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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. There are some amazing deals on Brother Laser printers right now. I know Staples has an all in one for $99.



    I had $100 budgeted for printing and I'm going to buy this instead. SO much cheaper!!!


    ETA: Wait, The $99 one I found only prints black and white. Does anyone have a suggestion for one that also print in color and at a really good price?

  2. He is totally 100% wholly supportive. He has my back every single time I feel like I am sinking fast. We are blessed to have this man.


    I have a neighbor who wants to homeschool but her husband just flat out refuses to allow it. His argument is that 'They went to public school and he turned out okay.' I have tried to help give her arguments and defense but he just won't budge. She won't do it without his consent. It's sad to watch. :(

  3. 3) Play "Magic Word" at dinnertime with your spouse.


    Put one new vocabulary word on each index card.


    Every night, as supper begins, choose a word.


    Sometime during supper, Mom or Dad will use the word in conversation. Whichever child notices the pre-chosen word, they announce "Magic Word!!!" and define the word properly to win.....something. A nickel? An extra cookie for dessert? The opportunity to eat dessert at dinner? The pick of an after dinner game or tv show?


    We do this with a set of SAT vocab cards with our oldest daughter.


    This is an awesome idea!

  4. I haven't read the whole thread but I skimmed. I am cibophobic and ridiculously overzealous with food safety. In my home we would only purchase cantaloupe from an organic farmer who we know only grows fruits/vegetables on his property. Even then, it's very rare for us to have a cantaloupe.


    It is my understanding that the main problem is that the cantaloupe grows on the ground. If the cantaloupe is grown on a farm where there are also animals, their feces gets washed along the ground by rain and therefore contaminates the soil. The problem with cantaloupe (as opposed to other melons, like watermelon) is that the skin is porous and absorbs the ground water. Therefore, you can't wash it off. Whereas with a watermelon, you can wash the bacteria off of the outside of the melon.


    Hope that helps.

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