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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. How was your weekend?

    It was fantabulous. Kids were at Grandma's so I had DH all to myself. Then, of course, there was that cupcake thread...


    Can you tell me what you have planned for tomorrow without hyperventilating?

    My littles are back home tonight and we have invited a neighbor friend over for a sleepover. They will be up all night. So tomorrow I will be doing some damage control.


    Random question of the night: What is your favorite group game? It could be a board game or a card game or an ice breaker of some kind. . . whatever goes!

    Hmmm. Spin the bottle? No? Okay then... Monopoly. I kick major Monopoly butt.

  2. I'll aim for brevity here. No promises, though. ;)


    I have had a love/hate relationship with caffeine my whole life. I love soda and coffee but I get quickly and terribly addicted to caffeine. So every once in awhile, I'll wean myself off of the caffeine and then a few months later I'll decide to have 'Just one cup of coffee.' and then it becomes a habit. Before I know it, I'm drinking 5-6 large cups of coffee every day and just feeling terrible in general. Sometimes, in an attempt to give up coffee, I'll switch over to diet soda for awhile and wean myself off. But I haven't had a diet soda in about 3 years. Until May.


    In late May, I realized that my coffee consumption was way out of hand and I switched over to Diet Coke. I thought that I would just drink a little and wean myself off. Wrong. Now I'm addicted to that and drinking 2 liters a day. Yeah, yeah... I need to stop. Same old, same old. But now I'm getting some really unnerving symptoms. About a week ago I started noticing these little attacks of heart palpitations, weakness, nausea, confusion, and disassociation. They would come on suddenly and randomly and have no real explanation. I talked to my mother and she said it sounded like panic attacks, so I began to research. Sure enough, that sounds EXACTLY like what I'm experiencing. I've been getting them once or twice a day for the past week, except today I had FOUR. It's really frustrating and scary to me because I'm not overly anxious or stressed or panicky. In fact, the last one was about 3 hours ago. I was on the phone with my best friend and we were laughing when it hit. I don't understand this at all.


    I DO NOT want to medicate and I can't really afford to see a therapist. So, me and my husband were doing some research on ways to manage them on my own. We read that aspartame is said to trigger panic attacks. Does anyone have experience with aspartame triggered panic attacks? If so, did they stop once you gave up the aspartame and caffeine? If you have experience with panic attacks, what do you do to overcome them?


    This is a frustrating and scary problem. It's frustrating because I feel like it's unwarranted and completely out of the blue. It's scary because... well... those attacks are scary! I don't want this to get worse.


    Help!!! :confused:

  3. How much do you spend on groceries and what's your family size?

    We have a family of 4, 2 kids and 2 adults. We spend about $400 a month including detergents, paper products, etc.


    What would be realistic budget be for a family of 5 in your opinion?

    If it were me and I had another kid then I could get by with somewhere in the range of $500-$600


    What are ways you use or resources you use that have helped your family save on groceries?

    Coupon if you can. We shop at Aldi. These 2 things combined have really made a huge difference for us. I have no paid 'normal' grocery prices in a year. Aldi has GREAT prices on produce and meat so we eat really well.


    What other things do you do to stretch a dollar?

    Make your own stuff whenever possible. We make our own laundry detergent and hand soap. I spend about $35 on these things and it lasts me about 8-9 months. Reduce your paper product usage. We don't buy paper towels any more. We use kitchen rags. Chicken drumsticks are great. I can get a package of 10 of them for $3 at Aldi and it feeds us all plus my husbands lunch the next day. I buy frozen chicken breasts by the bag at Aldi for $5. It gives us 2 meals. We don't eat out. DH takes leftovers for lunch and I eat whatever is left from the kids. I plan meals exactly. Down the the sticks of butter. I go grocery shopping once a week. If I forget something I send DH back out to get it because he won't be tempted to buy anything extra.


    If you live in a part of the country where the cost of living is high, how do you save on groceries and other necessities?

    I don't think the cost of living is too high here so I probably can't answer this one. I'm in NC.


    In addition, I'd love to hear tips from moms with larger families, because I would love to have more kids, but finances worry me, so we have held off.

    Only 4 of us so this doesn't apply to us either. :)


    Here are my questions:


    1. Am I right in feeling annoyed with the organizers that they didn't bother to call me to let me know about this? I am the only sibling.....and they do know where I live, my last name is very uncommon & it would be very easy to find my phone#. Yes, I'd be annoyed.


    2. Is it normal for showers to be thrown the 2nd time around? Maybe I am old fashioned in my thinking but I didn't think you did this? Most especially when you already have a house, etc. all set up? It would be like me having a baby shower for #5? I had a shower for my second marriage but his 'people' organized it. It was his first. I think it depends on where you live and your social circle. It's not as uncommon as it used to be.


    3. Isn't it tacky to ask for money?? Always.



  5. I don't 'like' them but my husband bought a HUGE $2 box of them at WalMart once. We used those things forever. I would randomly throw them in a meal where I didn't have enough side items. I always doctored them up with spices, cream cheese, sour cream, etc.


    I much prefer the real thing.

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