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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. You might benefit from doing the math on the commute and adding up all the expenses related to the car. If you got rid of the car and used that money to move to a slightly more expensive place withing walking or biking distance of work, the library, and grocery shopping you'd have more time as a family.


    I heartily recommend this blogger (be aware he swears often and with vigor!): The Mr. Money Mustache blog originally started out to help people with $70,000 + salaries retire early, BUT the advice for saving money is applicable at all income levels.




    This is ridiculous.  How does anyone expect people barely affording their basic living necessities (food, clothing, shelter, transport to and from work) to save money?  There have been months we've been dimes away from having utilities turned off.  And we're supposed to save?  Save what?!


    • Like 7
  2. We usually have a covering of snow, at least, on the ground by this time in Northern NH.  10yo has been complaining about the weather for a month; she is so disappointed. It is supposed to be 60F tomorrow.  It's been raining off an on for a week, and the grass is growing.


    Of course global temperatures naturally change over time, but not to this degree so quickly.  There is definitely a human component.  As an environmental science major I worked at UNH Earth Oceans and Space lab in the 1990s on a project which included polar ice core sampling to measure past global climate changes.  Scientists have been predicting this man-made global climate change for that long.


    From their website:  

    • If the item you're ordering is out of stock or unavailable to ship immediately, the shipping method time starts when the item ships. For example, it will take two business days after an item ships to reach you with Two-Day Shipping.



    Then it should give you an "arrival" date that reflects that.  Whenever something I am ordering is out of stock or unavailable to ship it says so on the item page just below the order button, and then reiterates an "expected arrival date"-range on the shipping page.

    • Like 1
  4. According to this website, the two types of avocado allergy are 1) oral allergy syndrome connected to birch pollen and 2) allergies connected to latex allergy.  The latex allergy is the one associated with nausea and vomiting, but can include anaphylaxis.  It may be a good idea to check out whatever else is related to latex allergy if you're having these symptoms!

  5. My (long) Amazon CS story:


    My men's Payless lined winter boots last about year before they die.  I went through the second pair last winter and they were splitting by spring. 

    I decided to take some time to shop around to find something warm and stylish. 

    I chose a pair of Comfy Moda boots on Amazon and ordered them June 23.  Put them in the closet for the summer.

    Took them out and started wearing them on September 13 when the weather turned cooler.

    By October 24 the leather upper had started to separate from the sole, and they were unwearable by October 27.  I can lift the leather upper and see lots of daylight between it and the bottom sole.

    I emailed the Amazon seller, ShoeMetro, and was told they don't warranty their products - contact the manufacturer.

    I emailed the manufacturer and was told the seller is not an authorized Comfy Moda seller, and they couldn't be sure they aren't a fake (didn't ask me to ship them for confirmation, or anything), so they won't warranty them.

    I spoke with an Amazon CS rep who said to file an A-Z claim and it would take 1-2 weeks before I'd get my refund.

    Got an email 2 days later that my issue does not qualify for A-Z.

    Called Amazon CS again, and was told I can appeal, but it will likely not go through because it is not an Amazon issue. 

    I explained that I bought them from the Amazon website, and she offered me a $20 credit.


    So, boots last one month and I'm out the money (-$20).

  6. One of my kids had such a severe cross-bite since front teeth originally came in as an infant that we were told the jaw would not grow properly, and it also affected speech development. Braces were a necessity. We're still waiting to see about braces on the bottom for severe overcrowding in a tiny bottom jaw.


    Another had four permanent teeth removed and three years of braces for major overcrowding, just like I did.


    One had only a sublingual arch to widen the jaw.


    One has needed nothing and has perfectly straight teeth like dh.


    They are all different. Medicaid doesn't pay for cosmetic orthodontics.

    • Like 1
  7. The local gymnastics place nickel and dimed us all year; no sibling discount; all the older girl were injured in some way. The local dance school has a fabulous break for each additional family hour of dance; amazing instructors and opportunities for growth. Guess where we chose to spend our time and money? 😀

  8. I have the best, easiest recipe for chocolate frosting. But it's downstairs and I'm in bed. I made it earlier today, so from memory:

    Mix 5c powdered sugar w/ 1c cocoa powder in a plastic bag.
    Cream 1 & 1/2 sticks butter until smooth.
    Alternate adding sugar mixture & 6oz evaporated milk to the butter.
    Add vanilla. 2 tsp.


    Edited for corrections after checking the recipe.

    • Like 2
  9. If you have a food source ready, the butterfly will probably unroll the proboscis not knowing where to put the end of it, and you can stick the food source under the tip.  Otherwise you can unroll the proboscis by gently sticking a pinkie fingernail at the start of the coil and pulling the proboscis out. 


    I'd move the other two chrysalises to a cold place which is not going to get very far below freezing.

    • Like 1
  10. Similar thing happened to me over the weekend, also with Amazon.  They don't make the charge for the whole order at once, so all the little charges put a fraud-check freeze on my card, which I discovered Sunday morning on my way to Boston (3+ hours away).  Good thing I had taken out a real actual credit card this fall for school purposes - I had to use it until I could call the bank on Monday morning.  They verified three purchases and then released my card. 

    • Like 2
  11. He does the dishes, trash removal and recycling at the transfer center, most of the lawn and garden care, all of the snow plowing, all of the car, tractor, and most of the house maintenance and a good deal of repair and major contruction/renovation. I do laundry, dusting, vacuuming, canning, shopping, finances and paperwork, scheduling, baking, and about half the dinner cooking. He cooks dinner about half the time. He also does about 10% of the taxiing of kids.

  12. annoying


    I think I started noticing this trend about 10-15 years ago.  It's like one or two family members in the audience go overboard which causes the peer pressure effect.  I don't stand unless it was a stellar performance, but I'm not afraid to buck the peer pressure.  :D

    • Like 1
  13. Have you lost any weight in the last few months without dieting? Do you have any low-grade fever, especially in the afternoon?


    I did.  Every single day around the time I crashed from bone-crushing fatigue my temperature would go up to 99.5ish, but never over 100.  I brought in a spreadsheet documenting all of my low grade fevers, and the endocrinologist said it didn't matter a whit because body temperature fluctuates throughout the day.  Funny - mine never does now.

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