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Posts posted by campmom

  1. What I have done. I am using RS B with 2 ds who are 15 months apart in age so one is obviously ahead of the other. They love RS and beg to do it! I agree that splitting them up might be the best way but if its not possible or you just don't want to. I am keeping mine together for the RS lessons I think they really enjoy doing the lessons together. We haven't played alot of the games yet but for the ones we have we have done those together also. I'm letting the older one move ahead at his on rate ( i let him do how ever many pages he wants) with Math Mammoth- I also have an abeka math workbook that I let him work in if he wants to. So far it is working nicely. By the way, they are both using MM. I'm not forcing the older one to do more work, but I'm also not holding him back. It seems to be working great and math is the favorite subject at our house.

  2. Hi I think I'm on the 3rd spelling list and I felt alittle like you at first but we seem to be getting into a pattern now and things are better. I thought setting up tiles took to long also so I bought a magnet board just for AAS (2 boards one for each boy, we do our lessons at the same time) when we are finished I leave the tiles set up turn the tile side against the wall and lean the board against the wall . So far no tiles have fallen off and they are ready to go the next day- still all set up in place.It has saved alot of time.

  3. We have most of them and I can tell you my little BOYS like watching the "Ladies" they get them out and ask to watch them. We haven't done any of the things they show just watched. IF you have already done soap or or candles or bread baking etc you might not learn alot but if you haven't done these things you would probably learn a good bit. I think you could do the things projects that they do without needing any other instruction, they give you supply list and instructions and on the ones that involve cooking they give the recipes. They look and seem very conservative, so if that look bothers you, you might not like them. One day when we get time we will start doing the things we have learned from them but for now we just enjoy watching. I know you can see samples maybe on the franklin press website, I think they are on sale right now. Or on their website. If that didn't answer your question let me know.

  4. So does it not tell specifically how to do the review? At first I really had the impression that it was supposed to be orally, but then I got to wondering about it. We just got to the step of doing the first spelling list today so the next step will be reviewing the old words.


    I think it would be better to do spelling for the boys seperately but the problem I am having is that when I try to do it with one and tell the other one they will be next they beg because "they like it and want to do it NOW"

  5. Does she have to go to school this year? It seems that if you could keep her home another year and get her reading well phonetically then she would be so much better off in the long term, and going to school next year. BTW my oldest went to ps in K and 1st and learned to read with this guessing method it is absolutely the biggest mistake I ever made in the education of my children. I was never able to "fix" the mistake he's 23 now. It is a regret I live with.

  6. I'm sure the answer to this question is in the book, but I can't find it at the moment and it is stressing me. When I use the review cards at the beginning of the lesson do they just spell those words out loud or do they write them or do they use the tiles to spell them or a combination of these? Also if you have two dc doing the same level do you do them at the same time or seperate? I bought tiles for them to both do it at the same time but I'm not sure that this is a good idea. What do you think? Thanks

  7. Does anyone have the Italic blackline master cd for level B or C? I have A and it is 1/2 page of lowercase and 1/2 page of uppercase for each letter of the alphabet. I was wondering if that was how they next 2 levels were also. Are they just single letters or are they words and sentences. Also on level C do they have print and cursive? I really like A and have used it alot for them to go back and practice needed letters. Thanks

  8. If it's not broke don't fix it!!!!! There are so many people who spend all or most of their homeshcool years searching for a math program that works, if you have one stick with it. The BEST program is the one that works for you AND that you get done. MUS seems to fit your needs. If your children understand and get it done they will be better off than if you switch to something else that they done understand and get done. Also it will take you awhile to figure out if something else is working and if its not they will have missed that time they could have been doing MUS.

  9. I guess what I meant by should be learning was that I didn't want to expect more out of them than I should and then be frustrated, not realizing I had gone into 2nd or 3rd grade levels. I'm happy to let them go ahead but didn't want to try to force it because I didn't really know where we should be.


    Thanks you both for your help, I guess I'll go with the light blue if its not divided up. It sure appears to be the way they have it shown on the website under the packages.

  10. It looks like if I order the Blue series package for 1-3, It says there are 19 books divided by age. Is this the way it is? For example it says for addition there is a book 1, book 2a, 2b and book 3. Is addition divided into 4 seperate books by grade level? I would like to order these but if it is not divided by grade level I may need to go with the light blue first grade because I do want to know how much of each subject should be learned in 1st I don't want to try to do to much or not enough. I hope this makes sense. I will also be using RS b.thanks for your help

  11. I've looked at the samples and have decided that I want to get this to go along with Right Start B. I'm trying to decide between the blue books for 1st grade or the light blue 1st grade. There are package deals for each that are about the same price. Have any of you used both that can give me an opinion on which you prefer. TIA

  12. O.K. a couple of more thoughts. Is she sure they were in her room? Would she have slept through that? Could they have been in her daughters room? Is it close? or the bathroom? Could they also have been retreiving something like a camera that they left previously? I would check all of these rooms really well. Or what about a mic in the phone? Does she have any idea why anyone would want "information" on her? This is extremely scary. Please let us know what happens with this.

  13. Remind her that it really doesn't matter if they are in her class or not. Class time is not visit, play, and talk time. At some schools children are not even allowed to talk in the cafeteria! so in reality recess is the only time to really visit with those friends.

    Also in my experience with friends of mine who have "lost" their children as they got older it was the "friends" who basically stole the children from their parents. I'm very thankful that I got my children out of that situation. I hope that make some sense.

  14. Hi, I'm using CC at home for me a community was not worth joining for several reasons, for you it might be it is according to how you want to school and what you would need/want from the group. In cc they do all of the memory work with all of the age children. you will be amazed at what they are capable of remembering. You could leave out anything that you don't want your child to learn. I have the audio cd and use it when we are in the car, I find it useful to help me get cc done when we have places to go. HTH

  15. Have you look at Spell to write and Read? I have never used WRTR but I have use SRW from what I'm told it is WRTR made a little easier to use. If you understand the method you might be able to get by with just the wise guide. It is the spelling list, it tells you what phonograms and spelling rules to teach each day along with a list of words, dictation sentences, the words are marked for you. The SWR TM is very good if you can afford it.

    Also I taught mine the long e sound for y. This is the way they say it. y, i, I and sometimes E. We started this because they kept telling me that y said E and it really does. I have been to a SWR teachers workshop so I know how it is supposed to be taught and I am breaking the rule, but it makes better sense, I don't think it will mess them up. I also know other WRTR users that teach the long E sound for y.

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