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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. Laundry is such a pain! :grouphug:


    We have bins in the laundry room that are labeled for sorting. We sort like this:

    dishrags/cleaning rags (all are white and all get bleached)

    bath towels







    We do 1-2 loads a day. I start one before breakfast. When they stop, my DD's are responsible for changing them out. They throw the dry ones on my bed. I don't like they way they fold. ;) At night, they rotate the second load out and throw them on my bed as well. Sometimes I will fold them while my girls are showering/bathing because my bed is nearby and it seems like they ALWAYS need me while they're bathing. But usually me and DH will fold the laundry and put it away at night before bed. I found that our bed was the best place to put them because that way they were certain to get folded. We have to fold them in order to sleep. Otherwise they sit around in baskets and get all wrinkled. I know what you're thinking. We have only thrown them in the floor without folding twice! (and one of those was because we wanted some teA) ;)

  2. It depends on the curriculum. I recently bought a copy of TT4 on Ebay for $100 PLUS shipping. We later realized that we needed TT5 instead, so I listed it several places for $90. This was a brand new unused copy of TT. Anyway, I had a local buyer within minutes on a yahoo group, I met her about 30 minutes later but when I got home I had numerous messages from people asking if I'd take $60 for it. :confused: Um, no.

  3. I hear you. I love it when they say things like "I bet you can't wait for school to start!" or "Are you ready for a break, Mom?" Because you know, apparently it's unusual for me to actually enjoy spending time with my kids. Sure, I enjoy a break every now and again. Who doesn't? But my kids are awesome. Why would I send them away to let someone else enjoy that all day? :tongue_smilie:

  4. Yes.


    I was raised in a Christian school. I accepted Christ around the age of 10 but after some scandals within the church and school, I developed a negative taste for Christianity in general. This continued into adolescence and young adulthood. It worsened over time. My life spiraled out of control and I was angry at God. I reconciled that anger by saying that I no longer believed. I never called myself Athiest but I identified as Agnostic for many years. I divorced from husband #1 during this time, moved to a different state, and started to rebuild my life. It was during that time that I felt God tugging on my heart and bringing me back to Him. I began praying again. Soon after, I met my current DH and he was a Christian. I started attending church with him and I rededicated my life to Christ. I have not looked back sense.

  5. Today was our first official day ever! It went smoothly, and we actually got alot accomplished, even though I've been so busy getting the new schoolroom ready that I hadn't gotten detailed plans together.


    I posted about it and have pics of our new schoolroom here.


    Thank you to all of the wonderful members here at the hive! Because of all the information I have gotten, I feel like I am well prepared to have a great first year!


    Your schoolroom looks great!!


    This was our first day ever as well. We had a great time and ended our day with a scavenger hunt. Like you, I am really grateful for the hive! I feel empowered by this forum. So much information at our fingertips. :)

  6. I cannot imagine what a difficult situation that you must be in. :grouphug:


    I would not do it secretly. Nor would I baptize a child that hasn't asked to be baptized (unless it is a christening). I haven't read the entire thread so you maybe have already addressed this. If the child has asked to be baptized but her earthly Father denies it, then you should respect his wishes. Her Heavenly Father knows her heart, and He will know that she wanted this for herself but was denied it. By doing this, you will not be teaching her anything except that being deceitful is okay. I'm sure that's the last thing that you would want to teach her. When you married your husband you became one with him. If he is a nonbeliever then you are called to be honor him anyway. I don't believe that God would punish you for that.


    Pray over your child. Pray over your husband. Pray over your family. I have prayed for you as well. :grouphug:

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