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Posts posted by campmom

  1. I would suggest you look into My Fathers World Kindergarden program. It is very hands on, plenty of time to move around and have fun while learning. I used it with 2 little boys who loved it. Also listen to Andrew Pudewa's cd about teaching boys who would rather be building forts. It really helps you understand the differences in the way boys and girls learn.

    Hope that helps

  2. I just wanted to add that if you think there are character issues going on. Now is the time to work on those when you don't HAVE to be doing academics. Spend this time working with him on these things and it will make next year go better. And no he won't be behind or miss anything. I have noticed that over the years on this board it seem that the students are getting younger and younger starting "school". Seeing that can become a "peer pressure" of sorts for us.

  3. Yes, foundations is easy to do at home. You can get all of the materials that you need from the CC website. You only need the foundations guide, which is expensive but you use it for all three cycles. The other things are extras so you can get as many of them as you want, but you can do it without any of them. You can do as much or as little as you want. We did cycle 3 at home last year and enjoyed it. This year I am going to pick and choose the parts that I want to do. We haven't started yet for this year.

  4. We started using MUS Beta as our spine this year and so far I have not heard one complaint. Last year I was using MM and having complaining constantly. I also do the RS lessons which are fairly easy for them but I like presenting things in different ways. I also feel that RS has made me a much better math teacher and given me confidence in teaching.

    I think they like the way MUS is set up, they watch the lesson on Monday, then do a worksheet each day. Sometimes they use the blocks sometimes the abacus (it is what they learned first) but the point is they are really enjoying math and so am I.

  5. My boys are loving ADV so far, they are really loving making the history notebook and show it to everyone who comes over.

    Some things that I found that I think you could add to ADV :

    Hold that thought - notebooking cd for history, I am planning to order this to add in some people and events that are not covered in the student pack for the notebook.

    Time Travelers cds from homeschool in the woods -I have purchased the Revolutionary war one and will probably purchase more if we like the things from it. These would add more meat into your study.

    We already own a lot of American History books so with the few I have gotten from the library we have not been able to get them all read.

    We will also be doing as many American History field trips as we have the opportunity to do around here. In October we will go to a Civil War battle ground homeschool day, my boys have already asked for uniforms to wear. (The timetravelers cd for civil war free sample has some great ideas for putting costumes together easily for the time periods you are studying)

    I believe every curriculum is going to be what you make it. Get excited about it and build up the excitement in your kids, add in as many of the SL books as you would like, check thrift stores for books, that is where we get most of ours) there are also great dvds out there to add to your study.

    I would really be surprised if anyone out there really loves their curriculum choice without making any changes to it. I am having alot more fun adding in the things that I want to then I did when I did SL and felt overwhelmed constantly because I couldn't get it all done.

  6. Hi, I'm using Adventures and I'd be happy to look through the book and answer questions for you if you can tell me what to look for. I'm not Catholic so I don't know what kinds of things would cause a problem. YOu may not agree with the timeline dates but that wouldn't be hard to change.

    I used MFW 1st I didn't feel that it had any particular theological stance just general basic Bible.

    I would just like to add that my boys are loving Adventures, they are so excited about the history notebook they are making and show it to everyone who comes in. Also I have noticed that they are working harder to write and color neatly because they know the work is going into the notebook, this is making me happy.

    I'm sure you could also call MFW and talk to them about specific issues. Also there are samples online.

    We love Adventures so far, I see why so many people say it has been their best hs year.

  7. I read alot of books to my boys but I never read their "reader" to them. I always have them read it to my having never seen it before. I do have problems with them looking at the pictures trying to figure the words out but I can tell that is what they are doing. I think you can continue with the books you are using,we use those, we are also using the pathway readers. Just let his first exposure to each book be when he reads it to you. I make mine be able to read the book to me without mistakes before giving them their sticker and moving on to the next book.They usually read each book about 3 times. I would continue with AAS unless you feel like you hit a wall with it, then I would take a short break from it.

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