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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. My DD's have always loved Magic School Bus and I'm considering getting a subscription to their monthly club. If not this year, then possibly next year. But I'm curious about the format. So they send you a 'kit' once a month? Is the kit intended for daily use? Is it a 'curriculum' or just a box of experiments? Is it a curriculum or a supplement?


    Thank you! :)

  2. Goodness. This has never even occurred to me. When we invite someone over, it's our treat. We buy extra food, etc to accommodate for the additional person. If we go somewhere, we pay admission. I guess I just always assumed that other people were the same. I've probably pissed a lot of people off, huh? :D


    The only time I've ever sent money is if they are going to a theme park or somewhere more extravagant. That way they don't feel obligated to buy a t-shirt or whatever when she asks.

  3. I am a germaphobe and I wash them all together. I bleach my kitchen at least once a day because I'm crazy obsessed with cross contamination. But... I still don't wash them separate.


    This morning I had about a half a load of kitchen/bathroom towels and rags and things.. so I threw them in. After reading this thread, I just went into the laundry room and washed them all again. I'm considering just throwing the whole pile away now. Possibly even burning them.


    You guys are NOT helping my germaphobia. My DH will not be pleased with this turn of events. :lol:

  4. I mentioned my UFO sighting in the other thread. I'll go into more detail here.


    One night about 8 years ago, me and ex-DH and DD9 (who just an infant at the time) were driving home from a Sunday night visit to his parents house. We lived in rural VA at the time, so the entire trip is about 30 minutes of quiet country back roads. Lots of empty fields and deer and not much else. We were talking quietly to each other and DD was snoozing in her carseat in the back. We went down a hill and into a 'bottom' where there were trees covering the road. My ex DH said 'WTH is THAT!' and I saw it about the same time. Floating/hovering above the trees was a bunch of red lights, in the shape of a circle. They were just above the tree line. So my DH, being the smart cookie that he is, pulled over so we could get a better look. We got out and stood there beside the car for a few minutes, trying to get a better look. The best we could tell was that it was a disc shaped craft with red running/blinking lights around the edges. It was floating right at the top of the trees above us and even possibly partially resting in the trees. It was completely silent. We got spooked and drove out of there and actually it freaked us out so bad that we never spoke of it again between the 2 of us.


    Now... I'm not saying that what we saw was an alien spacecraft. But, I will say that it was definitely unidentified and it was flying/hovering or whatever. I have never seen anything like that in my entire life.


    I promise I'm just an average person here. Not one of those crazy people you see on TV! :tongue_smilie:

  5. Okay, I haven't read all of the responses but I have a suggestion. What if you enter through the exit side? Ikea has all of their 'boxes' on the exit side. You could just go in with the numbers, get the little trolley thingy, load up your boxes and get directly in line. You wouldn't even have to walk through the whole thing?


    I don't know if that would work... but hey... it's worth a shot!

  6. As someone who has seen a UFO, I have to say that I don't disbelieve. I'm not saying that I 100% believe either but I'm open to the idea. I think it would be pretty small of us to think that we are the only living beings in the entire universe.


    And yes, I have seen a UFO. I'm not saying 'OMG I SAW AN ALIEN SPACECRAFT' but that I did see a UFO in the most literal sense of the word. It was a flying object (well, technically it was hovering) and it was definitely unidentified (at least by me and DH).


    People will think I'm a crazy person now.

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