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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. Yesterday we had



    Brown Sugar Oatmeal with bananas and milk

    (About $1. I don't eat breakfast and DH gets free breakfast at work, so only my girls ate this.)



    Applesauce with wheat crackers and water

    (Again, less than $1 for the 2 girls)



    Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Carrot Sticks, and fruit salad (strawberries, grapes, apples) and water

    (Maybe $4 for 3 of us)



    Popcorn dipped in Peanut Butter and juice

    (About $1 for 3 of us)



    Chicken Parmesan with Ziti and Lemon Garlic Steamed Brocolli

    (About $11 for all 4 of us, but we have enough leftovers for lunch today for all)


    So that's about $19 for the day.

  2. I'm asking for a friend because I have no idea.


    Is it possible to get this and use it for a 1st and 3rd grader? Is so, does she HAVE to get the workbooks as well? Do you have another suggestion for making WWE as cost effective as possible? She's on a tight budget.



  3. :) What do you have planned?


    Well I put together a conglomeration of different ideas I read here and other places online.


    When they get up, they will help me make a special breakfast (still deciding on what to make). Then we will get dressed and go up to our room. I will have decorated our room with streamers and big numbers for their grade levels. They will fill out an 'All About Me' booklet and I will take their pictures. I will measure their height with a string and then we will put the booklets and the strings in a 'time capsule' sort of thing. They will help me put up a 'Character Tree' on the wall of our classroom that we will be using for our Virtue Study. We will label and decorate our notebooks for various subjects. Then we will go out to the park and have a picnic lunch and spend the rest of the day playing on the playground with some other homeschooled kids from our church.


    Now this is how it looks in my mind. Reality may look very different. ;)

  4. I just posted a back-to-school photo that appears to be just a nice little pic of my kids but actually contains a lot of symbolism to remind me why I'm doing this.


    They are sitting at a table (in a home, not a noisy cafeteria)

    eating with their brothers (family togetherness)

    laughing their heads off at the 12yo's joke (they are best friends at ages 8-16)

    in no kind of a rush (lunch is actually 1/2 hour late today, and that's fine)

    and they are eating homemade minestrone, garlic whole grain toast, and grapes (which is not the kind of healthy lunch you get at school)

    and they're close enough to me that I can take a photo of the moment.


    OK, I feel much better now.



    See. Now THAT is awesome!! :)

  5. Wolfhound!

    All the boxers I've known have been cat eaters.


    We have 2 cats and 2 resident boxers. We also foster Boxers for a rescue. I've only had 1 foster that had to be kept away from my kitties. The rest were fine with proper introductions. One of our cats is a 'runner' and she runs and darts around. That prompts the dogs to chase and then things get tricky. Our other cat is really chill and doesn't run. We have zero problems with him and any dogs we bring in. One quick clawed swipe in the face and the dog learns his/her lesson. ;)


    I think it depends on the boxer and the cat. But I would think that would be the same for any dog. Some dogs are just no good with cats, regardless of the breed.

  6. Find soem Rescue Remedy... it stops panic attacks for me.


    Second, if you like fizzy drinks, try this:

    thaw some fruit juice concentrate. Mix with seltzer water instead of plain water. Just mix a glassful at a time, don't stir. Keep the juice concentrate in a squirty bottle in the fridge. Add it first, seltzer on top. Nutrition from the juice, fizzies, and no chemical crud. Delicious!



    That sounds yummy. Thank you! :)

  7. Many people live where there is nothing like Aldi. Food here is much more expensive, though it has recently becme more similar to averages for the lower 48) Cooking all from scratch, with smaller portions of meat, bulk buying when on sale, some home grown food including eggs etc there is no way I could get our food budget down to $400 without replacing many high nutrient foods for starches. Also, we do not buy all organic by any means.


    I understand. I wasn't trying to say that everyone should/could do that. I hope that I didn't insinuate that, but if I did, I apologize.


    I was simply defending against the argument that there was no possible way that we could be eating well/healthy for $400 a month. Because HERE we can. I'm sure that not everyone can.

  8. We've homeschooled for years, and I still feel a little nostalgic about my own first-day memories: choosing the first day outfit, Mom getting a picture by the tree, the new pencils and crayons, and the excitement of seeing friends and a new teacher.


    Bingo. I think this is it.


    I already have a really fun first day planned out for us. And I really am excited to homeschool. But this was a new experience for me and it took me back for a few minutes. I really was not expecting that.

  9. Not to mention that barring financial peril, I have no desire to feed my kids as cheaply as possible. I want to feed them as healthfully as possible. I can spend less than I do but I am attached to lots of fruits and vegetables. Cheap can be expensive in the long term when considering health.


    I'd just like to say that I'm one of those $400/month gals and my kids eat fresh fruit and veggies 2-3 times a day. Breakfast is usually oatmeal with some brown sugar and fresh cut fruit, lunch is a sandwich of natural peanut butter and wheat bread with a huge bowl of fruit.


    We shop at Aldi and I can get fruits and veggies there for next to nothing.

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