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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. FAFSA=Free Application for *Federal* Student Aid


    It is the government which sets the rules about age limits for using a parent's income for the young adult to qualify for aid.


    And also the government which decided that young adults cannot qualify for low income tax assistance even when they are supporting themselves.

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  2. We do qualify for EIC, fuel assistance, electric assistance, and state Medicaid.  DS is a student who has been living in Philly for three years and supporting himself for the past year and a half on student loans and a co-op job.  He hasn't been home in two years.  He filed his first tax forms this year and would qualify for EIC if he were 25, but he is only 21.  I worry that he doesn't have enough to eat, but we can't afford to help him very often.

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  3. I like the tazo chai concentrate. Oregon chai is okay, but tazo is better. I mix it 5 parts chai to 6 parts milk. I've not tried the brand you mentioned, but maybe you were making it too strong?

    • Like 1
  4. We can grow sweet potatoes here now, I might try them. I've also considered Jerusalem artichokes.


    We always do tomatoes, hot peppers, carrots, beets, parsnips, and various greens. I am only planting one tomatillo and will do more ground cherries. I am going to try bachelors buttons to put in pots. Ivegot squash and pumpkins, beans and peas. I ordered some old fashioned hollyhocks to plant next to my fence.

    Someone offered us Jerusalem artichokes, but when I researched them I found they cause extreme flatulence and are very invasive, so we opted out.

    • Like 1
  5. In a thrift store...


    Mom to teen daughter: oh! What about THIS skirt?!


    Teen daughter: Mom. That looks like a HOMESCHOOLER.


    I just died laughing.

    I had this conversation with my dd a few days ago in a thrift store, but it was the other way around...


    Dd: This is a cute dress!


    Me: No, it looks too much like a homeschooler.

    • Like 2
  6. I did this too a few months ago... but realized that Tracfone does not use the 4G towers so I still did not get coverage even though I was on the CDMA network. Make sure that 3G towers are enough for what you need.... If not Verizon will take you back with their "By Back" plan thing - It actually saved me money! hehe

    I have never used Verizon. I live in a very rural area and would be surprised if most of the towers around here were upgraded to 4G. I only switched my account from a ZTE to the newer Samsung handset.

  7. Gracious, I would go through that in a day! Texting I might go through in half a day, data the same.


    Now, there are indeed cheaper plans. Republic Wireless is $10 for unlimited talk/text. You can add data and pay $25/mo, which is really great. But no iPhones.

    Can you not just shut off the mobile data to use your WiFi source, and use a texting app like a pp to save your plan services for when you really need mobile?
    • Like 2
  8. My DS11 was wondering on the way home from karate tonight. He was wondering how it was decided which words were swear words. I was explaining about them being crude or demeaning, extra rude, wondering where he was going with this. As we're approaching the house, he says, "But the F word, why is it a bad word? It's not like it has another meaning." We pulled into the driveway, and I said, "Sure it does. The F word is a crude word for having s*x."




    "Oh, didn't know that!" *Car door slams*


    And he hasn't wondered anything else tonight.

    I had the same conversation with my kids yesterday. I explained about the origins having to do with the profane vs holy, bodily functions, the rude and vulgar. Then we discussed cultural norms and what people find offensive, audiences, word choice, and bad habits.

  9. In NH you can only belong to one county at a time, but as many clubs as you'd like within the county.  We don't get any money from the county or state for programming, so we do our own fundraising.  We raise around $1000/year, and purchase or borrow equipment.


    As an organizational leader I got tired of trying soliciting appropriate meeting venues and dragging supplies, so we started meeting at my residence a few years ago.  It works out better for our members too, as we are centrally located.  We keep our sweet, gentle dog crated during meetings because there is just no place for a dog under foot in the organized chaos that is a project meeting.  Some people have phobias, others are allergic, and that one is also aggressive.  That wouldn't be okay with me or my county extension staff.  I'd call to seek assistance.

  10. I think consequences should be logical or natural. Making him miss some activity unrelated to the problem is neither of those. He should work around the house to replace his friend's goggles, and then not get any new ones to use himself. He should also not be allowed to borrow any from now on. He can suffer the consequences of not having any.


    And you should tell him you were wrong about the activity, and then bring him.

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