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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. One other option is American Heritage Girls. 4-H seems to be more for older girls. I started out wanting to be DD's Girl Scout troop leader. I ran into the same problems you did. Plus, I was disturbed about the direction Girl Scouts has taken since I was one.

    We currently have 15 kids age 5-17 in our 4-H club. Most of them are between 6 and 11, and most are girls.

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  2. I watched one of those on YouTube yesterday, because I was curious about this.  He used a few special  tiny little tools and aids and I think he did it in about 10 minutes. The iPad needs to be completely taken apart.  The battery is the last thing that is removed. 


    I needed to replace a battery in an old ipod shuffle.  I watched a couple of videos in which they used special little plastic tools to open the case.  The videos were made by a company which sells the batteries.  I went to their website to place the order, and the batteries come with the plastic tools for about ~$5-10.  The most complicated part with the ipod was that the battery had to actually be soldered, but thankfully I know how to do that so it wasn't an issue.  It took me, an untrained person, about 1/2 hour to fully repair the ipod back  assembled working condition.

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  3. So, their money goes to LGBT hate groups and politicians who fuel the fire of hatred which created the cultural atmosphere that condones an attack on that group, and then they step up as the heroes? Hmm. I don't think I'm buying it.


    Let's see them put their money where their mouth is, and then I'll reconsider my opinion.

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  4. My college ds recently told me he had this problem and threw the rest away. I think it was a problem with not enough water to dissolve the pod fully, probably because he was overstuffing the washer. Also, the pod is supposed to go in first, but he was putting it in the middle of the heap in the washer.

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  5. Oh I hate that phrase. Not only does it play out the way you mention, some other people use it as a way to not take no for an answer. Instead of the insincerely cheerful "we should get together!" (transl. in a million years) "yes, lets!" (transl. when pigs fly) the conversation is predicated on I AM going to see you. It feels like I'm talking to a bill collector with some people.


    & I don't find 'let me check my calendar' very helpful any more because people just stare at you, your phone, you, your phone. Um, yeah, my calendar is there.....you want me to look at it now I guess? :D



    My calendar isn't there. It is a paper calendar on my desk in my office, where I rarely am when on the phone.

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