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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. It's usually the opposite here in that when I reach for an ingredient it is gone because someone has eaten it. Shredded cheese? Gone. Salami slices? Gone. Can of black olives? Gone. Blueberries for cobbler? Gone.



    This drives me CRAZY too.


    I have a container of Celery Salt in my spice rack. Every time I pull out the chili powder, I see that Celery Salt and wonder why in the world I have it.

  2. what might be very helpful for us, is that nobody got sick in our home....my kids got sick at grandmas and we have since left...does that make a difference??


    I was thinking about you earlier today. Did everyone make it home okay?


    Stomach viruses have an incubation period of 48 hours. So as long as the laundry and 'stuff' that you brought from grandmas is clean, then you should be safe there. You shouldn't pick anything up now. However, it is possible that it's still incubating in someones systems from before leaving grandma's house.


    After you reach 48 hours since departing Grandma's house, and there were no further instances of illness, then I would breath a little easier.



  3. I think they send a kit every month--I've been looking into it for my kids who are also Magic School Bus fans.


    In case you haven't seen it, Homeschool Buyer's Co-op has a deal where you can subscribe to the club for 50% off.


    Yeah I know... that's what I've been looking at, too. :tongue_smilie:


    I just didn't know if it was a box full of experiments or is it an actual curriculum?

  4. Well, I am definitely no expert (this is our first year) but I am using that exact same science curriculum AND I have 2 girls 2nd and 4th. If I find that my 4th grader needs more, I intend to find additional things to supplement for her.


    Hopefully someone can come along and answer this question for both of us! :tongue_smilie:

  5. I can barely navigate this place, constantly get logged out, dns errors, server errors...I have messages I can't figure out how to read...lol...I guess it's all what you are used to.


    Anyhoooo...if your child is in pre-algebra I absolutely guarantee and "A" WITH understanding. Caveat there will be some work involved on her part...


    Meantime you might want to fool around watching vids on my site and blog. Just search: Crewton Ramone Algebra, it's all free. Use any search engine. Hopefully you won't have to pay me for tutoring...just watch vids...maybe get a password if you need more. They are cheap.


    One of those messages is from me. I hope you can figure out how to read them! :lol:

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