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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. I don't see the issue. People causing interpersonal harm need to be stopped. I don't want my kids feeling altruistic towards those sorts of people. So win for religion there IMO.


    As for the others, kids aren't as stupid as this study seems to think. No one's going to actually suffer for lack of a sticker. All in all, poorly designed and even worse reporting. 


    So you don't teach your children that all people are deserving of compassion, only certain "sorts of people"? 


    That is a fail for religion IMO.


    • Like 14
  2. I think there must be a difference between the children of parents who teach morality through the lens of having compassion for the suffering of others vs. those who teach morality through fear of religious punishment and who may be more likely to also teach that people only deserve what they get for following/not following a Godly lifestyle as laid out in their holy book.

    • Like 17
  3. I've never heard of this brand of legalism. it doesn't even make sense (like any legalism ever does?)? If you're so concerned about language purity, wouldn't you go for the original language only and NO translation, like the Quran?

    • Like 4
  4. Languages change, I get that.  This is change that won't take imho.  It's just illogical to associate a plural pronoun with a singular antecedent.   Maybe Lindsey Whatever will invent the possessive pronoun "hisher".


    Then stop thinking of it as a plural pronoun and only think of it as a third person pronoun. 


    People who do not identify as male OR female would take exception to the requirement to choose he/she, and I think most of them would be willing to take the lesser grade.  LGBTQA centers on college campuses can help set inclusive policies in the teaching of English.


    I have not had a course in linguistics, but I have studied the Social Constructivist theories of Vygotsky which have been backed by recent neuroscience, so I'm gonna stick with my belief that language informs our perception of reality.

    • Like 2
  5. Oxford English Dictionary: Usage

    1 The word they (with its counterparts them, their, and themselves) as a singular pronoun to refer to a person of unspecified sex has been used since at least the 16th century. In the late 20th century, as the traditional use of he to refer to a person of either sex came under scrutiny on the grounds of sexism, this use of they has become more common. It is now generally accepted in contexts where it follows an indefinite pronoun such as anyone, no one, someone, or a person: anyone can join if they are a resident; each to their own. In other contexts, coming after singular nouns, the use of they is now common, although less widely accepted, especially in formal contexts. Sentences such as ask a friend if they could help are still criticized for being ungrammatical. Nevertheless, in view of the growing acceptance of they and its obvious practical advantages, they is used in this dictionary in many cases where he would have been used formerly.



    • Like 4
  6. Diana P., what you're speaking about is register. And you're quite right. Nobody speaks the same way to everybody they meet. You don't use the same register for your baby as you do for your god. You speak differently to the cops when you are a cop and you're all out drinking than you do when you're a suspect.


    So yeah, if you're writing a formal paper, and you have reason to believe that your audience is going to get all butthurt that you used singular they - avoid it. Avoid it like the plague! (Unless you hate your audience and don't care what they think about you.) Internalize "I may need to avoid singular they" into your rules for higher registers of speech. This is not because that rule has any validity, but because sometimes you gotta go along to get along, as they say.



    I just translate "PC" as "good manners", and then I get to say "This person thinks I shouldn't be polite? Well, bully for them."


    I disagree.  There are many ways in which language creates reality.  By going along to get along we perpetuate the belief that only certain people matter.  I would choose to be the change I want to see by pushing that envelope and having the resultant uncomfortable conversations.

    • Like 7
  7. In my case, the court ordered a kids attorney - an ad litem, after xh continued to escalate the custody battle.


    Our ad litem evaluated me, my (then) husband, and us with the kids. He interviewed us together and separately. He did the same thing with my xh, his wife, the kids with them and separately. He then made a recommendation to the court. He was available for the kids if they wanted to talk to him. (None of them did, to my knowledge). I liked him, not just because he sided with me. ;)


    It's been 5 years and I am still paying him.




    Same reason for GAL here, but the evaluation was unfair IMO.  GAL met first with ex, then with me, then with ex and the kids.  I asked that the kids' therapist be present or involved in direct questioning of the children by the GAL - request ignored.  GAL did not meet with me and the kids together before making a recommendation against me, and even stated in court that she did not know if I were a kind or loving mother who was able to connect with my own children.  She was pretty gobsmacked at the hearing when I had proof of his noncompliance with previous court-orders, and changed part of her recommendation on the spot.  She looked pretty foolish.


    The judge stated in his decision that he was not going to exercise "judicial ego" before he did just that.


    Since then the kids have reached adulthood and have chosen to limit contact with ex to occasional phone calls and perhaps one short visit per year. 

    • Like 1
  8. Maybe she is potty training and she was just glad he told her in time to avoid wetting in his costume. In general it may not be the best idea, and may be rude, but I try to extend leeway to small children and understanding to their parents.


    Some people don't have a neighborhood in which to TorT. I'd be grateful they were at least walking and not driving the kid from door to door.

    • Like 17
  9. Yes, in Spanish you use the male pronoun if there's at least one male species...and as far as I know the cats (or anyone) gets offended :) So tired of having to make changes to make sure everyone feels "included"

    Wow. Let's exclude you and your loved ones and then see how you feel about it.

    • Like 8
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