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Posts posted by campmom

  1. My lesson A book is the older one and all of the worksheets needed are in the back of the book to copy which has been very nice and easy to use.There are not many worksheets at all in the a level you can easily go through the lessons see which ones call for worksheets and check the back to see if they are there. Also if it is the older book any updates are on the website for free, I don't think there are many. They told me when I called that the content has not changed any.

  2. Also keep in mind that it make take a few years to figure out what works well for each of your children and works well with your teaching style and desires. Expect to make some mistakes on curriculum choices along the way, it just happens. You have to get to know your childrens learning styles as you go along. Don't doubt your choices for this year - use them but along the way figure out if they are working or not and keeping in mind where you might need to make changes next year. If it works don't change just because someone says something else is better. You can go broke if you keep doing that, and your children will have no consistancy in their education. But having said that still remember everything you chose won't be a perfect fit and you will need to change some things along the way. Oh and the reason you can't quit looking is because it is addictive!!

  3. My dc enjoyed the yellow is the sun cd. But it is not necessary, I have an older RS A and the words and music to the song in it so you could sing it that way. Maybe someone with a newer copy will let you know if it is still in the book. I also read somewhere that someone took a wooden abacus and repainted the beads yellow and blue to match the RS abacus.

  4. the first year I homeschooled I chose Saxon because everyone said it was the best. We were using Algebra I and 7/6 so it was alittle different level than what you are using. We made it about halfway through until the day I figured out that I hated it as much or more than the kids. That's the day I decided that it didn't really matter how good it was if we hated it that much it wasn't good for us. That's just my story for you it might turn out differently if you stick it out for awhile longer. We switch at that point to MUS for younger and Videotext Algebra these were great choices for us and worked out perfectly. Now for my little dc I'm using Right start but I am considering Math Mammoth after all I've been reading about it here. Only you can know what the best thing for your family is.

  5. I'm a tweaker also and I really don't understand people who are not. How can they just love everything about their curriculum exactly like it is? I've never understood that. But I just want to warn you that tweaking can take away from teaching. This is one of those what I wish I'd known sort of things. I've graduated 2 and am starting over with 2 more. Looking back I realize how much time I wasted trying to make it perfect, time that could have been much better spent teaching. I am really trying to resist the urge this time around, I will always allow myself small changes but I am trying to be more open and go. Also I am allowing someone else to make the plans. Time is valuable and I want to spend every minute I can teaching because 12 years seems like along time but before you know it they will be gone and your time to choose what they learn will be over and you will wonder what happened. Just a thought from a mom who has BTDT.

  6. I have learned so much from SWR. Things that I never understood before about our language, spelling and phonics. I know that no matter what program I would choose to use, the things I learned through SWR have been and will forever be invaluable to me. It has made teaching phonics and reading much easier because I understand the rules and why things are the way they are. It is just a very systematic way to teach the fundamentals of spelling, it also explains the whys.

  7. something else that would be helpful to use for a child that misses words in their regular schoolwork is a spelling notebook. There is one that you can buy that is not very expensive, I can't remember the name of it at the moment - maybe someone else will know what I am thinking of. Anyway the spelling notebook has a page or 2 for each spelling rule. You have the child look up the rule of the mispelled word and write the word on that page. It gives the child a visual of the words they are commonly missing. It also helps you to see where the weakness is and what rules really need to be worked on. It really is a nice tool. You could make your own notebook by making a page for each spelling rule along with an example word for the rule.

  8. Like it was written my boys wouldn't have enjoyed it but I did tweak the phonics I made some of the materials into games which I wil be happy to tell you about if you are interested (pm me) Does she dislike cutting and glueing? When you get into it alittle the cut and glue pages are nice because they are "reading" and no writing is involved. We also didn't do any of the writting in MFW K but my boys learned alot and enjoyed it with the changes we made I also used the abeka K workbook ( that is all I purchased not the tm and all of the other stuff) we used it along with MFW k we had done the get ready for the code books before. I also own and use happy phonics for the games and we enjoy and learn from them. I also own and use HOPS the kindergarten program is cheap I think I paid about $30 at sams My boys love the CD rom that came with it and also used the readers but I did not use the program with all of the drill. I also have MUS primer brand new to sell if you are interested I ended up not using it. I'll be happy to tell you more about how I used any of these things since I only pick and choose the parts of the programs that work and change thing around to suit our desires. Just private message me if you want to more info.

  9. There is picture on the front of the card you would be showing to the dc. The question along with the answer is what you would be looking at on the back. Ex. What are the 5 kingdoms of living things? Then there is more information to explain the answer more. You could easily use them around the dinner table in this way. If you kept reviewing them your dc would memorize the answers to the questions easily. They are very nicely done.

    The "other" set is famous scientist and they mesh into all of the sets in the area that they fit into. I hope that makes sense.

  10. Your original question was which would be simpler to use. It seems in your case MFW would be simpler because it would have all of the extras scheduled in for you(hands on stuff) the only thing you would be lacking would be extra reading which is simple to decide on and pencil in where you want it to be. I would use the sonlight list for the time period, pick the books and go ahead and order them now. You would be buying them anyway if you were buying the core. That way you have them, don't have to deal with the library for those, can do any prereading if you feel it is necessary and schedule them in by looking at them, see how long they are etc and decide how long to schedule them for. Really pretty simple.

  11. I also would not begin collecting curriculum but I would begin collecting good books. Check out thrift stores and garage sales you can find some wonderful books, some old books. I buy alot of nonfiction- animal, science type subjects, history, the dc love being read to and they are learning real-useful information at the same time. It takes time to build a nice library- start that now.

  12. Well, I'm not a theologian or an expert on Calvinism, but I do know that Spurgeon, a Baptist, believed in TULIP but did not believe in much else of what Calvin taught. When I think of Calivinists I think of Presbyterians, infant baptism, and dominion theology. .


    this is something I have never understood could someone explain dominion theology?



  13. Thank you Heather and others. I think the differences you named were some of what I thought I understood about the 2 programs. Honestly I think I understand SWR better now than I did when I used it 10 years ago, also it was Teaching Reading back then, the new SWR book is much easier to understand. My littles are 5 and 7. We started out doing phonics with SWR but have added in some workbook type things. They have not learned all of the phonograms yet but we are still working on them the SWR way. I have not started a spelling program yet. Would you start a spelling program before finishing phonics or would you wait? They do ask me how to spell different words they want to write. I think I like the visual of the tiles, do my boys need that? I don't know, but I like the sample of how they are used on the website. I also thought it might be easier for them to learn the rules when they are only working on learning one at a time. I thought they might enjoy the CD rom for reviewing the phonograms on their own, they don't really get much computer time, they only have 1 computer game so I think they would like it. I might would still teach them to mark the words the SWR way and would probably use some of the other things I've learned from SWR. I guess I could also just get the tiles to use with SWR and just change my word list up to teach 1 rule at a time but that seems like alot of work and I really want to spend my time teaching not planning( I can get carried away). What do you think? For littles would the AAS method work better? Be easier for me? Would I possibly move to SWR when they are more advanced? And there is still they question of do I start them in a spelling program now or wait? It seems that it may help with their reading. I also don't think I understand the box or how the review works if anyone can help me with that.

    Also I have everything for SWR but I probably need to buy the new SWR and Wise Guide because they have been updated and mine are really old. That would cost almost as much as getting everything I would need for Level 1 of AAS.

    Another question I just thought of do you call out the words the way they are done with SWR?

    Thanks everyone

  14. When I used MUS for my olders we used the workbooks just like a text. I just had them write the answers in a notebook. I didn't make them write the problem unless it was something that had to be written like a diagram or something of that nature. It worked great that way for us.

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