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Everything posted by Rebecca

  1. My son is fifth grade (10) this year. We are using Sea and Sky. I know I want to use General Science for his seventh grade year. Does he need more science this year? Next year I was going to use SL Science 4 with him and his two brothers. And then the next year would be General Science. But then I thought maybe he should do two years of SL Science before General Science. I also have Apologia Astronomy and Land Animals that we haven't used. I could use one of those with him this year along with Sea and Sky. Any thoughts are appreciated? Thanks, Rebecca
  2. We do Morning Meeting. It is at the breakfast table with our entire family (minus Daddy) children ages 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10. We talk about the week and look at the calendar- which we can see from our table- discuss what's on the "schedule" for the week. Once a week or so, I read a passage from Everyday Graces (manners). We sing (this year we are doing hymn study with the book Then Sings My Soul). We read Scripture. We dwell in passages until they have them memorized(this would be my older ones- not the 2 and 4 year old)- like Psalm 91, Psalm 121, etc. We dwell for at least a month.) We do discipleship time (currently using 24 Family Ways and Boyer character flashcards) I take prayer requests from each child and then pray. When my oldest was little- I used to use an appropriate children's bible and devotional during this time. Then there was a season two years ago- when my little guy was a baby- when we forgo this time altogether- but now we are back into it nicely. It would lend itself nicely to picture and poetry study too- but we are not doing that currently. Rebecca
  3. Thank you all. I must admit I sigh relief when I think of just using the younger level with everyone- mainly because I don't want it to be hard and stressful and because I have so many other subjects and things to teach- but I really want to do more organized art than we have done. Hmmmm... just realized I might be able to put my older two "in charge" and have them really guide the lessons if I get too busy... so that might help me too. Thanks again, Rebecca
  4. Thank you! Nakia- that makes sense! Thanks, Rebecca
  5. I want to use this program next year and I will have students ranging in ages from k-6. We have never used it before. Is it possible to just use one of the levels or must I use two? Thank you! Rebecca
  6. You inspire me too! And make me feel normal for being so wiped teaching school! Off to read the blog... Rebecca
  7. Grammar help: ( my example is an altered sentence by me- NOT the original sentence) In Rod and Staff we learned that it is appropriate to use "me" in a sentence like this: First, he and Sharon's mom talked about it, and then they shared the news with Susie and me. But, in a grammar lesson with another program it stated the sentence like this: First, he and Sharon's mom talked about it, and then they shared the news with Susie and I. Today, I taught one of my son's a lesson from FLL and it was the one where you teach the proper way to answer a knock on the door: "It is I." -NOT "It is me." I am so confused. What is right with these sentences? Rod and Staff basically taught that you should be able to remove the first part of the sentence and if you can properly complete it with me and not I- then that is the correct word to choose. Help! Rebecca
  8. If you use this: How do you print it? Do you take it and have it bound into a workbook or do you just print a lesson at a time, etc.? If you do bind a worktext- how much did it cost? Thank you! Rebecca
  9. Thank you! If only I was a "strong" math person like I am with L.A. Sigh. However, I will say that I really, really like the looks of the Math Mammoth samples! I think I might switch my younger set over into these and use this to supplement my son(s) in Saxon. It looks very thorough yet simple! Dorinda- you repeated exactly what my own teacher sister said to me about the test scores and she said I should practice for the test two weeks before I give it if I really want to see a big jump in the scores. Still. Math is my weaknes. And I know it. I think Math Mammoth might have what I need to support our math plans and also not break our budget! When I did manage to look at TT- it seemed like he would place into 6. Rebecca
  10. Thank you so much Dorinda! I read your follow-up. So what did you decide to do with your daughter? I am intrigued my Math Mammoth... Rebecca
  11. Was this the 13 year old? Would it stress me out: yes. Would I send my son to a private school because of it: no. Unfortunately- I can't answer the question of a year behind... I would really work hard this year to bring his grade level up to where it should be. Was it his composite score that showed the grade level? We use IOWA from BJU and the scores can be hard to interpret. :grouphug: A test score is just a test score. It is good to use it to evaluate where you are and where you want to go- but it is not the only means of assessment. Also- what have you used in the past if not IOWA? I would not make any big decisions (aka putting into private school) based on one test. I would possibly test with another one to get a second opinion and compare. Just chiming in here... with the little I have. I'm sorry. Test stress stinks! Rebecca
  12. Is MM Math Mammoth? How does that compare with Singapore? Thanks for chiming in on this thread. I appreciate it! I was advised to only switch math if my student was a.) crying over math or b.) not challenged by his math. So- I think we will probably stick with Saxon. TT does so appeal to me because of all the students I have and will have... My math teacher sister is going to look at it for me as is my husband (a CPA). Thanks again, Rebecca
  13. Well- because I don't have high speed internet- I can't really look at the samples. My DH can at work, though... so I will ask for him to next week... Any input regarding my three issues: Test Scores, College, and Science- is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!! Rebecca
  14. Thank you so much for replying! It was actually your post on your kids tanking their SAT's (after using Saxon) that struck home for me...) I am now on page 15... or so. I have to say- there are maths in that thread I have NEVER heard of... We are using Saxon with DIVE- possibly with SaxonTeacher when things really get hard... Anyway- after I posted this- I decided to do what a good student should and find the Teaching Textbooks site for myself!:D So- I am currently loading the demo (I have dial-up). Also- we recently switched to SL for this coming year (with WP for my oldest) and I love it and they strongly endorse Teaching Textbooks- so strongly- I am really taking a look- even though I heard that it wasn't strong enough for those high school sciences... I feel "safe" with Saxon and I need to provide a solid math for my kids... I appreciate your response so much. Thanks, Rebecca
  15. I made it through page 9 on the mega Teaching Textbooks thread. Wow. That was some serious math dialogue. I am pondering our math as my son did not place as high in the percentile ranking on IOWA in math as I would like... we are currently Saxon users and are finishing 54 to move to 65 for his fifth grade year. My other sons (younger) use SM through 2B or so and then move into Saxon. And in fact- my rising fourth grader will be moving into 54 for this year- or something else... This what I want to know: 1.) Will TT prepare son for college level math work? 2.) Will TT increase my son's math scores on his IOWA tests and, in the future, on PSAT/SAT/ACT tests? 3.)Will TT give my son a solid, sufficient math foundation. I could also use LOF or something to supplement. Note: I took two levels of College Calculus at a private university. I had advanced high school math. However, I am NOT a math person. (BA- English/Literature, etc.) I just want my kids to have what they need in math. I will never be able to challenge them the way some of you moms (on that mega thread) can... Someone- help and give me the basic down-low. I thought I heard that TT does not prepare students adequately for higher level science. This I need to know! Thank you so much!!! Rebecca
  16. Ohhh! This is one of my favorite topics!!! I love Lightlings. Miss Fannie's Hat You are Special Princess and the Kiss Squire and the Scroll Lamplighter Illustrated Teddy's button Lamplighter Illustrated The Three Weavers Treasures of the Snow (Chapter Book) Jesus Storybook Bible My brain is blitzing... I will scan shelves and be back if I have more... Blessings, Rebecca
  17. I am so with you on needing a schedule. You are looking for just literature- right?
  18. Are you looking for picture books or early chapter books? Do you want a grid or a weekly guide? Rebecca
  19. I noticed that no one chose Sonlight for ease of you. I am chiming in... because I am the dissenting vote! ;) I find Sonlight far, far easier to use than MFW. I love SL IG's. I love that everything is there for me. I love the springboard for discussion, and all the different notes... The IG is far more intuitive for me than the MFW teacher's manual. I sigh relief when I see the reminder for science experiment supplies, know I have my science kit ready to go, and the DVD to watch and help. The science doesn't overwhelm me as far as gathering supplies, creating experiments, etc. MFW is very kinesthetic in my opinion. This tires me very much. Also- I prefer to learn from books with the IG as a "helper". I found with MFW the teacher's manual directed our day and the resources were there to round out the teaching in the manual. I always find it really helpful to download samples of the IG/teacher manual and study them... envision myself using it. I hope this helps! Rebecca
  20. I love this resource. This is the first year we are using it consistently, though- and that is because I included it in our "morning meeting" time which we have at the breakfast table every morning. When we use it at the breakfast table- the little ones can sit through- while eating... HTH, Rebecca
  21. My husband asked me about this... and I really know nothing. Does anyone use this and do you like it? Any reviews? Thanks! Rebecca
  22. Have you considered having a meeting time with her in the beginning of the school day- where you present the material, work sample problems together, and then set her up to work independently? Have you considered allowing her to chose passages from favorite books for her penmanship and use a Copybook instead of a formal handwriting curriculum? You will still need to check her work against the original for mistakes... but it would be self-directed. I would present the material in math, language, etc. and then have her complete it on her own- you have to correct it. For spelling we use a combination of Spelling Wisdom and Building Spelling Skills by CLP. My son, in fourth grade, completed Spelling Skills independently and I tested him at unit end. Spelling Wisdom was also done independently- I just gave dictation on the proper day, etc. I hope this helps. I think by sixth grade your dd should be able to do more independently. Also- I don't know how unreasonable it is to finish at 1 or 2 with a sixth grader. This seems normal to me as we move up to these "heavier" years. Maybe you could consider daily chores and deep clean one day a week. Rebecca
  23. Thank you! This did help so much! I just don't have peace when I don't split them into the three study groups- even though they are young. We school year round too. I have been working on our schedule- and I am feeling a little more organized. Rebecca
  24. This thread is helping me. But- we are a family that is really careful about books-yet voracious readers- naturally this has caused some trouble. And this year we have two Sonlight Cores and one WinterPromise- and this is a lot of books- and not enought time to preread everything. Thanks, Rebecca
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