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Everything posted by Rebecca

  1. Thank you for sharing that with me! And :grouphug: about food allergies. My allergic son has dairy too- he has outgrown so many foods- just this year at age 7- we got egg back and it has changed our life. No joke. Anyway- I can relate to the diet concerns with growth and nutrition. We eat a lot of meat, too. I pray that it is all just normal growth and development!!! (over here, too) Blessings, Rebecca
  2. Dear LisaTheresa, What food allergies does your son have? We have dealt with food allergies for years over here. Recently I noticed that my second son(who will be 9 July 3rd) had dark hair growing on his legs while my other sons still have light colored hair(ages 10 and 7). My second son does not have food allergies (my third son does) but we have all followed a restricted diet for years due to the severity. My fear always surrounds soy as that is what we have consumed over the years. Is this your fear as well? Thanks, Rebecca
  3. Thanks ladies. I have six children. By structured lit I meant: something like SL, WinterPromise, or even a reading plan you design yourself. How does it work for you (Mel) using three cores? Thanks so much! Rebecca
  4. Are their any large families here who use structured literature approach to homeschooling? Do you use multiple cores/programs? If so- how do you do it? What are your tips? It seems that I have three "study" groups no matter how I work it- is that doable? I appreciate any help! Thank you! Rebecca
  5. I just wanted to add: I do think HOD prepares students for higher level learning. I also think that it inspires a love of learning which is essential for all upper level success. Finally, I would check your state requirements. I know in my state- we are not required to test in Science. However, I still think you would probably be more comfortable supplementing! Rebecca
  6. I thought I might offer a couple of things here... as I see Donna did not (at least not on this thread! );) There are varying opinions on the amount and type of science needed in the elementary age brackets. Some families use mainly a living book approach up until the "junior high" 6,7 grade or so and then begin the upper Apologia texts with General Science, Physical Science an onward. From what I understand- there is not too much difficulty for these students- using a living book approach to then merge into these more traditional science texts. Carrie has written on the HOD several times about their choices for science- what to do if you have very science minded students, etc. A search there- or a request to the ladies would easily get you in touch with those thoughts. Finally, you as the teacher/mom know your family, your goals, and your priorities for your students. What you have written about Science is very wise and I can see the benefit/truth in what you have said. Therefore- I would encourage you to still go with Heart of Dakota- but plan to also supplement the Science. This should not really be a problem because starting in Preparing-the plans are 4 day plans- and the fifth day could easily be an extra experiment day, etc. There are many resources for Science programs out there. Noeo, Sonlight, Pandia Press come to mind... There is also the WTM guide and Easy Classical which schedules Science a la WTM for you. I hope this helps a little! Blessings, Rebecca
  7. I just realized you wanted a comparison. Sorry. They are very different programs with a very different "feel." Heart of Dakota is very "skill-level" structured with learning plans based to strenthen skills of particular aged learners. Sonlight is more structured Literature curriculum and then you "plug" in your skill learning through your LA, Math, Writing components, etc. I hope this helps. I will ponder and try to write a better comparison tomorrow! Blessings, Rebecca
  8. I love Heart of Dakota. I really do. I am using Little Hands right now with plans to use Little Hearts with those learners as soon as we are done. And- it is still my back-up plan... so I haven't totally "officially" left. Something about Preparing just--"tanked" us out. I have a lot of young students- and am just "afloat"- literally in HOD levels and I just CANNOT manage it. My backup plan is to move my oldest out and on into an older program (I had him combined with his next brother and it is just NOT working anymore)- and then figure out what to do with my next two sons and daughter. Also- I really, really love the concept of Sonlight and it is my "ideal" way to homeschool- but I really, really struggle with the content in some levels and that part just doesn't fit our family at all! I prefer a more "bookish" "literature" study. Heart of Dakota has a very different flavor- although it is filled with books. I could write ON AND ON AND ON about this- as I am currently in my most intense struggle with homeschooling our family I have ever faced. My oldest is a rising fifth grader and then I have five other children down to age 2. 4 ages 6-10 schooling this year. My six year old is still learning to read. Anyway, Heart of Dakota is lovely. Sonlight is rich and deep and challenging... Heart of Dakota was making me a little stressed bopping around from student to student with activities and then trying to share a guide and books between me and two other students! Ahhh! It just sent me over the edge. Probably TMI- sorry! Hope something here helps!!! Blessings, Rebecca
  9. Someone- I hope- will know the answer to this... I have a very, very slow internet connection. Is it worth it to just buy exclusives through WP and then everything else from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.? We need to save money. My computer is so slow- it takes forever to figure this out. If anyone can help, I would be so blessed. Thank you, Rebecca
  10. This set only includes 7 readers... That doesn't seem like enough to me. Does anyone have an opinion? This is for Sea and Sky! Thanks, Rebecca
  11. I am not in my groove yet with SL. Still trying to figure some things out... but I am planning on using notebooking- and I did for the week we have already completed. I am planning on a notebook page a week in history, a page for every completed Reader, and hopefully- a page a week or concept/subject for Science. I am using the recommendations for this found in the Well-Trained Mind and also what I have learned through using Heart of Dakota. We notebooked from A Child's History of the World. Hope this helps, Rebecca
  12. Merry- thanks again for your support and replies! I really appreciate the reasons you shared re: mythology,, etc. I shared them with my husband- but I think he is totally overloaded at this point! I have had him reading so many different things today!!! Thank you so much! Rebecca
  13. Thanks Merry. I know I chose Core 6 and my son is young. There were a variety of factors that went into that decision. Also- I would just like to point out- that on the Sonlight Website- Core 6 has the ages 10-14 listed when you click on the core package to get more information. I wanted to start with "ancients" this year for my son- fifth grade. We have never done a full blown chronological study and we are ready. He is definitely a "logic stage" thinker per WTM. But- you are right- the content is just not "cutting" it- and the SL literature is very mature. I am still pondering this whole thing. Truthquest site stated grade 6 for their ancient egypt, etc. guide so I didn't think it was that far of a stretch. I am really discouraged and frustrated. I could combine all my learners in Sea and Sky if I get the YLG. But I am not sure about that choice. I want my oldest son to be academically ready for high school. I have my little ones to nurture and care for. :001_huh: Rebecca
  14. Such great thoughts here! I was just on the Illuminations site! ;) Before I came back here... I am in a quandry- as my husband really does not want our family to go into depth regarding the greek gods/pagan cultures. I agree- I just don't know what to do!!!! So this is pretty much shattering my plans with using Core 6. I am so overwhelmed with choices right now. I have six children. This year I am schooling a first grade, second grade, fourth grade, and fifth grader. My fifth grader is an advanced reader and reading for "logic" discussions. My next two sons fit perfectly into the SL advanced 2 readers. My daughter (6) is still learning to read. Anyway- I was trying to decide between TQ and MOH. So- I had the TQ sample up (Greek) and asked him to read it. He(DH) just really doesn't want us exploring in that great of depth. In fact, he asked me point blank why we need to know stories of gods at all. D'Ulaires Greek Myths totally didn't sit well with him or the Trojan War (Core 6). I didn't have an answer for him!!! Why? Anyway- I so appreciate all you wonderful ladies who have chimed in here. If anyone has anything else- I am :bigear:. I love the discussion, notes, mapwork, vocabulary, etc. of SL. I even love the LA. I can't seem to find that anywhere else! Ahhhh!!! Thanks for any and all help! Rebecca
  15. Thank you so much! What a great post! I am going to have to read it again and ponder. When I said "deals directly with literature"- I meant that the learning is expected to source from living books- whereas MOH seems to be more like a giant textbook to me. I want to use SL. I am happiest in the midst of "literature" learning- but I need to somehow provide biblical worldview/ christian context and history for my family. Especially my oldest as we move into topics we have never studied: Greeks and their culture, etc. I have pondered using MOH as a "text" spine for our studies- but I also need to change out some of the SL books as they are not appropriate for us- so Truthquest appeals to me- with its options of other books. I wish it was easier to figure this stuff out! Thank you so much for such a great, detailed response. Blessings, Rebecca
  16. Thank you for replying! I am wondering if Truthquest is a good fit for my logic stage child who is ready to probe "deeper" and MOH would suit my grammar age children who need the solid foundation... Rebecca
  17. I lost everything I typed here! Ahhh! That never happened before... Thank you so much. I never heard of the Presidential Fitness Challenge! I have to admit a rowing machine crossed my mind... My Dad uses one daily. Thanks! Rebecca
  18. bumping this up... anyone?? :bigear:
  19. Thank you so much for replying to me! I have five sons. This is a real need for us! We do love to walk/hike as well and ride bikes- we just can't around our home. (too much) Thanks again, Rebecca
  20. Can anyone compare and contrast these two- or share about them? I am looking for something to add a conservative and biblical perspective to the SL we are most likely using this coming year. I like Truthquest because it deals directly with literature. I like MOH because it integrates Christian history into all of world history. I would really appreciate some thoughts... Thanks, Rebecca
  21. Does anyone use any kind of chewable fiber? I have been using Citrucel but I noticed something called FiberAdvance at the store. It is chewable, fruit flavored fiber and you do not have to drink water with it? Wondering about this! Thanks, Rebecca
  22. Is this a good resource? Can anyone give a review? Is it easy to implement? Also: We have a large family. We do not participate in sports at this time. We have been thinking about purchasing exercise equipment for our children- especially our sons to use. My husband said he thought 12 is the age to really start using machines like a stationary bike, etc. Does anyone have any advice about this and also what "machine" would be the best choice. We like the idea of an elliptical (sp?) but are not sure how old are sons need to be before they can use this. Our oldest is ten. My kids really need exercise and cannot ride bikes or skate or anything around our house because we live on a literal mountain with gravel/dirt roads. Any thoughts are so appreciated! Thanks, Rebecca
  23. Thank you for sharing! I appreciate it. As far as prefering a more classical approach in language arts... it is possible to adjust that component of HOD- using the material you prefer. It is very flexible in that way! I don't think it would be overwhelming to use two HOD programs- one for your olders and another for your younger. It should flow very well. This probaby doesn't help...but I thought I would add a little something! Rebecca
  24. I am not going to attempt to advise! We have used HOD and loved it- but not CTC. I am just wondering why you are "leaving" Sonlight. Please share if it is not too much trouble. Thanks, Rebecca
  25. Hey there! I just wanted to say -that I am using Core K with my six year old daughter right now- and I also started LA 1 to use with her. I love the LA! I was so suprised. So- I would really view samples before you make your decision. Also- SL and HOD are very different approaches. I would be sure to look at samples (and possibly print) samples from both programs to get a feel for their flow. As far as Bible and SL- there is so much you can add in that area- from your own heart and preference... Hope this helps, Rebecca
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