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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. I love that Presidents Door Border. How cool!! I bet your girls are going to have a blast studying american history!


    We're excited! Also exciting that the President Study falls into an election year so we can tie that all together nicely. :)

  2. I opened them with the girls and hid the booty in the back room. When Loverboy took out the trash, he asked, "What is all the packing paper from???"




    "Uh, just a few more things for school......."


    I'm totally laughing out loud right now. Was this quickly followed by a, "I'm really done now!! Thank goodness!" ((for 2 weeks anyway)) :lol:

  3. You ladies are amazing. Thank you.


    We've spent the last hour reviewing those things that she previously didn't know and she seems to have caught on to the basic concepts pretty quickly.


    I just spent my Friday night doing long division and fractions with my 9 year old. I guess I'm officially a homeschooler now. :lol:

  4. I bought Teaching Textbooks for DD9 when I first decided to HS. I didn't realize that it was 'behind' and so I just bought TT4 thinking that was what she needed. She's been doing her lessons and I've noticed that it seems way too easy for her. At first I thought it was because it was the beginning of the year, review type stuff. But then, I decided to make her take the placement test for TT5 just to see where she was.


    TT5's placement test goes like this.

    10 or more correct on Section 1 (problems 1 – 15) She got 14 and the one she missed was a silly multiplication error.

    and 8 or more correct on Section 2 (problems 16 – 30) She missed 8 of these.


    But here's where I am torn. On the last 15, one of them she missed because her Dad called in the middle of the problem and distracted her. She even wrote a question mark beside her answer, I think because she meant to come back to it and forgot. 3 of them were adding/subtracting with basic decimal points. She never learned that in public school but it's simple to learn and I feel like I could just tell her how to do it and she'd figure it out in a few minutes. One of them is multiplying 2 digit numbers. She didn't learn that in PS at all in 3rd grade. 1 was a simple long division with a remainder. She was confused about the remainder but she understood the whole number answer. Again, didn't learn that in PS. The last 2 were adding and subtracting fraction with a common denominator. Again, didn't learn this in PS.


    I'm struggling because I feel like the ones that she missed are pretty simple concepts that I could teach to her relatively quickly. I don't want to keep her in TT4 if everything else is going to be review. But I don't want to put her in TT5 if it's too advanced.


    So, WWYD?

  5. I took my letter of acknowledgment from NC-DPNE to the PS this morning to officially withdraw my littles. It was so easy and it only took about 3 minutes. I was quite shocked at how simple it was. I don't know what I was expecting? Maybe some sneaky coercion tactics by the PS office staff? Maybe a forced take down by the principal in the school lobby? Maybe a CPS agent standing by the door waiting to take me down to the police station for questioning? But it all went off without a hitch. When she smiled and told me that we were done, I just looked at her blankly and blinked for a second and said, "Really? That's it?". Really. That's it.


    I guess I'm on my own now! Exciting, yet terrifying!



  6. Also he found that all the knives (just regular bread and butter knives) were burned at the end. I have no idea why. Strange. Maybe it is a drug thing.


    My father was addicted to drugs almost my whole life. Yes, this is DEFINITELY a drug thing. Have you found any burned spoons or aluminum foil? Bottles/cups with powdery residue or covered with foil? All signs of drug use.


    Please call.

  7. It sounds like a really sadistic math problem! "If a snake, 17ft. in length, can slither at a rate of 34 ft. per minute, how long will it take to reach North Carolina and consume the border residents assuming the snake begins it's journey in Fort Lauderdale and ends in North River."


    Let's see 883. 63 miles according to map quest and there are 5280 ft. per mile or 4,665,566.4 feet in the journey. Assume also that said snake sleeps for two hrs. per day therefore traveling only 22 hrs. per rotation of the earth. 60 minutes per hr. X 34 ft. per min. = 748 ft. per hr. x 22 hrs. = 16,456 ft. per day. 4665566.4\ 16456 = 283 days before said wicked, evil, depraved reptile is slurping up the residents of North River.


    This of course, is not real world mathematics because we haven't taken into account weather conditions or traffic! Possibly some days the reptile would sleep more or less and then there is the issue of getting off the highway in order to find food unless of course it happened upon an unsuspecting motorist in the process of changing a flat tire.


    I-95 will never be the same!! :lol:


    This entire post made me chuckle!! :lol:

  8. :iagree: I went through a period of time with my OCD and anxiety where I had regular panic attacks. The first time it happened, I called 911 because I thought I was dying. Not kidding. It feels like the world is coming to an end when you have one.


    I have OCD, germaphobia, cibophobia, and emetophobia. At first I thought it was all in relation to those but my phobias are currently somewhat under control because it is summer and germs aren't as plentiful in the summer.


    I haven't had one in about 36 hours, by the way.

  9. I don't know about anxiety attacks, but my sister went blind for a year because of too much artificial sugar. Be careful - it is a chemical, and it can do some wacky stuff to your neurological system.


    ETA: her neurologist said her sight "might" come back if she quit the stuff, and it did, but it took a long time.


    It's funny that you say that. My eyesight has been going downhill rapidly. I just got new glasses in April. They were great for about 2 months. But in June I noticed a significant change in my eyesight. I'd been chalking it up to these new glasses but now I'm not so sure. :confused:

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