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Everything posted by CadenceSophia

  1. Right, when you have 1 or 2 choices for internet, you are basically powerless. Repealing or maintaining the net neutrality laws does absolutely nothing for breaking down monopolies and giving you more power or choice. That's why I see a problem with the whole argument -- it's like a straw man argument from both sides when what we really want is competition -- real legitimate competition and the monopolies over infrastructure broken down. The reason I don't support the law is not because I'm super happy that we have such large and benevolent monopolies in control of our internet access, but that it a) does nothing to give you better prices, more free internet, more choice etc and b) restricts the free market preventing potential interesting advancements. Imagine some day Google decided to make a device that had completely free internet access globally as long as you started your search with the suit of Google tools & were potentially limited in some way with the results. That would be illegal with net neutrality laws but could be awesome for many people. If you hate Google, no one would be forcing you to opt for it. I know many people here are not pro- capitalism or think they are not, but capitalism really is making the intent cheaper and awesomer and I personally don't like seeing laws that are just clutter.
  2. How about apps? I used to have a few that were really good but I can't remember what they were called off the top of my head. I can dig if that would suit you. They were just basically one exercise on one topic at a time and correct answers were supplied.
  3. I think people are misunderstanding how the internet works. It's your own ISP that goes and gets the data you want and fetches it back to you so in a hypothetical non-neutral net that suddenly deliberately slowed down the WTM for you, you would be wanting to go get a new ISP. What people really want isn't net neutrality (directly) it is competition for high speed internet providers. The real risk stems from not having choices available in different areas so if say, the only ISP in Alabama decides to only offer "services" similar to what is offered in China, the people in Alabama would have that or nothing. Old monopoly type contracts that exist from the time phone lines were being put in have prevented competition. I really think the net neutrality stuff is supposed to be a distraction so we don't notice that those big companies are maintaining their monopolies. I don't support net neutrality and I don't think most people would support it if they really understood what happens when you try to use the internet. I guess unless you really like totally useless laws that regulate the type of contract that two consenting parties can arrange related to content viewing.
  4. The Toto neorest is self cleaning, heated seat, bidet with multiple settings, auto everything :) it's actually super fun. I kind of love visiting my aunt and uncle lol
  5. Gosh I hate high toilets! And I'm tall.. I was just thinking about asking DH to change our toilets out to shorter ones. Probably not what you are looking for, OP but my relatives have Toto neorest toilets and they are quite luxurious :)
  6. Whenever I lose mine, and it's not just in the cushions of the chair, it is almost always on a book shelf. I guess my brain says book and puts it away, but they are so hard to see between paperbacks! Hope you find it!
  7. Ended up with a sick kid so didn't get to try and find the library/homeschool group. Today we had non-negotiable medical appointments and errands. Tomorrow might not be a school day either for the same reason. The upside is that we are listening to The Incorrigible children of Ashton Place in the car and we should get to finish it during tomorrow's drive. I'm quite excited to hear the ending myself :)
  8. I think there is a lot of merit to this. DS got burned out on SM and life in general in the middle of 4a. We had more problems than just math but I kind of regret making his math and more serious than necessary -- like I think I could have accomplished the same level of challenge that he needed by going fast rather than more difficult. There are so many fun things to do around pre-alg time and even more fun stuff after algebra.
  9. First day of school in the"fake house" was great! It's bigger than our real house and the kids all have desks in a bedroom to work at so they were super psyched to do their work independently. I just moved from room to room to help between playing with the toddler and nursing the baby. I'm hoping for a repeat tomorrow and then we plan to checkout the library and get whatever community info we can. Supposedly there is a homeschooling group up here.
  10. We got as far as 4a with just IP. DS thought the textbook was like cheating -- he wanted to be told what to do and then figure it out mostly himself so I explained and modeled on paper as necessary. I honestly don't know how some people use all 4 books.
  11. You will be totally fine. Personally, I'd cut down to daily math, audio books, and copy work or whatever short writing is appropriate for your children's level. I can get a lot of work done while my kids listen to audio books if I am not the reader. I work in the same room or listen while we are in the car and stop where necessary for narration or discussion. Since you are going northwest to northeast, you are probably crossing Lewis and Clark country? And then passing by the great lakes? I don't know a good kids Lewis and Clark book (Undaunted Courage is great for adults), but there's Paddle to the Sea. Maybe you'll cross northern Idaho/Montana Nez Perce area. The American Girl book Kaya takes place there. My 4th grade boy adored that book a couple months ago and listened to it several times through. It's on audible. I'm sure there are more ideas out there. We've schooled on three different drives across the country (round trip so 6 crossings) and it can be so educational in and of itself.
  12. Good morning! We are home from our 6 weeks with family and we "move" today into temporary housing about 4h away while DH works at a position for the next 2 months. I'm pretty excited but we are almost certainly going to leave the house a wreck because I just can't straighten everything and pack everything that I still need to after church and before our departure. Oh well. At least I got the fridge fully cleaned out. We did 19 school days while traveling so we did pretty good. Mostly missed days that were direct travel or holiday with family. We had a few additional days that I didn't count but were very educational, like visiting the Met. Tomorrow will be a hard day to do school in a new place but it really needs to get done, for all kids. My goal is to figure out where everybody is in math again and get that done. Then I am planning to do some pencil scratching practice. DS has astronomy, DD will do crash course kids science videos. I haven't decided what we are going to do for history. If really like to do local history of the place we are going to be this week -- I'm gonna to see if DH can find me anything in his office. If not, I have billions of other choices hanging around. Oh and DS5's 100EZ.. and handwriting.. and spelling.
  13. DS9 loves intro to herpetology! He's planning to take it again.
  14. For today.. Need to run to the ATM Get started on packing Get school done & packed into suitcase Clean kitchen/clean out fridge Run 1000 loads of laundry Do paperwork for charter school & drop off Make lists of all the other things that need to be done either by me or someone in the next few days.
  15. The last two days haven't gone quite as I wanted. Baby is miserable either from teeth or from his stuffy nose which makes it hard to nurse, especially at night. His misery is my lack of sleep..I did ok yesterday just sticking to basics but today I had to give up and let the kids watch magic school bus while I went back to sleep. I'm hoping to salvage the afternoon slightly but I teach catechism today, need to find someone to watch the littles still. Need to get the house clean and need to work on some jobs that are critical for our departure on Friday night so I guess school is taking a back seat. DD made a cartoon as part of her Latin work yesterday https://pixton.com/ic:06luxcwx So I guess this week is not a complete failure :)
  16. I don't know if we have an annual book sale. I never noticed one here. I think Calculus without tears and an algebra based physics is going to be the ticket. I'm waiting for books to get to here, and I probably can't help him until Christmas/January but at least I know what I can offer now!
  17. Thank you for the support. I'm so glad to have this thread :) Survived our first day. I think we actually got a whole day done. Listened to CHOW in the car back and forth to my appt (not sure I love CHOW.. I didn't check the age & biases before buying during the current audible sale. Faulty science makes me nuts). I got DS through class... Had the kids do a much needed pickup and then they all did all subjects except writing which is ok since we are still in the handwriting/copy work phase for the majority of our time. I just finished putting my feet up for a bit to increase mental reserves.. Now on to dinner/read aloud/cleaning/bed time. Not necessarily in that order...
  18. We start right up the next day, maybe skip a day or two (not for math) if there is a good reason. If it was a half year or year long length curriculum, we throw a "book party" to celebrate. Sometimes that is ice cream, sometimes hot chocolate and a dance party.
  19. I have a orthodontist appt tomorrow morning that will mess up school, but it's the only time I could reschedule to after cancelling last week when the car died and the kids got sick. Then DS has online class Then I'll try and get as much done with everyone after 1pm as I can, but I don't have high hopes. I'm absolutely dreading this week. DH leaves in the morning and then I'll only have one more day with him (Friday) until the Saturday before thanksgiving. And we've stalled as much as possible but need to say goodbye to our beloved cat this week. There are a lot of good things mixed up in all of this but I can't even think about them right now.. Also on the list for the week-- cleaning out the fridge, packing our bags, preparing snow gear and bedding for our return. Packing things for the temporary house into the trailer.
  20. Nothing worked for me except for zofran.. Which I think you are not supposed to start until after 14 weeks now due to clef palate risk? I can't remember really.. Supposedly the type of fiber in beans binds to excess hormones in the stomach and can reduce nausea. I always ate lots of beans until I was too sick to eat them hehe. No matter what I tried, you could date my pregnancies by the onset of morning sickness.. 8 weeks and a day.
  21. Kids were not quite well enough to get everything done..at least not DS9. Ds2 is still pretty under the weather as well. DS got through TTRS and Greek, then did a single page of multiplication drill and is new reading Greek mythology but can't handle much more thinking. DD7 woke up, did her duolingo French and told me she needed to learn Italian, Latin, hula dancing, tap dancing and "flamingo" dancing lol. I've got my hands full with her. I corrected her to flamenco, let her watch YouTube videos of hula dancing until she quit, we did MCT grammar island (almost done yay!) And then I printed her the first few pages of Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata (which is a classic Latin instruction text entirely in Latin). She decoded and translated the first paragraph with minimal help, marking verbs, nouns, conjunctions and propositions, and highlighting the word ending changes that correspond to the objects of the propositions. Paralleling what she's doing in MCT made it really easy for her to mark everything up. DS5 is doing HWT and writing "MELEPHANT" and "MOZZLE"... Still with his joke of changing the first letter sound to M. He just needs math and I'll be pretty comfortable with the day.
  22. We had a sick day today and it was pretty nice. Tomorrow, back to work. I think ask the kids should be well enough to get through a normal Thursday. Math Handwriting Writing Science classes fo Ds, reading for DD and.. I need to think of something for history. They just finished the audio book Kaya about the Nez Perce, and since we just drove through that area on our eclipse trip I was thinking I could stretch that out. Maybe some related map work.
  23. Well, my kids got sick. 3/5 dropped within 3 hours. Just fevers thankfully, so they spent the afternoon laying in various areas listening to audio books while I passed out broth and motrin. I had so many commitments this week and now I'm stuck here with no car and sick kids.. Grr.
  24. Today's schedule derailed by a dead car battery.. or something. So dead I can't jump start it with my battery pack. Dentist cancelled for today. Not sure what to do about the rest of the week because I don't see getting the car fixed until Thursday since DH is away on business trip. Since we are stuck at home, going to re-start up our school day for a few hours and get some more work done. After that, I am going to do MY school work for a while.
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