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Posts posted by campmom

  1. please tell me the answer !

    I like to give my dc the papers individually instead of in a notebook. So what I would like to do is be able to punch the pages and put them in the comb binding or proclick maybe at the end of every week or 2. Not make a whole book all at once.

    Does anyone know which one of these would work better to be able to do it that way?


  2. It would be more work for you, but if you are willing to do it I say give it a try - what do you have to lose? Gear the FIAR to your 1st grader letting the 2nd join in - you could add in a few harder things just for her. Then gear PP to the 2nd grader, letting the 1st grader join in where she wants but not requiring her to do all of the assignments or reading (you can read to her) All of this is if you have time to do all of the planning and teaching and want to do it. I see how it could easily work.

  3. Call them the # is on the website. I ordered a book got the same it shipped email but never got the book after about 2 weeks I called he said it was a glitch in the system and I should not have gotten that email. My book had not shipped. He said they had so many orders because of the free shipping they were behind in shipping. I received it about a week later. And I got a new different type of email when it really shipped. Also I had emailed prior to calling but didn't get a response.

  4. The electricity ruined my hp inkjet color printer. I always end up printing out alot of papers for my kids for school. The thing is that with the inkjet the ink runs if it gets wet. Since I would like to keep alot of the papers I print for school records I would like to get something that doesn't run when it get wet. Would a lazer printer be what I need? Or something else. Inkjet is all I have ever had, so I don't know anything about any others.


  5. Sure you could read the books and do lap books or other activities along with them but I would say you would not be doing FIAR. The manuals are where all of the great info is. There is a rythym to FIAR, going through the same types of activities for each book. There are different things to do for math, art, science, geopraphy etc for each book. Also there are literature elements to discuss characters, setting etc.

    Personally I think you would miss some great things on the other hand your dc would enjoy the books and other activities that you do I'm sure. Its really what do you want.


  6. By Parker and Baldride. I saw this book(course) recommended on another thread and checked it out, it looks pretty good. I was wondering if anyone had ever read it or used it as a course for better learning how to teach elementary math. It uses singapore textalong with the book for working out problems in the process of learning how to teach. What do you think?

  7. We have used MFW k and 1st and are fixing to start Adventures in a couple weeks. My boys are so excited they have enjoyed MFW so far. They have already been attacking the bookbasket books I've been collecting. If I need to I will make adjustments because for me at this age school and learning should be enjoyable.

  8. My friend who has 12 dc uses R&S reading and phonics and loves it. She feels it covers everything needed. My two boys are going into 2nd and we are reading the R&S readers (without the phonics) and the pathway readers they are really enjoying both sets. We had read some other things before but they are enjoying these more and never complain when reading time comes.

    FYI they just read outloud to me and when a words comes up that they can't sound out I help them out with it. If you are using a spelling program that is phonics based you really wouldn't need the phonics part.

  9. I used sonlight 1 year and swore I would never do that to myself or kids again! I love the concept but it was way to much. I have friends that do 1 core over 2 years. I'm using My Fathers World now and love it. Much like sonlight with more fun stuff. No problems with questionable books.

  10. When you are shopping for a new table maybe you could find one that has a buffet that matches it. OR figure out what your perfect piece would be a buffet style piece but with exactly the cabinets, drawers, etc the sizes you would want arranged like you would want and have someone build it for you out of the same wood as the table you end up buying. You would end up with a nice piece of furniture that would be exactly what you want and need.

  11. This sounds so wonderful to me. This is exactly the sort of thing that I have planned. I have purchased MFW Adventures but I am planning to use it very loosely. Adding in many items/resources for "discovery". My goal is to foster a desire to learn along with the ability to know how to learn on your own, which I hope to begin casually teaching them while they think they are just having fun doing cool things.

  12. I'm fixing to order several of the I can read leveled reader type books related to American History like Sam the Minuteman, these will inspire my beginning readers to pick up the book and read. I also read these to my dc before they can read because they are a quick read but they learn so much from them. I started out thinking I wasn't going to reach the $150.00 mark, now I'm trying to figure out what I can cut out.

    I also order Christmas presents when I don't have enough.Or

    I'll call a friend or two and ask if they want anything while I'm ordering, they almost always do weve done this for the last few years, then we both save on shipping.

  13. If you want your children to memorize a timeline for history you will need the VP cards.there is no other history timeline in the cc materials. Also the CD ( not the audio one, I can't remember what it is called at the moment) will give your dc a visual that they can look at. You can print it out and make a binder for them or have them look at it on the computer. It also has the maps for geography. Read the Core to learn how to do the geography. Also there are hand signs for the history memory you can find on you tube. Also each week post the material in your home somewhere. I print it out and tape it to one of those cardboard display boards that stand up. Then they are looking at it everyday, this made mine attempt to read when they couldn't read yet. You may have to tell yours to review the board each day. Also it is a reminder to me I just randomly ask them questions troughout the day, like what are the parts of an animal cell? Or do you remember ______? We do an organized review, but I find bringing it up at other times seals it in better. If you have any questions just ask. We will be doing cycle 3 this year. Some good science resources are The answers in genesis set Gods design for.... because they seem to cover all of the topics covered in cc science. Also the everything you always need to know about science, history, american history, geography books by scholastic were recommended by cc in the 1st edition of the foundations guide. I have them also.

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