't know, sadly. #2 is working the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday. #3 is taking a bath, getting ready to open his birthday gifts. #4 is in her room listening to Harry Potter book on tape. She is being a good sport but is suffering from birthday envy. I think she is also wrapping his gift from her, if my ears serve me correctly.
  19. 1. The packaging from my son's new hamster cage - everywhere. 2. School book that were not put away - everywhere. 3. Two pictures of platypuses that my daughter printed. 4. The basket of sunscreen and bug spray that we leave out all summer. Guess it's time to put it away.:glare: 5. My ds18 watching something on Youtube, giggling like a kid!:)
  20. I LOVE my Nuvi Garmin and can't imagine what I did before I had it! Actually, I can. It was called Mapquest, and I am so happy not to deal with it anymore! I definitely vote for the Garmin. :)
  21. Prepping for my British Literature Class. I gave them so much reading this week - what was I thinking??
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