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Teresa in MO

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Everything posted by Teresa in MO

  1. Key word outlines do not start until WT2. As far as verbs and adjectives, WT1 just introduces parts of speech, not necessarily strong verbs or quality adj. I do think they get into this in WT2.
  2. I am going to Chicago with my dh in two weeks. He will be in class during the day. Another guys wife and I will be walking around downtown Chicago during the day while they are in class. There will be one day that we all will be walking and seeing the attractions. I need a good pair of walking shoes. Something that will look good with capris and maybe a casual skirt. I had bought a pair of Skechers Sassys that I thought would work. While they are comfortable wearing them for a short while, after a couple of hours my feet are hurting. So any ideas for the most comfortable walking around all day long shoes?
  3. I have a Bravos too for almost two years. I love it. The clothes are so much dryer out of the washing machine, so this saves drying time. We bought the matching dryer last fall and love it also. I have the ones with the glass top and door.
  4. we were in the basement with a tornado warning about an hour ago. Just watching the news and found out a tornado hit just minutes away. Literally, I could get to this area in 2 to 3 minutes. It also hit the St. Louis international airport. My dd work got hit (she was not there). There was quite a bit of damage to it, so not sure they will be open on Monday. Not good for her at all. Its just weird to think it was soooo close!
  5. you must be pretty close to me. they closed 270 at Dorsett in both directions due to storm damage. I'm off to call my friend who lives right there.
  6. I would take her in for a hearing check. Many, many years ago I was almost 4 before my mom and dad realized I really could not hear much. I had learned to read lips. I had two ear operations to rebuild my eardrums. My hearing is getting worse lately, and I know I'm not far from needing hearing aids.
  7. yep, we are downstairs. I have too much to do to stay down here. My dd is getting married next week and this NEEDS TO STOP! We are minutes away from 80 mile/hour winds. They are headed our way!
  8. my dh was 5 when he started getting migraines. There is a family history. My dd was around 7 when she started getting them. Her symptoms were much like your dd's. I would watch the frequency of them and write down what happens each episode.
  9. I live in St. Louis. What time of morning will you have to drive to Wash U? I would probably steer clear of IL. Traffic can be very heavy going into downtown. If you can give me a general idea of your budget, it would give me a better idea of what to recommend. Time of morning will be a big factor.
  10. is Woodfield Mall an outlet mall. Is it worth going to? They have alot of shops I have never heard of. We will be staying in Schaumberg for a week mid-May. Can you bargain shop there?
  11. I need to start using a moisturizer for my face at night. Anyone have a favorite. I saw the best reviews fro Olay Regenerist. Anyone use this?
  12. my dd is getting married in 2 weeks. She would like to add some older songs to slow dance to for the older crowd. She wants a nice balance of slow and faster songs. So, what is your favorite song to slow dance to?
  13. Would you only use this with a dc that had trouble with math? How about using this with a dc that is average in math. I really like the looks of it. My dd is average in math.
  14. I think quite of few people give the boards up for lent. That might be part of what you are seeing.
  15. My dd had a tissue graft last year and it was covered by her medical. Not a large percentage, but better than nothing. Not sure how this compares to a bone graft.
  16. my dd wedding is 3 1/2 weeks away. I would like to freeze some things for the busy week before the wedding. We will have a number of guests coming and going. Any ideas for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Recipes welcomed!
  17. I wish I could just leave it alone, but if not fixed somehow it will fray and grow bigger. Plus, it went through the buttonhole, so that needs fixed also. I'm going to take it with me on Wednesday, when my dd has a fitting for her wedding dress. Last week, the seamstress who is doing her alterations told me if I run into any problem with the dresses, bring it in and she could finish them. I'm hoping she'll have a solution. She really is wonderful and does a very good job.
  18. I am sewing the flower girl dresses for my dd's wedding, which is in 4 weeks. I am almost done with the first one, which is for my 18mo granddaugther. I can't make the other one until I get the muslin dress I made back with markings since the 4 yo lives 24 hours away. I put the buttonholes on the bodice of the dress. I was cutting the buttonholes, when my seam ripper slipped and cut a 1/2" slit diagonally through the buttonhole. I don't know what to do, but I can't do anything right now because I'm upset. I'm putting it up for now. That's all.
  19. Please type this one! From the looks of things, you might as well type them all out!:001_smile::001_smile:LOL
  20. I am not required by law to test, but I want to do that this year with my 5th, 7th, and 8th grader. My 8th grader took the PASS test at the end of 6th grade, but that is all any have had. What would you recommend for testing? I think I want something that gives me grade equivalent.
  21. I am really interested in using this, but I do not want to use either Bob Jones, Apologia, or A Beka. I was leaning towards using Kolbe Physical Science, which uses the Prentiss Hall book. Will the DIVE cd work with this?
  22. I have these same questions. My 7th grade dd did MUS Pre-Albgebra this year, but is not ready to do Alg. I actually have both the Lial's BCM and Pre-Algebra. I was looking through them last night as still am undecided. I know this is no help to you, but in looking through the books, if I had a child that was strong in basic math, I think I would go with the Pre-Algebra. That is what I did a few years ago with one of my dd's and she went through the whole series successfully.
  23. My dh said yesterday that we are absolutely NOT doing it at the house. As far as the guests, there will only be a few young people who are coming from out of town and really can't afford both travel and hotel. And of course, the groom will stay here too.
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