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Everything posted by Mom-ninja.

  1. I do not avoid dairy with the exception of milk. Milk gives me a stomach ache. I do not eat gluten at all. This is because I have celiac disease not due to Hashimoto's. If I could eat gluten I would. It is not an option for me.
  2. I have been on hiatus for a the past month and then some. I needed a board break. I've been really slow with my reading. I'm reading mostly books for school, which are dense. So when not reading I have been watching brain candy on youtube. I feel no shame. I left the Golem and Jinni and haven't picked them back up. I plan to. I also started an audio book, but youtube proved the stronger pull. I became addicted to the channel Clean My Space, and my house has benefited. All I have to do is remember to listen to my audio books while cleaning and I'll be good.
  3. Finished the Old Testament and Apocrypha. Working on New Testament now. I get sidetracked with other school and work stuff though.
  4. I'm looking for something to protect my wood floor from the castors on my piano, but I'd also like to be able to move my piano to clean behind it. So those little rubber protectors won't work. Suggestions?
  5. Kim, it's always a shock when someone we know personally died. Her daughter must be devastated. Today, I did a level 5 HIIT. I kicked booty but it also kicked mine.
  6. I'm pretty sure I don't have it in me to get up that early to take walks with dh. I love the man and all but at 4 a.m. I'm not feeling that love. Upper body/abs video and extra bonus arms. I lifted heavy now that my shoulder seems to be back normal. Now my arms feel like over cooked noodles.
  7. Saturday rest day. Yesterday chores. I mopped, scrubbed grout, weeded the flower bed, and other random cleaning jobs. Today was short HIIT and bonus butt
  8. That's where we are different. I do try. I feel that it is part of human responsibility to not go out of our way to cause damage. If we know something is damaging to ourselves, other animals, and/or the planet then I believe we should minimize as best we can. But then I feel like I don't make a difference in the big picture. I know the whole saying of "If every person made a small change then it adds up." However, it's hard to feel the truth of that when one thinks of the massive scale of pollution and other nasty no-nos done by large corporations and governments around the world. So as I sit here trying to do the best I can in my home by using a cotton mop head as opposed to a microfiber mop head, for example, when a microfiber one might do the job better I start to feel like I shouldn't even bother. Because in the big picture does it matter if I use microfiber when there are much bigger issues that I can do nothing about? I don't know. Just musing. I can not go to not caring, and not trying. I feel too strongly about environmental issues (which is why I majored in it), but it is a challenging road for sure. It's overwhelming and frustrating. I guess if you're talking about life in general, for me that stuff is included in life in general. I don't see how life in general could not include environmental issues. So that's the part that can get me overwhelmed more than other things. And money. ;)
  9. Today was supposed to be butt day, but mine is way too tender from m y fall. Figured I shouldn't specifically target a bruised muscle so I did Jillian's 6 Week Abs level 2 instead. It still had quite a bit of butt work, but I managed. Will try to get in some lower body stretching.
  10. When it comes to trying to live sans toxic chemicals and products? I feel like we just can't win. Anything made from synthetic fibers is not biodegradable. That means microfiber cloths, microfiber mobs, workout clothing, regular clothing that is not made from natural fibers, plastic anything, etc. I mean even if you tried to cull your house of plastic you would not be successful. Toilet brushes are plastic. I guess I could get rid of those and clean the inside of the bowl by hand with a natural fiber sponge. Then natural fibers have their issues. Cotton is one of the highest use of pesticide. Silk is manufactured in a rather cruel and gross way. Same with leather. Don't get me started on meat or eggs or any other food. It's all just frustrating, overwhelming, and mind boggling. I mean why bother?
  11. I managed to get in some yoga! I also fell going down my stairs (sweaty slippery polyester socks) and managed to arrange myself so that I did not land on my tail bone cause that would have had me cursing the gods. I would not be happy if I broke my tail bone again. Anyway, my butt muscle is mighty sore. I'm pretty sure it will be a lovely shade in a few days. Good thing no one other than dh sees my rear end.
  12. It does, but wears off so you have to reapply periodically. I was not feeling it today. Slept badly due to having youngest in bed with me and he kicked me all night. Recovery cardio and abs. It was a fun ab video. Some new moves.
  13. Can you spray them? That's how I make my shoes waterproof.
  14. Sounds like some rest is needed for some of you. I did get in my low impact workout yesterday evening. Let's see if I can get back into that as a regular routine. This morning was a short upper body strength. I plan on yoga tonight.
  15. I used to work out twice a day, and I'd like to do that again. It's just really really hard to do that. It's easier to get my workout in when the kids are in bed. By late afternoon/evening things are hectic and it's difficult trying to squeeze out some more time. I need to though cause by 5 or 6 in the evening I have zero patience left. I am done. Toast. I'm snappy at everyone cause I just want everyone TO LEAVE ME ALONE. Not that having a high schooler, middle schooler, and brand new primary schooler is wearing me thin or anything. This morning HIIT (evan burpees are a bugger), added 5 min torture (after the first workout my thighs were refusing to work near the end), and cool down. This afternoon I'd like to do a low impact. We'll see if I manage. And the kids are fighting about who gets what for breakfast. Sigh. The day begins.....
  16. Body weight cardio I'm done with booty boot camp. Now, I'm doing FB30 with dh. I'm going to add more videos for myself though. Today I added yoga w/ Adriene day 7. Then I practiced crow pose and headstand. My shoulders need to build strength.
  17. Last 2 days nothing. I've had trouble sleeping. This morning I did this intense video
  18. This. I don't get why people say Publix is so much more expensive. Every time I walk into a Winn Dixie I am shocked at the high prices. Gobsmacked. The gf stuff is so much more expensive. I've been in Target and it is comparable to Publix. I can find better deals at Publix even. I've price compared and Publix is on par withe other stores.
  19. Just make one. I did. In fact, I will be adding the book, The Jinni and the Golem. Sorry everyone. Just so bored. I have to stop.
  20. Snicker, we miss you. Sorry you are dealing with an injury. Not what anyone wants especially one who is used to more intensive exercise. Yesterday I did Jackie Warner upper and core. Today was lower body cardio/weights. Will try to get in yoga and/or stretching later.
  21. Saturday was rest day and Sunday is active rest day with house cleaning. I also ripped up carpet from a bedroom. Although I will say I do not like hardwood. I know that is blasphemous, but there it is. We put in hardwood 11 years ago, and within the first year it was ruined in spots. Now, it looks even worse. I live where there is a LOT of sand. Mix that with dogs, kids, husband and you get what is basically a daily sandpaper rub on the hardwood. I HATE it. I will never install hardwood again. I do not understand why hardwood is so coveted. It is high maintenance, and has no place in my life. One day I will replace the hardwood with something else. One day. Today back to my butt booster program. Build a booty and Pilates
  22. Did you read the blog post I linked above? There's a section for Tracy. I think it'll make you laugh.
  23. Pink Tulip. I'm sorry you and your dh are going through that. You need to wear a good old fashioned 80's sweat band across your forehead. And post a pic. You too? Ugh, I hate it when I get that. I am still working out all the tightness and soreness from my neck and it's been almost a full week. I woke up nice and sore. My back muscles are asking me what I did to them yesterday. Who knew that a bit of kickboxing punches would work those muscles so much? Did my scheduled HIIT anyway as it's mostly lower body focused, and figured the blood flow would help loosen things up. So I did HIIT Cardio Sweatfest which I renamed, "Good Morning! How about we kick your @ss to start the day?" Very fun moves in this video. I love new moves I've never done before.
  24. Yes, my cats go everywhere. I don't worry about it. They don't go outside and don't have worms. I always clean a counter before I make food anyway. I also usually always have food either on a plate, bowl, or cutting board. Food is rarely directly on the counter. As for the table I wipe it down and put a table cloth on before each meal.
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