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Posts posted by campmom

  1. I may be missing the empasis others are talking about it regard to memorizing a bunch of facts that don't relate to what you are studing, because she explains how to take any subject/text you are working from pick out the important "grammar" that needs to be learned and commit that to memory. Thats what I'm talking about enabling me to take any curriculum and teach it classically. I think CC is a nice already done thing for people who don't want to have to do this. I'm doing cycle 1 at home now with my boys- it has been a great learning experience for me maybe doing it combined with reading The Core has taught me how to do this for myself.

  2. I'm not finished with it yet, but it has been one of those can't put it down type of books for me. I feel that it is giving me a very basic, better understanding of classical education than I had before. I have read TWTM. I liked that she talks more in a general how to do classical than you have to use this or that curriculum in order to do classical. I think that I am finding its the method that makes it classical, not the materials so much. I feel that with what I am learning from The Core I can choose to teach any subject with most any curriculum in a classical way by understanding how to do that. I hope that makes sense:001_smile:

  3. I love your room, but I agree with OElizabeth -have you asked about painting? Paint is the most inexpensive way to update/upgrade a home. We live in a parsinage of sorts- at a christian camp. Everything was dark paneling when we came and they were more than happy to update with light colored paint. It has definately added to the value of "their" home. All you need is some kilz and paint.


  4. Well watch the videos by yourself because the professor is not in all of them there are 2 other host a man and a woman who are very normal. My son says he thinks the other man is in tape 3 and him and the woman are in 4,5, and 6. If you go through them you could make note of which lessons they are in.My suggestion would be do those lessons first even if that is not the order they are supposed to be in. Your dd may enjoy them so much that she will be ready to watch the professor after those. You could also just let her watch those lessons for fun not do any activities(mine enjoy just watching) then go back and start at the beginning when she sees what it is going to be like. Hopefully she would like so much that she would want to see all of it. The professor really is not bad after you get used to him. I hope this helps we really have enjoyed this program and my boys knew so much when they started music classes.

  5. Thank you to everyone. Let me see if I understand. RS and Singapore do teach the same method? Do they sort of line up teaching the same things in the same order? Is this how you manage to use the 2 together? IF not could those of you who combine RS and Singapore give me a little better understanding of how to combine them?


    Also how do I bump this post up to the front of the line?

    Thanks so much, My math and computer skills are about the same!


  6. Can someone compare these two programs for me? I am presently using RS A, I like it a lot although sometimes I'm not sure I understand the method. It is very teacher intensive at least for me and I think I would like something with a workbook. Are the methods the same? Does singapore use the abacus? I have been thinking about trying singapore instead of RS B and lately I've been reading alot about singapore here. It seems that no one ever talks about RS around here anymore. Can someone give me an idea about how they compare and which might work better for a teacher who learned the old, old methods and is not a stong math person, but desires to give her children something better.



  7. Welcome, You can do whatever you set your mind to if it is important to you. My question would be why are you going back to school? Is it so you can go to work full time afterward? In that case homeschooling may not be the "lifestyle" you are after for long term, it is a lifestyle. Maybe if your long term goal is to be home with your children you might wait and go back to school after you finish schooling them if you find it to difficult to manage it all at the same time. For some of us homeschooling is addictive, once you start you just can't stop.

    Best of luck.

  8. You could do MFW K for the science unit studies we are doing that and making mini lapbooks for each one. We will put them all in a 3 ring binder when finished so they will have something nice to show for K. We aren't doing the phonics part of it because we did it last year. We are just doing the fun stuff. Also something she might like and find a challenge my boys are loving is using the Veritas Press history cards putting them in order learning a history timeline. If they ask questions I read the back of the card to them, if not we just play games putting them in order.

  9. It's not a "baby program" but yes it is designed for younger elementary. I would say that if your children don't already know a lot about music they will learn a lot from this program even if they are 2nd or 3rd grade. I myself have learned a ton and when my boys are just watching the video for fun I find myself sitting down to watch also even though I've seen it all many times before. My boys watch the videos over and over, because they love them that may be one reason they have retained so much. They also lOVE music and I believe that is partly due to the fact that they begin watching the videos for fun when they were only around 2yrs. Now they are in 1st - they don't feel that they are babyish at all. But let me add that they don't watch TV so that may make a difference in what they like. I also have the Melody Lane (older) program but I don't think there is alot of difference, except that the new one comes with instruments. We added alot of instruments on our own as we went along. I feel that this program has been one of my best home school investments.

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