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Posts posted by campmom

  1. Have you looked at the Veritas cards for History? They sound like they might be what you would like as a timeline in chronological order, using reading from things like Kingfisher. You could add as many books to read as you want using the veritas list or something like sonlights list.You wouldn't need the whole curriculum just the timeline card would give you back bone of your study and you can also use them to have your dc memorize a timeline. It wouldn't give you a workbook but they do have planning books that go along with them that I think do have worksheets maybe? I've never used them so I don't know. I also really like MFW, they have reading and student worksheets.

  2. I voted for MFW because it looks great and it is open and go. I LOVE planning BUT I can spend all of my time planning and none of it teaching ( ask me how I know :glare:) So this time around I am going to go with something that someone else has planned and spend my time teaching. I can always add a little if I want to. MFW looks like a great choice to me, I'm starting with it young and like it so far :001_smile:.

  3. Hi, I'm not familar with AAS but I will be using SWR with mine in the future for spelling. Right now I'm using some abeka phonics but for spelling I teach the SWR rules and word markings etc so they will just flow into it in the future. Could you do that with AAS? Use the abeka spelling words but incorporate some of the way AAS does it? Maybe how they mark words, use thier rules instead of Abekas or both, that is what I do. I modify the abeka rules. Abeka will state something as being a certain way and I will teach that it is usually that way or that it may be that way, according to how SWR words the rule. Does that make sense? I don't want to teach them one set of rules now and another one in a year or two. They seem fine with it. I have seen alot of phonics progress with the abeka material, it wasn't something I was planning to use but someone gave it to me. Also if AAS uses any games and things like that you should be able to do that with still using the abeka spelling words.

  4. "The folks at MFW are of various Christian denominations... the Christian Church, Vineyard, Baptist, non-denominational (IFCA), Lutheran... just to name a few that I know of. They don't put any specific denominational slant into the curriculum. For example, they teach about communion in the context of studying bread/yeast and Jesus as the Bread of Life, but don't tell you how you are to perform it or when. They teach that there will be "a new heaven and a new earth" by assigning a reading of Revelation 21 at one point, but don't tell you when or how it will come about. They teach that Jesus will come again, but don't tell you how or when. Those kinds of specifics are up to you, the parent.


    So it's just the basic tenents of Christianity in general that MFW teaches. You do a LOT of Bible reading (large chunks of both the Old and New Testaments in elementary, and then a cover-to-cover reading of both in high school), church history, reading of missionary bios, and focus on the Gospel and service to Christ. You can find information about their missions focus (Bible translation) and missionary & discipleship training on their website."


    When you say the folks at MFW, who are you talking about? Isn't all of the curriculum written my Marie? OR is it written by different people? I have heard David speak and was very impressed by his message so I was just wondering what you meant by this and how it would affect the curriculum.



  5. I second Gods Design For Science, a friend recently loaned me her animal world and world of plants to look at and I love them. I called the author and had a nice conversation with her in which she told me that the new updated ones have a section for the middle school age. These books are so interesting I just wanted to sit and read them. You don't have to buy the whole set at one time, you could pick just one book for example The world of Plants and try it, then purchase the next one if you liked the one you worked through. Also on the AIG website it says that these are classical and written based on Well trained mind science scope and seqence for science.

  6. Mail the camera back and most importantly remember that God says that your husband should honor his parents, so that HIS days may be long upon the land. The honoring of the parent is for your husbands well being. Your job in this whole thing is to help your husband figure out what the best way to honor his mother is in this situation, and all of the others that will happen in the future. Through much prayer this problem can be resolved and the relationship can salvaged. I know from experience.

  7. Well, I can't say anything about which would take more of your time since I have only used MFW K and MFW 1. But I can say that I would use the ECC if I had two Kids wanting to do it over the other choices. I don't think it would mess up your history cycle. Maybe they are needing a break from the cycle and would be excited about going back to it next year after a year of Geography. I say go where the interest is. Maybe someone can answer your time and involvement questions.

  8. Well, the type of memorization that CC does is not Bible (there is alittle) or poetry I haven't seen any of that. They are memorizing facts, science facts, math facts, english facts, history facts, and history timeline. The veritas cards make the history timeline easy- even fun for them to memorize. Look it up on you tube , you can see children reciting the timeline with handmotions, they enjoy it. In the book "The Core" Mrs. Bortins talks about taking facts from whatever subjects you are studying and having your children memorize that. OR you could just get the CC foundations guide and use it for facts to have your children memorize it even gives you instructions as to how to do it. I have previously graduated 2 dc, without doing this type of memorization. But I truely believe it would have been very helpful to them and I am doing it with my youngers. Memorizing is also just brain exercise-it's really good for you. So in order to exercise your brain use quality material that you will need to know in the future.

  9. If you are looking for something that tells you what exactly to memorize and when and how then spend your money on the CC foundations guide you can find the older version used pretty cheap and it would be worth your money if you want it all layed out for you 3 cycles worth, covers just about every subject you can think of, along with alot of how to's. Combined with your reading of the core you would be armed and ready to go.

  10. We are using HP as a supplement and we like it. I know it goes through advanced phonograms but I'm not sure about reading levels. I pick a game that goes with the phonics group we are learning at the time and play it until it starts clicking with them. They just think it is fun.

  11. I've been doing right start A with my boys.They love it.Tthey get excited when I get it out and say we are going to do math. The problem is I don't do it often enough, and I'm not sure why. I think it is partly because when I do get it out we do math forever and I know we want get to anything else. I was not sure that I would be able to teach RS because I am not a math person, but when it arrived and I looked through it I really liked it and it made sense to me (Except that I never have figured out how to put todays date on the abacus) I "think" my boys are getting it but I'm not sure. I think one of my problems with it is that I never really "know" if they got it. I think if I had a worksheet I could give them after the lesson to see if they could work it then maybe I would know if they got the lesson or not. I've been looking at other math programs either to change or maybe find some work sheets that I might be able to use for this pupose, it would also give them extra practice. I have MUS Alpha also and have tried that with them. They love to watch the "Math Man" and get excited about it, but I think the lessons may bore them alittle(at the beginning of the book). So my question is what should I do? Move forward in MUS and see if I can find where they are in the book and start there? Stick with RS not knowing if they are getting it without any worksheets. Add a different program to RS. Switch to something other than MUS. Combine RS with another program, but if I do that and have more math to do everyday am I going to actually do math? I mean we already spend so much time on it when we do it because they love it and don't want me to stop. I really am math challenged so any help will be appreciated. My boys are 5 and 6 and love math at the moment and I would like to keep it that way.

    Thanks so much

  12. I was also going to say MFW. The only reason MFW 1st is 1st is because it contains phonics, if you have your phonics already then you would only be using the other parts. I'm sure you could use adventures with 1st graders if you wanted to. Do you just not like the fact that the mfw1st is Bible history? We are doing it now and it is going to be really good. I am also going to get the audio cd's for either MOH or SOTW to listen to along with it. MFW really does sound like it could be what you are looking for.

  13. Can anyone tell me anything about the differences in these? We are doing MFW 1 for our history but I think I would like to get one of these just for listening give me your opinions on which would be better please. I did listen to a MOH sample is there one for SOTW? It's hard to tell a whole lot from the short sample, I wondered if it might be over thier heads alittle? What do you think?


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