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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. - wipes my feet and plops down on the nearest comfortable chair -


    Where's the coffee? :drool5:


    We are doing pretty good sin the sickness department. *knocks on wood* We were all pretty sick around Thanksgiving. I woke up a few days ago with a cough and stuffy nose but it hasn't gotten too bad.


    We have to go to Christmas Eve program practice tonight, but the kids are all other homeschooled kids, so hopefully it won't be too germy. Friday we are going to a homeschool Christmas party at a friends house, so again... hopefully we won't be too germy. Sunday night we're supposed to have a PS friend sleep over at our house. Otherwise we are not leaving the house until Christmas as we're hoping to all stay healthy!


    DD7 slept until 10 am this morning and told me that sleeping late is her favorite part of home school. :laugh: I just let her sleep, it's the last day before Christmas break... why sweat the small stuff!


    I hope everyone is feeling well in time for the holidays!! :)

  2. I wrap and put out the gifts from me and my husband early. Well, this year not so early because I haven't done it yet. But they're usually out a few weeks in advance. The Santa gifts are unwrapped, and those go out on Christmas Eve.

  3. Absolutely not unreasonable. Honestly, I would send dh over there to see his mother and to drop off gifts and to pick them up for the rest of you. I would not take Grayson out even before the other kids get there. Please listen to the doctor and just don't take him out at all.




    As usual, I agree with Jean. Stick to your guns, Mama!

  4. My DD7 is in Horizons 2 Math after being in PS her first 2 years of school. She catches on pretty quickly to Math, but has really been struggling with telling time. We have a small clock model from Carson-Delosa. In general she seems to understand how to tell time as long as the minute hand is before the 6. But after the minute hand passes 6, I lose her.


    I have tried every way that I can possibly think of to explain it to her. She can't seem to understand that the hour hand is just getting closer to the next hour. The most recent technique that I tried was the birthday technique. That seemed to click at first, but as soon as I asked her to do it a few times on her own, she was lost again.


    Can anyone recommend a resource, a game, a trick... anything?


    Thanks in advance! :)

  5. It also sounds like the flu to me. I woke up at 3 am with it once about 5 years ago. I woke up freezing to the point that I was convulsing, temp of 104. The body aches hit next and I just collapsed in the kitchen. I was unable to move. My husband carried me (quite literally) to the doctor where it was confirmed. It lasted a little over a week. At some point, I just remember that I was able to move around again. The week or so that I was out is just a huge blur of nightmares, pains, and fever/chills.


    I hope you feel better soon!

  6. As someone who is OCD and uptight about EVERYTHING (especially food and the way things are handled in the kitchen), I have to say that I actually identified a lot with your sister here. As I was reading, I thought, "Wow. That sounds like something that I might do/say." Having said that, I can almost promise you that she was not intending on being hurtful to you. In fact, it would probably be the very last thing that she'd want to do. The posters above were correct in saying that it is not your issue, it is definitely hers. Chances are, she's probably well aware of it too. People offer to help me, and at first I will agree but then, I get annoyed with the way they're dripping poultry juice all over the place or not 'properly' washing the vegetables and I realize that it's far less stressful for me to just do it all myself.


    Also, while it's stressful for me to handle at the time of the event, I rarely remember what anyone specifically did that stressed me, or what they did 'wrong'. So she may not remember it the way that you do. I don't see the person behind the person behind the behavior. Just the behavior. For example, when you were dumping the potatoes and she stopped you.... if that were me, I would stop the potatoes from splashing and then I would focus on THEM and fixing THEM and the mess that THEY had made. It's not about the person. It's about the process and methodology behind the details. Very difficult to explain. She likely has a separation between you and the event. Unfortunately, because your brain doesn't work that way, you are not able to separate her actions from the event. My husband routinely loads the dishwasher incorrectly. I will stop him as he's doing it and say, "Stop. They don't go that direction." The entire time I'm just staring at the backwards bowl. I'm not even thinking about him, just obsessing over fixing the bowl so that it's facing the correct way. Try your best to let it go. I promise that she wasn't intentionally trying to hurt you.

  7. I almost afraid to post that I might kill the thread.


    - Both of my kids were bottle fed. Powder formula. Oh, the horror!

    - I have never, ever... not even once allowed my kids to sleep in my bed.This is my bed. You have your own. Sleep in it.

    - Both of my kids had colic. I would put them in their crib and let them cry while I made dinner, cleaned, and just plain out survived.

    - They went to daycare while I worked full time, until they were old enough to start school. Sometimes I even took them to daycare on my day off.

    - When me and my first husband got divorced, he got custody of my kids. (Not because I was unfit but because I couldn't afford an attorney. Obviously, I eventually got them back.)

    - I have diagnosed OCD and OCPD and I don't take medication for it.

    - I have higher expectations for one of my kids than another.

    - They were public schooled until the end of 1st and 3rd grades.

    - I have a bad temper. Some times I get frustrated and scream and yell like an insane person. Some times I throw things, too. (much of this comes from OCPD and things not being exactly perfect)

    - We don't always cook from scratch. Sometimes I will use a can of veggies or soup to mix in. We eat frozen pizza at least once a week. Sometimes hotdogs, too. ;)

    - At least part of the reason that I homeschool is because I'm an OCD germaphobic who does not want PS germs invading my home.

    - I curse like a sailor. My kids used to repeat it when they were toddlers, but not any more. They just ignore it mostly and I've gotten better about not cursing around them.

    - I am addicted to caffeine to the point where I have multiple attacks if I fall behind on my daily intake.

    - My germaphobia causes my kids to miss out on things. For example, my daughter is supposed to have a Christmas party with her cheer gym tomorrow. We won't be attending because it's pot luck and I refuse to let her eat food from peoples kitchens that I don't know. It's easier not to go than to try to explain this to her.

    - I allow them to climb up the slide at the park. :blush: :blink:

    - We used to take cupcakes to public school. :eek: :willy_nilly:

  8. My girls have played with Barbie in the past, but they were never hardcore about it. They always seemed to prefer other things. They still have them but they use her accessories for the other things they play. For example, her house is used as a Littlest Pet Shop Mansion, her car belongs to the Webkinz, some of her things get used with AG's, etc.


    I just read up a little and saw that some were discussing Monster High. My girls definitely prefer MH to Barbie.

  9. Both of my girls have recently shown an interest in sewing and Santa was going to bring a sewing machine and some supplies for hand sewing. Yesterday DD9 decided to make a replica of her cheer uniform and she did it with felt and a glue stick. Here it is...




    After that, I went ahead and gave her a few hand sewing materials to get started and she's been going non-stop ever since. She's already sewn up 4 pillows for her AG.

  10. Mine originally knew that there had been a bad man in a school but then the subject was dropped and they seemingly forgot about it. Then the next night, I had the radio on in the car and the news popped on and the announcer said the death toll before I could change it. It happened in seconds. So then they had a million questions. I answered them and tried to spin them the best way that I could. We don't have cable so they haven't seen any news coverage at all. All they heard was that 5 second headline announcement and what I've told them.

  11. I have a fantastic relationship with my ex MIL. I don't have any children with my 2nd DH and we likely never will, but if we did... then I'm almost positive that my ex MIL would count them as hers too. My ex-MIL has 4 children. She also counts ex-stepgrandchildren as hers. (i.e. her daughter married a man with kids from a previous marriage, her daughter and the man eventually got divorced, she still calls the mans children her grandkids)


    Odd or not, it is what it is. :)

  12. Sambucol, pronto. Seriously it only helps if you take it right away. My son came down with a high fever in the waiting room while waiting for his well visit check two years ago. He was fine when we walked in the building and looked super sick by the time we got back for the check up (104 fever). Doc tested for flu and he was positive for swine flu. He said he'd be sick for a week. We were moving 24 hours away in four days. We gave him and the rest of the family sambucol. He had it 3 days and nobody else got it. We've used it for stomach bugs since and it definitely shortens the duration,



    Where can it be purchased?

  13. I have been in tears and sick to my stomach about this all day. What a horrible, senseless tragedy.


    I haven't read all of the posts and I've not read any confirmed information on this, but I read somewhere that the shooters mother was an employee at the school. Perhaps that is why he was allowed inside? When my daughters were in school, you had to be buzzed in the building at the main door. If they knew you, they'd see you standing there and buzz you in, and smile and wave as you walked by. They knew that on certain days, certain people showed up for various reasons and they were used to it. Maybe it was something like that?

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