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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. History/Bible: Sonlight Core D

    Math: TT4

    Science: Sonlight Science E (with DD10)

    Spelling and Vocab: Sequential Spelling and Wordly Wise

    Grammar: Winston

    Writing: PLL

    Logic: Critical Thinking Activities

    Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting 2

    Art: Artistic Pursuits

    Music: Guitar lessons

    PE: running 2 miles 3/4x per week

    Foreign Language: unsure

    Extra currics: Girl Scouts, Childrens Theater

  2. Here's what we've planned thus far for next year.


    History and Bible Sonlight Core E

    Math TT6

    LA: Wordly Wise, Winston Grammar, Intermediate Language Lessons (and some Sonlight Core L/A)

    Spelling: Sequential Spelling

    Science: Sonlight Science E

    Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting 4

    Art: Artistic Pursuits

    Music: Piano lessons

    Foreign Language: unsure

    Logic: Critical Thinking Activities

    PE: Allstar Cheerleading and running 2 miles 3/4x a week

  3. DD7 must be the pickiest eater on the planet. I lose my temper with her at least once a week because she refuses to eat basically anything. I need ideas for sneaky ways to get her to eat, drink, or otherwise consume her vegetables without knowing what she's getting herself into. For example, the other day I made whole wheat pancakes and managed to throw some pureed spinach in there without her knowing. :laugh:


    Here's a list of fruit and veggies that she WILL eat.




    Green Grapes



    Green Beans

    Peas (sometimes, only canned ones)




    Here's a list of fruits and veggies that I buy or have on hand regularly but she refuses to eat


    Bell Peppers





    Pea Pods





    Citrus Fruits

    Grape Tomatoes






    Does anyone have ideas or suggestions? Tried and true recipes would be great. :)

  4. Well, I had originally typed out this long response and then I accidentally deleted it. Great.


    Just a quick update. She's in good spirits and he sugar is improving. It was 157 tonight and although that is still high, it's an improvement of 100 from yesterday. Her pain is being managed well and she's comfortable. The only real issue that she had today was inability to keep anything on her stomach. They have her on a liquid diet and even that is not staying down. So they said that they will get her in to see a GI specialist in the morning.


    Thank you all so much for your continued prayers. It really, truly means a lot to us!!

  5. Thank you ladies!. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


    I spoke with her on the phone about 30 minutes ago. She was surprisingly lucid and in good spirits, although I'm not sure how much of that was because of the anesthesia. I am driving down tomorrow and will spend the rest of the weekend there with her. We discussed that when she gets released from the hospital, she will come stay with me during the healing process since I will be able to help her on a more 24/7 basis than our mother, who works full time.


    So we shall see. I'll keep you all updated. And thank you again, so so much.

  6. Elise, what a great idea. she seems to think she will be saving money by homeschooling


    That is a great idea. Get a Sonlight or Winter Promise catalog and pretend to be excited over showing her the options. Then tell her that each kid needs their own of EVERYTHING. $7000 later....

  7. Updated 3/3:

    I just got a call about an hour ago. She's coming home! She should be here at some point this evening. Her creatinine levels with her kidneys are still elevated but there's not much more they can do for them at this point. She will begin home healthcare and outpatient therapy for it next week.


    Thank you all for your prayers, well wishes, and positive thoughts!!!



    About a week ago my sister called me and told me that she had a large boil on her back and that it really hurt. We joked about how gross that was and how she should put it on Youtube, etc. The next day she was jokingly saying that she thought it was going to kill her and she was telling me her last wishes, etc. I told her she needed to go to the doctor, and she did last Wednesday.


    The doctor tried to lance the boils on her back but the infection was too hard so they gave her antibiotics and wrote her an excuse from work for 4 days. During those 4 days, I spoke with her daily and she was progressively getting worse, unable to eat or drink, in a lot of pain, and very weak. So Monday she went back to the same doctor. They immediately sent her to the hospital for IV antibiotics. The hospital decided to admit her and our mother drove to be with her. The idea was that she was going to have surgery today to drain the wounds and then she'd probably be on her way home this evening.


    This afternoon my mother called and said that my sister had been diagnosed with Type II diabetes and the infection was most likely from that. My sister seemed to be in good spirits and the nurses all loved her and were teaching her how to control her insulin. My mother called me approximately 30 minutes ago and said that she had made it through surgery but that the wound was much worse than they'd originally suspected. The surface wound stretched from shoulder to shoulder across her back but once he got in there he found that it extended much further down her back. He kept cutting away layer after layer until he cut down to her muscle to finally get the infection. He is concerned about her body's ability to heal such a large wound, especially given her recent diabetes diagnosis. He said that it will likely take a minimum of 6 months to heal and most likely much longer. She will have to have almost round the clock care to keep her wound cleaned and dressed.


    My sister is only 40 and we are quite concerned over what all of this will mean for her long term. Her name is Melanie, and we would all sure appreciate any prayers or positive juices that you could send in her direction.


    Thank you!


    UPDATE #1:


    Thank you ladies!. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


    I spoke with her on the phone about 30 minutes ago. She was surprisingly lucid and in good spirits, although I'm not sure how much of that was because of the anesthesia. I am driving down tomorrow and will spend the rest of the weekend there with her. We discussed that when she gets released from the hospital, she will come stay with me during the healing process since I will be able to help her on a more 24/7 basis than our mother, who works full time.


    So we shall see. I'll keep you all updated. And thank you again, so so much.


    UPDATE #2


    Well, I had originally typed out this long response and then I accidentally deleted it. Great.


    Just a quick update. She's in good spirits and he sugar is improving. It was 157 tonight and although that is still high, it's an improvement of 100 from yesterday. Her pain is being managed well and she's comfortable. The only real issue that she had today was inability to keep anything on her stomach. They have her on a liquid diet and even that is not staying down. So they said that they will get her in to see a GI specialist in the morning.


    Thank you all so much for your continued prayers. It really, truly means a lot to us!!



    UPDATE #3 2/26:


    She is still in the hospital. I came home on Sunday and switched places with my Mom so that we could try to get some schoolwork done here. Her diabetes is under control, as is her wound which is actually healing a lot nicer than we expected. However, her kidneys are now giving her a terrible time. So we are waiting that out, and hoping for the best. There's not a lot that the doctors can do for her kidneys, so it's basically a waiting game. She says that she feels fine, although she is still struggling with keeping any food down. At this point, it's mainly her kidney function and her personal spirit that are struggling the most.



    If anyone would like to see her wound, here are some links to photos. The wound is not nearly as bad as how it had originally been described to me over the telephone. The black that you see there is a sponge, and the tube is a pump. You can definitely see the amount of healing that she's already had.


    Warning, these photos may disturb some. Viewer discretion.

    Taken the day after surgery - http://i56.tinypic.com/egbjoy.jpg

    Taken yesterday - http://i51.tinypic.com/2rf8t9c.jpg

  8. I think that it takes a few days for a house that was just put on the market to get put online and stuff. Realtors have a database that allows them that access before the general public. That could be why the realtors are riding by. What a crappy situation for him to put you in. Hopefully you'll get some good news soon and it will all be a moot point.

  9. We buy the Core and do our own Language Arts but do use the readers.


    This is what we do as well. They follow the reader schedule but we do our own Language Arts. We've experimented with other Science programs but always seem to come back to Sonlight. At times it can be a bit disjointed but my kids seem to enjoy and learn more from it. As far as Math goes, has your husband looked at Horizons? It tends to be pretty advanced.

  10. I have a 2nd and 4th grader... here's what the 2nd grader does.


    Sonlight Science D (we do Science during breakfast, otherwise we find that it never gets done)

    Sonlight Core D History comes next


    The rest is workboxed and she does it in whatever order she wants

    Grammar Lesson/ Worksheet every day (Scott Foresman)

    Sequential Spelling

    A Reason For Handwriting

    Horizons 2

    Primary Language Lessons (3x/week)


    She does all of her independent reading in bed between 8:30-10 pm

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