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Posts posted by MiniBlondes


    Yes, these are real. We received one last summer from a nephew and his live-in girlfriend of 7 years. I posted about it last summer. "Although you are really awesome, we simply can't invite all the awesome people we know..." It came complete with request that if we would care to donate $$$ to them that would also be "awesome".


    Get out of here! They asked you to DONATE?! My mouth is literally hanging wide open at the moment. :ohmy:



    This same self centered couple sent an invitation and tickets to the Mexico event to his elderly grandparents who are in assisted living. They don't get around well and would never be able to make the trip. We, their caretakers, were sent the non-invite :p We did consider taking his grandparents and dropping them at the wedding with the advice that we packed plenty of diapers for them and we, the non-invitees, were going to vacation nearby :D


    And this? Made my mouth open wider. In laughter. :laugh: :lol:

  2. Breakfast and lunch are eaten at the table with me and the kids. Dinner is the only meal where my husband is home and we always eat together at the table. My DD9 is heavily involved in sports so sometimes we don't sit down to eat until 8 or 9 and it's a frozen pizza, but the point is that we eat it together. I am a neat freak and do not allow eating or drinking outside of the kitchen/dining room so we always eat at the table regardless. We may as well eat together.

  3. I was nauseous after seeing the very first photograph of the living room. I can't even imagine. Although, I'm more like one of the previous posters who said that she feels her house is a mess when there are 5 things on the coffee table.


    I think CPS should absolutely have been involved. Especially with a 2 year old in the home. It just looked really dangerous for a toddler to be trying to live in. They are so curious about everything and get into everything. The chemicals under the bathroom sink were bad enough.


    I voted, then read the article and clicked the bathroom pics. I wish I hadn't. Curiosity and the cat and all of that.

  4. Stuff.

    Seriously, the less stuff you have, the easier it is to clean. Wiping counters takes seconds if there is no junk on the counters - the piles of stuff are the deterrent. Sweeping floors is quick if there is no stuff on the floor.

    Cleaning is quick. It's clutter that eats time.



    This is EXACTLY why I despise clutter. I have a certain clutter tolerance and once I've reached the clutter maximum, my heart rate elevates and I start to have a panic attack. My family has learned to read the signs and they usually jump into action immediately, or they prevent it from getting to that level to begin with. On average, I can tolerate 3-4 items that don't belong in the living room. Beyond that, I start to freak out. DD9 says that she can see it on my face when I get to the bottom of the steps. She says this look comes over my face and that I usually start doing some sort of windshield wiper motion with my hands or arms. Haha.


    I used to ignore clutter and pretend it wasn't there but I found that my house was constantly out of control and messy and I couldn't keep it clean. A messy house is something that I have very little tolerance for, and when it gets messy and stays messy, I actually get depressed. So it's important that my house stay clean. The easiest and most effective way to do this is by controlling clutter. It took us awhile to get a good system down but I'd say that it's rare for me to ever be embarrassed by surprise guests.

  5. I had a Tiffany engagement ring that I lost while we were moving this past spring. Unfortunately I never insured it, so it's just gone. We keep hoping that it will magically turn up one day. Soon after that, I stopped wearing my wedding band. Both rings were too big for my finger and would slide off if I held my hand upside down.


    Apparently I'm too lazy to get them resized. Or just buy a ring guard.

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