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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. I'm not sure; I'd have to look at my calendar. What are you doing that day?


    I don't know if Dh has made plans for us that day, so I don't know right now. Why?


    What's going on that day? I'll check my calendar and get back to you.

    • Like 9
  2. I haven't watched the video, and I won't...but I clearly read the little boy fell. It sounds like it was an unfortunate accident? I doubt any parent will easily allow their kid to go hang out with gorillas. Sounds to me like this was an unfortunate and frightening accident, not a "let's break the rules and allow my child to go hang out with gorillas" type of thing.

    If the kid fell then he was climbing somewhere he should not have been. This is not the fault of the gorilla, who IMO should not have had to pay with his life for doing what gorillas do.

    • Like 3
  3. I took out a whole life insurance policy on each of my children when they were infants because I was terrified that something might happen to them and we would have to worry about funeral expenses while grieving a horrible loss. I paid the first three off in ten years, but I still have five to go on my youngest.


    Travel expenses would go on a credit card.

  4. That reminds me... is there any woman whose born children here that can go the whole night without getting up to pee? I cannot. And surely this isn't helping. If I only pee once in the middle of the night it's a good night.

    I have four borne children and never have this problem. It doesn't sound normal to me, and I would talk to my doctor if this happened to me on a long term basis.

    • Like 1
  5. If you open up the utility panel in the back you should find the diagnostic guide. It should tell you how to run a diagnostic check on all the cycles and walk you through part replacement. I've changed out the control board on ours twice, and the door latch assembly once (10 year old Frigidaire).

  6. I carried a little potty seat in a tote bag when we went out. We had the step/seat at home and left it on the toilet, only removing it temporarily when an adult had to go.







    My training method was no pants during the day. Once they figured out that they were making mess, they were trained within two weeks. Almost no accidents at night, either.

  7. I admit I don't know enough about this topic, and I'm afraid I am going to have to learn quickly in the coming years, but if they are struggling enough to be constantly borrowing and declare bankruptcy won't they qualify for Medicaid?

    • Like 1
  8. I'm really surprised by how many people think the OP should wash her hands of this.


    You wouldn't feel bad if someone gave you a lot of money for a car and it died two days later? You'd really say, "Sucks to be you"?


    I don't think that's very kind. I don't think it's right.


    Of course, make sure the problem is legit. But to just say, "Oh, well, you bought the car. Too bad," would not sit right with me. That's someone's hard-earned money.


    How does the buyer know the car was sold in good faith? Maybe the buyer thinks the car was sold to make a quick buck before it died.


    The buyer should have had a reputable mechanic check over the car before he purchased it. 

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