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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. I'm another who doesn't think this is a big deal. I have 2 girls. They don't play dress-up much anymore but when they did, they would strip down to panties in front of any/everyone if the words 'dress-up' were so much as whispered. As far as them playing dress-up at a friends house or a neighbors house, I wouldn't have a problem with that either. Perhaps it's because I wouldn't allow them into someones home that I don't already know. If it were a new friend then they wouldn't be there without me in the first place. What about bathing suits? What if someone had a sprinkler? Would they be allowed to put on a bathing suit and jump?


    I vote for not making the call. If I were on the receiving end of that call, I would have concerns that were non-existent before.

  2. ... and I couldn't resist a few pics, too.


    The girls were up by 7:15 which completely shocked me. They're normally not up under at least 9. We finished the day off with a nature scavenger hunt and lunch on the wilderness trail. I was thrilled with the day. It took longer than I'd hoped but we had a few little 'busy work' things that I can definitely trim off.


    I can't wait for tomorrow!!


    They dress themselves by the way. :lol:





  3. We talk about money in terms of ways to be frugal and conserve and stretch a dollar. I view this as a life skill that the girls can use with their own families some day. We don't discuss income, bills, lack of money, etc. I just feel like it's something that they shouldn't have to worry about. If something is too expensive I just say no. If they ask why, I simply repeat myself. I said no. End of discussion.

  4. I hear you. This is our first year homeschooling and I felt a twinge of that a few weeks ago when the kids from our old town went back to school.


    Then this morning when I heard the bus loading kids up at 6:45, I remembered that we didn't start until 9 and I rolled back over and went to sleep. That made me feel tons better.



  5. Both of mine started this over the summer. We put them to bed about 15 minutes earlier than usual and let them read for 30-45 minutes. Usually they are already asleep by that point. During the summer we weren't as strict with it but now that school has started, I make sure that lights are out by 9:30 regardless.

  6. Hi all. I have never posted on this particular section of the board before.


    This is our first year as a homeschooling family. My DD9 was tested and recommended as VSN for the AG programs at 2 separate schools in 2 separate states per the teacher recommendations. I have never quite understood what exactly this means in terms of how her brain works. To me, I've always known that she was 'smart' but I thought that AG was the PS's way of saying 'These kids actually want to learn so lets teach them something separately once a week.' I have never understood if it actually means anything significant. That probably sounds terrible, huh?


    Now that I will be her teacher, I am terrified that I will mess her up somehow. I don't want to hold her back by not giving her enough credit. So what exactly does AG mean for our homeschool? Should I approach her instruction/curriculum any differently?


    Thanks for your help! :)

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