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Posts posted by campmom

  1. My ds 7 also could read but did not want to, he only read when I made him. In January I took him to a good eye doctor who said he needed reading glasses. There was no change in his reading. Finally I took him to a development opt. in September. His glasses were making it harder far him to read. I might not have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. The focusing muscles in his eyes were only working at 30%. He has had 4 weeks of vision therapy and I am already seeing improvement. I even "caught" him reading a book the other day. When he did read he tired quickly and did what you were saying about changing words, guessing etc. all signs of vision problems. Get him checked.

  2. We are using RS b with CLE 2 at the moment for ds 8 and 9.There are no problems with understanding what they are learning so far. I am thinking of adding some Miquon to introduce multiplication and division and maybe more,fractions etc. I don't know.

    Do I need to start with the first book? Do I need all of the extra books? Can we just jump in somewhere later in the books? We have been really concentrating on getting the addition/subtraction facts down, but they are already starting to ask questions about and figure out some multiplication on their own. I thought miquon might be a good way to unofficially start multiplication while still working on those other facts. What does the hive think?

  3. My ds8 informed me last night that he would like to learn about frogs, lizards and snakes. Since we are not doing anything I consider important in science at the moment I will be happy to go with this. Besides just reading books what else would you do? Any ideas for how to make this into science learning would be appreciated. What materials would you gather? How would something like this look at your house? Also any great books to get? Any experiments? Thanks so much, I want this to be fun but educational.

  4. Mine are 8 and 9 and we jumped into FLL3 this year.( They have never done grammar before.) It is going well so far, I am making them memorize the rules, I can't really say yet if it is sticking or not. I can tell you that it went way to slow for my 9 yr old at first. He was bored because it is so scripted in such a way that breaks everything down into such small parts. I am not able to use all of the scripting so that it moves a little faster. Also if you don't know it, this is not something that you can hand them to do on their own, you have to teach the lesson.

  5. I would think that MFW Adventures would be perfect for those ages mine were 6 and 8 (boys) when we started adventures. They have really enjoyed it, they are really proud of the history notebook that they have made they love showing it to anyone who will look at it. We added a few more people to the notebook using the Hold That Thought cd. It is a fun year.

  6. I've felt like that before!

    My child is going through vision therapy right now also and I didn't realize how many learning and doing things are all affected by what is lacking in the vision department. Because of this there are some things that I am just not going to require of him until we are finished with therapy or I know that he is able. I am being his helper so that he can move forward with his learning but not requiring things that would cause stress or hold him back. This had made my job of teaching him much easier and I feel that we are making better progress- less struggle.

  7. My 2 boys love these readers, they begged for the next one when they finished one if I didn't have it ready for them. I also bought the old Alice and Jerry readers (the whole set) and they loved them also great stories and beautiful art work. Alice and Jerry teaches about different things through the reading, places time periods etc.

  8. That is how I have mine also, I tell them to do the next page, or I put a little sticky tab on the pages I want them to do that day. When all of those pages are done I move them to a different binder(for finished work) and reload with new pages for the next couple of weeks. This has really made them more independent for some subjects and they like it.

  9. Did you purchase your supplies from Jerry's or locally? I'm wondering what the quality of the supplies from Jerry's is especially the paints and paint brushes compared to what I would purchase from Hobby Lobby. Also as far as the paints go do you need the exact color listed or would something close work? Is there a listing for each lesson of what is needed for that lesson so that the supplies can be gather ahead of time? I'm wanting to purchase this and am trying to decide which supplies I should purchase from Jerry's at the same time. Thanks

  10. I just wanted to say that I bought CLE grade 2 this year for my boys,(3rd grade) we were doing RS and MUS along with some MM. CLE has helped me do the flash cards systematically ( you could just buy the flashcards because the directions for using them are in the box) and I have one who loves the timed drills. I had calculadder and used it sporadically. So I have seen a huge improvement with the retention of the facts. Although I realize I could have done this with just the flash cards and calculadder. They like the math but it is all mostly review for them there have been a few new things. I am still doing RS lessons a few each week, I do love, love, love how RS teaches and they do very well with it, but I needed something they could do if I didn't have time to teach the RS lesson. I also own the Light Blue MM and what I have done with it is to print out certain chapters like time or measurement etc. I staple the chapter together and have them work one page per day until that chapter is done or if it is a long chapter I will have another chapter printed also so that they can have some variety, so far this is working well. But we are doing CLE alittle behind so it is fairly easy for them, I think it would be to much work if they were learning alot of new concepts at the same time. I love having RS and MM handy so I can look ahead to how they teach different concepts, it is not how I learned math but it makes so much sense- I always wanted to know the why of math. I hope my boys will understand the why and not just the how. I hope this makes some sense, I just wanted to share how I am using the 3 programs.

  11. I have the violin books and they are very step by step. You can do it. It might be a good idea to get a violin teacher to check you from time to time for hold ect. It starts out very slowly good for a young child. I'm done with the 1st 2 books if you are interested in them or have any other questions private message me. I'll be away from my computer for a few days though. My boys are learning violin from them I also have a friend who used them with her children.

  12. I switched from MUS to CLE but at a review level we have also been doing the flashcards and timed drills (we which didn't do with MUS,probably should have) I think we are almost ready to go back and finish Beta which was the level we were doing before the switch the main problem with mind dc was that they didn't have their facts memorized so some of the bigger problems in MUS were causing a breakdown I do like both problems. And for the person who said they hoped that RS would be good for place value I think it is great for that.

  13. I would at least get the student workbook and the blocks to go with MUS so that she could do some practice problems for what she learned in the MUS video lesson. Do you know what she is having a problem with specifically. If it is that there are too many different things going on in the CLE lesson at one time MUS might be alot better for her since you are only working on 1 new topic at a time although you do continue to review what you have already learned. Unless she is just a really visual learner I don't think she would get a lot out of the videos without the blocks and then a few practice problems from the workbook. You might even decide to use MUS as your main program for her this year with CLE as the supplement then switch her latter.

    The other suggestion I would have is slow her down in the CLE and really make sure she understands each concept well- don't rush her through any math program just to get it done in a certain time frame. Mine are using CLE right now with RS, we used MUS last year along with RS. I"m surprised how much work CLE is and how long it takes. Almost everything they are doing in CLE is review for them at the moment. IF they were learning new concepts in CLE they would be having math breakdowns without a doubt. CLE covers alot of different concepts in each lesson compared to RS and MUS.

  14. Make sure there is not a reason he doesn't "like" reading. My 7 yr old didn't like reading either, it just wasn't fun for him at all, BUT he did like for me to read to him. Turns out the muscles in his eyes only work at 30% making reading very difficult- that's why he didn't like it, he is in vision therapy now working really hard because he now knows why he didn't "like" reading. He is excited about being able to read.

  15. The thing that I would say would be really good about the cc materials for you is that you can buy the cd and play it daily for your dc to listen to that way they would learn the memory work without much work from you. It is really easy to have them memorize a lot of facts using this.There are other support materials also. You could also do poetry memory work the same way with the poetry cd from IEW. For a quick and easy way to get your dc doing copywork, narration and dictation order one of the WWE workbooks, its open and go and the work is already done for you. You can copy the student pages for your family so that will save some money. You can really study the samples of the different levels at amazon to see which one you would need to start in. I really wanted to do my own but decided this year to give myself a break and do the WWE workbook. It came in one day and we started the next, easy peasy. I have the IEW poetry cd on the way.

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