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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. We have two and usually spend ... a lot. It helps that we don't have to buy for any other family members or friends. Except for Secret Santa at cheer and my husbands employer.


    A few things that help us... my husband cashes in his unused vacation and sick time at the end of the year. His employer is very generous with the vacation days and while he gets 4 weeks, he only takes one. Also, I start shopping in September. I slowly accumulate things here and there and before I know it, we've got a ton of things. I buy many things secondhand, off Craigslist, and eBay. I don't mean junk either... I mean good stuff! I bought DD7 a HUGE lot of Littlest Pet Shops off of eBay. It was 15 houses, over 100 pets, a board game, and 2 carrying cases for $100 and shipping. Both of my girls are getting iPod Touch this year as part of their gifts. I got them both for less than $150 on eBay in September. I ALWAYS buy their clothes at Goodwill. I've spent about $75 altogether on clothes, and they both have 6-7 boxes of clothes to open. Not junk either... good stuff (Aeropostale, Justice, American Eagle... I even got DD9 a pair of Miss Me jeans.) It's amazing how far you can stretch a dollar if you buy secondhand!

  2. I had something right before Thanksgiving, headache, fever, chills, sore throat, sinus issues, nausea. It lasted for a full 14 days. No flu though.


    I had the flu once a few years ago, and honestly... as bad as I felt it didn't compare to how I felt when I had the flu. I seriously wanted to die. The body aches!!

  3. The exact same thing happens to me when I eat bananas. Sometimes, I will get nausea too. It's been a recent development, it started over the past year or so. It really frustrates me because I love bananas and I used to eat the almost daily. I had to stop eating them... although I will sneak a bite here or there. If i stick to eating 1/4 of a banana at a time, I don't have the issues.

  4. I'm not exactly against sleepovers, but I'm not pro-sleepover either. I basically ride the fence here. We have allowed them on certain occasions. My best friend of 20 years has a daughter the same age as my oldest, and she has a birthday sleepover every year. We go to those. I also attend to help my friend manage the chaos. My girls have a friend in the neighborhood who would have a sleepover EVERY SINGLE DAY if she could. It gets rather annoying. We allow those too, in moderation. I don't like it that much, but it has more to do with the cranky/sleeplessness and the ODing on sugar that the mother allows. Also, the last time they were there, they watched Twilight, which I did not appreciate. Anyway... it's less to do with fear of molestation and more to do with my not being comfortable of letting go of the control of what goes into their minds and bodies.


    Recently, I've begun to suggest they sleep over here instead. I want to foster the friendship, but not promote the vampire-obsessed culture and high fructose corn syrup. :)

  5. Hmmm, this kind of depends on your team. Usually, the team will have certain makeup techniques or an overall 'look' that they want. My daughter is in All Star cheer and they give us a makeup kit at the beginning of comp season. Last year we had eye decals, those were so easy. Anyway, this year we do a smokey eye and red lips.


    Find out if the team has a look that they're trying to achieve first. If nothing else, I would recommend a smoky eye and lips in a color that would coordinate with her uniform. Remember to go heavy on the makeup so that she won't get washed out onstage. Good luck!

  6. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: BTDT.


    My advice to you-


    Know what you are going to have for dinner by 10 am. Prep it, throw it in a crockpot, whatever, but know, and do what you can in the morning to make that time easier. Stressing at 6 because you don't know what's for dinner sends kids into tailspin. If ou know what it will be, you can get it done earlier because you will be ready, and then you'll know there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Making a weekly menu makes this easier.


    Now, MY kids went off the wall at five pm like clockwork. *Clockwork*. I knew the time, by the wailing. (My DD17 STILL has a 5 pm bell, and she will admit it to you)


    BEcause they didn't want to eat earlier than five, so what I did, was give baths at 5. Water calms the savage children. I swear by it. Tantrum? Throw them in a tub. Add bubbles, and a few toys and you have a *happy kid*. IT is magical, I swear.


    Then, when they are calm, and clean, give them their dinner. Do a fast cleanup, and then let them play quietly, hand them to Dh, whatever you do, and into bed by 8.


    PLease, I beg of you, listen to this one thing, if you ignore all of that. Routine is your friend. They crave it, you need it, it's not a bad thing, it's not a curse word. It's a blessing, it's freeing and if you set up a routine and stick to it, they will relax into it, and you will have peace in your house.


    Then, you get some quiet time, and recharge and it's all good. :grouphug:



    I think I love you too!! :001_wub:

  7. I just received a phone call from my husband. He has been struggling with an ongoing issue at work. He has spoken to his superior about it but nothing seems to change. He loves his job and tries not to complain because he is thankful to have it. But he is very discouraged and angry and it's affecting his spirit.


    If any of you would like to say a prayer for him, we would all certainly appreciate it. Thank you. :grouphug:

  8. DD9 knows some (but not all) of her multiplication tables. She still counts them on her fingers and that drives me crazy. I have been investigating things that may help her memorize them and one thing that I've read several times is the suggestion that she could write them every day.


    Is this effective? If not, do you have other suggestions? If it is effective, should I have her write them in table format or just list them out?


    Thanks! :)

  9. Please get rid of it.


    I had the most awful food poisoning from a tuna fish sandwich at a restaurant. I'll spare you the details but it left me passed out on the bathroom floor.


    It took me another 10 years before I ate tuna fish again and actually I have only had it about 3-4 times in 20 years I was so traumatized.


    I got food poisoning once from those pre-cooked chicken strips in a bag. I remember the passed out on the bathroom floor thing.


    I hear this a lot about tuna, though. It makes me wonder. Does bad tuna not smell/taste bad?

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