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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. I know-- so upsetting! I'm at my office in Hartford, at Capitol Region Education Council where we do lots of professional development training for teachers and administrators. My office is right next to a big room where there's always Friday teacher/admin workshops going on-- and today it's packed. The hallway is just now FILLED with teachers and admins trying to call back to their schools in that region, and they're all poking their heads into my office to ask if I've seen any more info on the local news website. It's awful....





    Wow! Prayers going out to everyone! Can you recommend a good source for news about this?

  2. Okay. :)


    For the sick one, Oscillococcinum is great if it's the actual flu. You can get it in any pharmacy. If you can't find it just ask the pharmacist to show you where the 'stuff that helps with the flu and starts with an O'. Here's what the box looks like. http://www.childrens...ids-pellets.jpg Beyond that, yes... just let the fever do its job. Fevers begin burning viruses at 102. That's the magic number. A cool rag, a tepid bath, light clothing.


    As for the rest of you, Vitamin C and D (which is sounds like you are doing already). I have a supply of surgical face masks at my house too, just in case. Keeps us from breathing in the floating particles and touching our noses and mouths. I only bring them out when I absolutely have to, however. Because I'm sure we look like a bunch of crazies! :p You could probably pick these up at a pharmacy too, although I buy mine online.


    God luck! I hope she feels better and that everyone else stays healthy!

  3. Bless your heart. :grouphug: People can make their lives sound any way that they like on the internet. It's rarely ever like that. Every family is different and I guess everyone finds a balance that works for them personally. I'll post how we do it. Maybe you'll find a nugget or something that will help you with your own.


    Has a super clean house?

    I am fortunate that my house is brand new and has a 'clean look' to it anyway. This is my particular spot that I tend to spend a lot of time and energy on. I am a clean freak. I can't help it. But I maintain a schedule and I try to keep up with it. I'll post mine but my kids have one too.


    Daily - Morning

    One load of laundry (I throw the clothes on my bed and me and DH fold them together before bed)

    Wipe one bathroom counter and sink (we have 3, I just rotate)

    Daily Chore (below)

    Prep Dinner (usually in the crockpot)



    Daily - Lunchtime (between 12-1 pm)

    Empty and Load dishwasher

    Make lunch

    Wipe off kitchen table

    If I have neglected to prep dinner, I do it here

    Science while we eat


    Daily - Afternoon

    On the days that my daughter has cheer gym, she has to be there by 3:30, I drop her off and then run errands and/or come home and work on dinner


    Daily - Evening

    My husband picks up DD9 on his way home from work

    Eat Dinner

    Another load of dishes (my DH does this)

    Clean/wipe down kitchen

    I sweep the kitchen floor

    Kids baths, in bed by 9 with free reading until 10

    Parent free/alone time from 9-10:30

    Me and DH go to our room at 10:30, we fold and put away the clothes, sometimes we watch a movie, sometimes we pass out, sometimes we talk, etc


    Daily Chores:

    Monday - Vacuum

    Tuesday - Clean Mirrors and glass

    Wednesday - Toilets and Tubs

    Thursday - Mop Floors

    Friday - Swing Day (below, Fridays are generally free of cheerleading so we have a heavier cleaning schedule and later school schedule)

    Saturday - Catch up/Declutter Day


    Swing Day Chores:

    Wipe down furniture and cabinets

    Oven, Microwave, Fridge

    Walls, Baseboards, and Doors

    Spot Clean upholstery and rugs



    Homeschools a billion subjects with a billion children, and also adds in a bunch of outside activities and homeschool/church stuff

    I only have 2 kiddos. We start between 8-9 am and are done by 12-1. Then we have have lunch, clean up, and then free/play time. DD9 is involved in competitive cheerleading and unfortunately this particular activity is a HUGE time suck. She is in the gym 3-5 days a week for up to 2-3 hours. I will often drop her off and go run errands during this time. DD7 takes art lessons every Wednesday night. I serve in the preschool class at church on Sunday (but not every single week) and me and my DH clean the church once a month. That's it.


    works out

    Ummmm, no. I wish. Sometimes we have time to take a walk after dinner. Does that count? :glare:


    cooks everything from scratch

    Not EVERYTHING, but a lot. The longer I do it, I actually find it to be cheaper and easier as long as it's planned. The crockpot and freezing meals are your FRIEND. Having said that, we have frozen pizza for dinner at least once a week... sometimes twice. ;)


    cooks mostly organic food

    I try, but this isn't really feasible with our grocery budget. I do try to buy fresh or non-processed whenever possible.


    has very low grocery budgets

    Our grocery budget is $100/week. I shop almost exclusively at Aldi. Some people argue that Aldi is full of processed foods and while this is the case... I simply just don't buy them (or many of them). I buy fresh or frozen fruits and veggies, frozen chicken breasts, cheeses, sour cream, milk, eggs, honey, pasta, dry beans, rice, etc. I make many of our soap products and that helps A LOT. I recently spent about $22 and made 9 months of laundry detergent.




    I feel like this post is 100 miles long, so if you would like specifics about menu plans and recipes, message me privately and I'll hook you up. :)

  4. How *do* you force them to eat? Physically shove it down their throat? Intimidate them? Threaten them? Keep serving the same food and nothing else until they finally eat it? If it gets to the point where the oroginal food is spoiled- do you cook up another batch of it and start over? Would you do the same for yourself if you were served a bad meal at a restaurant or friend's home?




    I don't have to force, intimidate, or threaten. They know the rule. They try a bite, if they don't like it, they're free to spit it out or whatever. They move on to the next thing. I don't make them sit and eat a plate full of it. Just a bite. I don't serve spoiled food. I'm actually not sure what spoiled food has to do with it? Maybe I missed a post?

  5. My Mom had a rule when we were growing up. If you don't like then don't eat it. But no one was allowed to say, "I don't like that." It helped me and my siblings because we learned to taste and try things for ourselves and not make our decisions based on the opinions for others. My Mom was constantly making things that she hated and we never even knew.


    We have a rule in my house. You have to try things that you don't like every so often. And yes, the rule applies to adults too. In fact, avocados are now among my favorite foods and I used to HATE them. We have fresh fruits and/or veggies with every meal. For the longest time DD7 only liked apples and green peas. That's is. But I made her try at least one bite of everything on her plate. Every time. The result is that she now eats green grapes, peaches, apples, strawberries, pears, cucumbers, carrots, and green beans too. I often get frustrated when I think of all the things that she won't eat. But then I remember how far she's come and I feel better.

  6. Could someone explain to me how threads like this get resurrected? "Food stamps" seems like such an odd search term for a newbie on a homeschooling forum. Is GMGUY an old poster now registered under a new name?


    Sometimes I see these resurrected contentious threads and wonder if somehow it's an orchestrated effort to drive traffic, but that's pretty cynical even for me. Does anyone have a better theory?




    I have always thought that it was because someone did a google search and a WTM thread pops into search. That is, after all, how I found this forum. Although I was searching for something homeschool related and a WTM thread popped into the results.


    Anyway, I think they see the forum thread and register in order to put their comments in. They may or may not even pay attention to the purpose behind this forum.

  7. I have been planning next year so that I'm ready to buy in April for my 9 months of no interest ;)


    Anyway... next year my girls will be 8 and 10. I was going to put them in Core D&E. Then I was going to make the younger one repeat the core again the following year, while my older child went on to Core F. I was reading the other thread about Core E and it made me concerned that this Core will be too advanced for my younger DD next year.


    I have a Core B&C as well. I had intended on using it this year but I was concerned that it was too babyish for older DD. She is advanced and highly gifted and I didn't want to hold her back too much. Should I put DD8 in Core B&C next year instead? I am terrified about running 2 cores at the same time. I can't even begin to imagine how much time that will take!



  8. If your 7yo is actually helpful and is otherwise getting a "Sunday school" lesson (I assume religion is part of your daily life, not just a 1-hr class on Sunday) AND it;s not against church policy then let her help.


    In my experience, sometimes the teen helpers are useless- my younger girls hated having teen helpers- they just talked to each other and rolled their eyes when asked to do anything. They would have all rather had a slightly-older girl who actually helped in their class.


    LOL, I'm also going to assume that even if it;s against church policy to have a 7yo helper, it won;t matter because you're already expected to run the class without a helper as required in their policy. ;) Maybe tell your DD that on days there is an adult helper she will have to go to her regular class? My only concern is what about taking a child to the restroom? She is kinda young, IMO, to handle that for someone else's kid, but not old enough to stay alone in a classroom while you take them out.


    Also, in my opinion, if she wants to stay with you because she loves the little kids and enjoys helping, then it;s OK. If she doesn;t want to go to her class because it;s overwheling, too "old" or just not educational enough- then address those issues. For example, one of mine wanted to quit her class because all they did was watch Veggie Tales and eat graham crackers.



    It's not necessarily against the policy, but she's not considered an official 'helper'. (i.e. she doesn't have to get a background check, lol)


    For the potty breaks, I have to page the pastors wife to take my little potty-goers. Or, if my husband is with me, he stays with my class while I go (the men aren't allowed to take them to the potty). Anyway, either way there is a system in place that DD7 isn't 'in charge' of either. Her main responsibility is to help me keep everyone occupied. Sometimes if they get too loud and distracted , she'll play Candyland or Simon Says with them to keep them occupied.


    Teaching a class of 10-15 preschoolers is mostly just semi-controlled chaos anyway. :p

  9. Hello ladies. I need a little WWYD advice this morning.


    I teach Sunday School in the preschool class on Sundays, 3-5 year old children. There are usually approximately 10-15 children in this class every Sunday and the church rule is that any class that size needs a teach AND a helper. However, our church is also short on adult volunteers for the children's ministry and so many classes go without helpers. Once a month, the high school girls help in the classes but the rest of the time, we're just kind of on our own. It really becomes an issue when someone needs to go potty, etc. Anyway... for about 2 months, I let my DD's (7 and 9) help me in my class. They aren't a HUGE help but they at least helped to keep the kids occupied by playing games and things with them.


    At some point I convinced my DH to step up and help me and now I have him instead. So I told my girls that they could go back to their own Sunday School class. My DD7 doesn't want to go back to her class. She said that she likes being with me. She seems to enjoy being a 'helper' as well. She does have a few friends in that class too, because our church has a good homeschool community and some of the kids there are in our homeschool group. She is a little introverted as well.


    I worry that she is 'too attached' to me. I worry that she's afraid of being without me. Would this concern you or am I overreacting? Should I let her stay or make her go?


    ((Please forgive the grammar and choppiness of this post. It's taken me an hour to type it because I'm in the middle of teaching multiplication. Ha!))

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