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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. Yes, I've seen this too when I lived rurally. Sometimes I think the suburbs are a very corrupting influence.


    THough - it's sometimes necessary to be a little discerning - I've seen areas where industrial agriculture wants to claim that what they are doing is ok because it is "just agriculture" when locals complain about them spreading things like animal sewage around.

    You do know that fertilizer is made of manure, right? All the dairy farmers in my rural community and beyond spread it on their hay fields. They need to fertilize between each cutting to have enough hay grow for the next cutting. They need all that hay to feed their cows, especially through the winter. Cows do not make beef and milk without quality feed.

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  2. I had bad hormone-related cystic acne. My doc prescribed me an antibiotic to take at the first sign of an outbreak, until the redness and swelling decreased each month. After 2-3 months I stopped breaking out, and haven't had that problem for a few years now. It was obviously some sort of bacterial infection.

  3. The youngest I've potty trained an average kid (wasn't showing exceptional signs of readiness like yours) was 18 months.  I don't see why you couldn't start now since he obviously doesn't like diapers.  I second the Baby Bjorn potty recommendation - perfect size for a tiny hiney.

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  4. Are you in the UK? Sorry, I can't find that info.


    I know that what we can see on the BBC from here in the US is different than what is seen there from Britain or with a British proxy.

  5. Does BBC have the old series of Great British Bake Off available to watch?  They've been removed from Youtube.  :(  I'd particularly like to watch the last few episodes of Series 2, but the rest of them would be fun too.


    I'd get Tunnel Bear again, but only if it'll be useful.



  6. My daughter asked for piano lessons for TWO YEARS before we finally got the keyboard (given to us) and the lessons. I wanted to make REALLY sure that it wasn't just a passing fancy and we were stuck with an expensive keyboard and spent $$$ on lessons that were "wasted" because she quit when it got hard. Also, with lessons, the understanding is that you will continue until you are proficient in that thing. For music, it was learning to read music and sit down and play from our church hymnal.


    This has helped my kids really evaulate what they wanted long term.


    My third daughter has been talking cello for about 18 months. Now her older sister is teaching her piano to help her learn to read music. This will also gauge how interested she is in practicing when it's hard and boring before we get a cello and seek a teacher.


    My dd asked for harp lessons for 3 years before we rented a harp.  She had her first lesson scheduled before the instrument even came home.  She had to prove she could keep up with her practice on two instruments in order for us to consider buying it.  She had already had piano lessons for 4 years by then, so knew how to read music and knew what was required of her in regards to practice time.  People give away free pianos every day, so that didn't need to be an expensive purchase.


    We have a heavy bag hanging from the beams in our basement.  It is filled with water, and not so heavy that I couldn't move it if necessary.  We used to have kids (and dh) doing martial arts, and it got used quite a bit.  It is noisy, but I can turn on some music or go for a walk.  And it's not noisier than the drums that are also down there.  :p


  7. You could try to find a way to leave your own note on your car for the anonymous offendee?  Let them know you have spoken to your immediate neighbors who haven't had an issue with your dogs, but that you are interested in coming to an equitable solution if they could let you know the specifics of the problem?

  8. If your dogs bark nonstop when you are not home would you know?  That would drive me nuts.  My ex MIL had a neighbor whose dog barked all day, every day.  It was many houses down an otherwise quiet dead-end street, and the barking was clearly heard even with doors and windows closed.  I could not tolerate that; nonstop repetitive noise overstimulates me. 

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