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Posts posted by MiniBlondes

  1. I bought Spelling Power. I didn't give myself enough time to read it, nor do I really have time to read it. I did the placement tests and I've been using the flow lists so far but I feel like I'm just kind of failing altogether.


    Should I switch to a different program? If so, I need it to be open and go and inexpensive. Ideas?

  2. How do you feel about your choice to homeschool?



    Are you happy you started homeschooling?



    Are your children happy to be homeschooled?

    Yes. They are thrilled so far.

    What do you feel is your favorite part of the school day? least favorite?

    My favorite part would be Bible, which we do over breakfast. I really enjoy waking up and having that time together as a family. I also enjoy Science because we will normally curl up together on the sofa together.


    What is your favorite part of the school year? least favorite?

    Since this is our first year, I don't have enough experience to accurately answer this.


    What is your favorite subject to teach? Your children's favorites?

    My favorite to teach and their favorite to learn, so far, has been Science.


    How do you feel inside when you tell people you homeschool?

    I am very proud of our decision. I love it when we're out in public during the day and people give me funny looks or ask questions.


    This exact moment in time....what are you feeling when you look back on your day (or yesterday if your day hasn't started yet)?

    We had our first 'rough day' today. Although it was difficult, I am optimistic and still look forward to tomorrow.

  3. This is our first year homeschooling. We identify with CM approach more than anything else. I started out buying Sonlight because I had wanted something boxed and easy to follow but as I started to plan my year, I realized that it was not what I was looking for. At that point, I already had all of the books so I decided to go forward with the LA portion for the literature aspect. I shelved the History portion. I knew that everyone said that their LA wasn't sufficient, so I began looking at other things. Now, I'm afraid that I've added too much. Still other times, I'm afraid that we don't have enough. Please help me! :lol:



    (Daily) Spelling Power

    (Daily) Wordly Wise

    (Daily) Sonlight Reader Schedule (I do the worksheets too)

    (Tu & Th) Writing Strands

    (M,W,F) Primary Language Lessons/Intermediate Language Lessons


    I am worried that the girls are getting too much writing and not enough grammar so I'm considering adding Easy Grammar as well. Overkill?


    I think I'm comfortable with everything else on my lineup but I'm still struggling with LA. Thoughts?

  4. First, I wanted to give you a great big HUG!! :grouphug: Second, I want to reassure you that you ARE doing the right thing and it will be okay. This is our first year as well and I felt the same way that you did at first. I swear that I think I changed my curriculum a thousand times. My biggest fear was (and still is) that my kids will do poorly on those standardized tests. At this point, I don't know what the outcome of those tests will be but at some point I had to just stop, make some decisions, and dig in. If something isn't going to work, there's really only one way to find out and that's by trying. So I decided on my 'method' and jumped in.


    I think that we are predominately a Charlotte Mason family here as well. Tibbie has given you excellent advice! One of the biggest things that I have learned is that these forums are great because of all of the knowledge here but they can also be very confusing. Mainly because my method is different than many of those here. Many people here are WTM method (hence the name of the site). So if I read too much then I start to feel inadequate because I am not doing what they are doing. It's not that I'm inadequate. I'm just different. And guess what? My kids are learning all kinds of stuff anyway!


    I know that it's very hard but try not to think about all of the things that you are 'not' doing. Like Latin. There will be plenty of time for that. :grouphug:


    Seriously, just follow what Tibbie has laid out for you and you'll be as fine as wine!

  5. 1. What is cheer like? What am I getting myself and DD into?

    This depends on what kind of cheer you're talking about. There are 3 different kinds of cheerleading. Rec cheer in the younger ages is mostly focusing on motions and putting short choreography together. Sideline cheer is a little more advanced than that, learning 30-50 full cheers and chants and a dance routine or 2. The difficulty of sideline cheer varies a lot from team to team and district to district. My daughter does allstar cheer. It is a cheer/gymnastics combo that is heavy on tumbling and stunting. It's much more strenuous than the other 2. We are at cheer gym 4 days (6+ hours a week).


    2. Anyone have a little gymmie that has been through the same thing?

    Sort of. Both of my girls wanted to take gymnastics. One loves to cheer and the other hates it. So one of mine just takes gymnastics and the other does Allstar which is a cheer/gym combo. The good news is that both sports go hand-in-hand in many ways so she will learn a great deal from doing both.

  6. This is based on net income. Health insurance, savings, and retirement are deducted from gross income.


    Tithe 10%

    Mortgage 20%(Property values are excellent in our corner of NC. 4 of us living in about 3000 sq ft)

    Groceries 10% (this is after couponing and we rarely eat out)

    Utilities 8% (including cell service, trash, electric, water)

    Gas 5%

    Kids activities 12% (this varies, sometimes it's a lot less but I budget on the high side)

    Insurance 5%


    That's about 70%


    That leaves the rest for leisure activities, trips, curriculum, clothing, etc etc.

  7. That's overreaching. The poster just stated surprise, asked for clarification, then made some boring comment about having different views. Views on what? We don't know for sure. We can guess but until she reveals what they are, it's rather hard to discuss them and stranger to insult her.


    It was not my intent to insult her. However, I did feel that her underlying tone was insulting to others and that she was going to use Christianity as her cloak. As a Christian, that is highly offensive to me.


    To each his/her own. :)


    ETA - Now seeing her later post, I truly don't feel that I overreacted at all. Jumped the gun, perhaps. Maybe I'm just psychic. But that may REALLY confuse the whole situation. :lol:

  8. I do not judge others choices, or try to 'preach' to those who are not interested. However, I do want to say--'Christians' seem to be the number one reason why people turn away from Christ. This is so sad! As Christians, we should be modeling love. Sadly, this is not the case...


    "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Mahatma Gandhi


    This is EXACTLY how I feel. Christians should be known for who and what we love. Instead we are known for hate. This is a very sad thing.


    I am so sorry. True Christianity is not what some of you have described here. I am truly sorry that God and Jesus have been misrepresented to some of you by self-righteous, hypocritcal, sanctimonious, condemning, egotistical hypocrites. For what it's worth, they make me sick.


    The tough issues and seeming contradictions in scripture need to be dealt with head-on, not avoided by hiding behind some pat answer given in "christianese." That makes me sick too.


    I really am sorry.




    It is interesting (and sad) that most people were disappointed by other Christians - not necessarily by Jesus.




    True Christianity would appear to account for less than 5% of those who call themselves Christian, IME. And I still call myself one. Though I don't claim to be a very good one at all.


    I don't claim to be a good one, either. I do my best. I am imperfect, just like everyone else. I accept others with their imperfections as well. Unfortunately, many Christians miss the mark on this. They focus too much on judging the imperfect souls around them. Meanwhile, they seem to forget that they are imperfect as well.


    This is certainly a shock to see sooo many mamas, who hs thir chilren, have such different views.

    I'm confused on a couple things~Audrey says she's a witch, which I don't understand that at all.


    Then there is a lady, who ends her posts 2mamas and 3 babies??


    What an unusual topic. Most of my views re completely opposite most of yours, and I won't try to explain them.


    :001_huh: Your post is very confusing and actually borderline offensive. And I am a Christian! I think your underlying tone prooves exactly what these ladies above have mentioned.


    So are you shocked that there are homeschool mothers who are not Christians? There is a great big world out there with many different belief systems. This board is diverse and demonstrates this variety. You don't understand that Audrey is a witch? What is there not to understand? And the lady who ends her post with 2 mamas and 3 babies? Again, just because she is DIFFERENT from you, doesn't mean that she is WRONG.


    The topic is not unusual. It just makes you uncomfortable. I am a Christian. But the Christianity that you are demonstrating is not the same that I subscribe to. You come into this thread and toss out some random statements that seem to be condemning to others but then you refuse to back yourself up with an explanation? Where does the Bible indicate that is acceptable?


    "When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7

  9. You are right. Every year I would make a resolution to be a better PS parent and I'd attend the first few meetings of our PTO. It always ended up being about fundraisers to buy extras for the school. They were great things for the students (specific books or supplies for a teacher, playground or PE equipment) but I never felt like it directly affected the academics of the school and that's what I wanted to impact. PTO parents do know more about what's going on at school because they are always there running fundraisers or parties.



  10. That's annoying.


    I write a check for the PS my kids are attending in the beginning of the year. My kids, my responsibility, not my neighbor's. I don't know, maybe it's cultural, but I find kids going door to door in poor taste.


    Well that was my thought. When my kids were in PS, I never passed around fundraisers. We usually just didn't do them. I pay taxes. I can't help it if the government doesn't fund you appropriately.

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