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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. so what do you do when you absolutely can't sick, but you are the main care giver of the sick kids???? I know there isn't anything that is 100%...but what do you rely on???


    Surgical masks, rubber gloves, and BLEACH. A fresh unopened bottle of bleach. Lysol is somewhat effective but it has to be the right kind. Lysol and Clorox wipes DO NOT kill the virus. http://www.stopthest...ach-flu-viruses


    Best advice? Keep sick person in a bathroom alone, only go in and care for him/her when you must. If it is Norovirus, it will be contagious for up to 2 weeks after in their feces. The virus is transmitted fecal-oral but that's not as simple as it sounds. You can inhale the vomits or fecal particles too (hence my surgical mask suggestion). After they stop showing symptoms, I recommend keeping the 'sick room' closed off for 3 or so days and then disinfecting every surface with bleach. You can wash the clothes and things but understand that Noro is difficult to kill, even at high temps, so your standard wash isn't going to cut it necessarily.


    Noro is a nasty nasty bug. Quarantine the ill person, wear a mask and gloves, wash your hands A LOT, and whatever you do... don't touch your face.

  2. I am terrible with Math. We are using Horizons this year and my 4th grader's Math is already over my head most days. There is a reason for this, but I won't go into all of the details here. Suffice to say that in 3rd grade, I was put into the foster care system and the rest of my life I was in 'survival mode'. Math was the least of my worries. Anyway, thankfully, my husband is a Math wiz so he currently picks up my slack. However, I feel most days that I am shorting DD10 because she herself is also very mathy. So because of this we have decided to go with Teaching Textbooks and Khan Academy for next year. DD10 will be going from Horizons 4 to TT7 next year. We will use Khan Academy to fill in any holes or gaps as we go along.

  3. DD10 asked me yesterday if I would homeschool her kids when she grows up and has them. I laughed it off at first because I hadn't really thought about it. But then I thought, I'm working so hard so that they can be well-educated and have a promising career as an adult. If I homeschooled their kids then they could continue to focus on their careers and still know that their children are still being well taken care of and are getting a good education.


    Now, obviously, we have a long way to go before this becomes an issue. But it honestly made me curious.

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