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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. I'm fortunate not to have had experience with mental illness in my household, but we have a strong family history of mental illness (suicide and and alcoholism on my father's side, suicide and schizophrenia on my husband's mother's side.)


    With a strong family history, please watch your children as they go through their teen years (when many mental illnesses begin to rear their ugly heads).


    I have bipolar, anxiety, depression, and PTSD in my family history.


    I really think most families have some level of mental illness somewhere.  It's probably an anomaly not to have.

    • Like 3
  2. I thought white was originally to symbolize purity/virginity.  Not too many people are virgins getting married even for the first time, which means that white wedding dresses are now just tradition.  Why shouldn't the tradition carry over to those getting married the second time?

    • Like 1
  3. I used a mothers helper a couple of times when my oldest kids were babies and I needed to get some dirty work done in the basement.  I couldn't keep dropping everything to tend to the baby and toddler.  The girl was 11 or 12 - not old enough for me to feel comfortable leaving home alone with the kids, but fine with me downstairs and accessible in an emergency.  She was a big help!

    • Like 1
  4. That would have made them illegal to fly. They need certain minimum hours of rest before they can fly. That especially applies to the Cockpit Crew ("Duty Regs") but a decent airline will also apply that for Flight Attendants. Some do, some don't.  


    Then they could have had one of the other employees drive them.  Resting in a car is not any different than resting in a plane.

    • Like 4
  5. It is necessary for airlines to book reservations for  more people than the aircraft has seats for. That is a Reservation status called Overbooking. Occasionally, that results in more people actually showing up for a flight than the aircraft has seats for. That is called Oversold. In that situation, normally, the airline personnel will ask for volunteers and they will offer money, a free trip, etc.   In this case, that occurred yesterday, on a United Airlines flight preparing to leave Chicago for Louisville, I simply cannot imagine what happened that caused United Airlines to resort to this. Apparently they had asked for volunteers.   Other passengers believe the man is an M.D. in Kentucky. There are 2 short videos showing what happened to the passenger.




    I disagree that this is a necessary business practice.  In any other business it would be fraud.  It should be illegal.

    • Like 13
  6. Didn't read the whole thread, don't have time to look up citations.


    Here are some broad generalizations for you:


    American school culture is focused on after-school sports.  Youth suicide is related to social pressure.


    Asian school culture is focused on after-school tutoring and academic drilling.  Youth suicide is related to academic pressure.

    • Like 1
  7. We have a plastic-drawer thingy that sits on a shelf.  Each drawer has it's own item.  Top drawer holds regular pencils & erasers, the middle is for pens, and the bottom is for colored pencils.  We have a tall metal cylinder (cookie tin covered with construction paper) for scissors.  I might get another set of drawers to have a separate drawer for markers, and another for crayons.  Maybe keep the scissors in the last drawer if you don't have a tin.  The drawers easily pull out to use at the table.


    Next to our drawers on the shelf we have a paper-filing rack where we store different types of paper.


    He who messes it gets to clean it.

  8. Now the intermediate district is saying they'll evaluate him, but to receive services as a homeschooler I have to register my homeschool with the state(which is not a legal requirement to homeschool in MI), or enroll him in the public school. I just posted about it on the Learning Challenges board.


    Still tryig to figure out if that's true.


    My (admittedly limited) experience so far hasn't been great.

    This is true because federal special ed law (and funding) exists for children to be successful within the general education curriculum of the public school, so that they can take advantage of their right to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). If you're homeschooling you've chosen not to have the FAPE and don't need to be successful within the general education curriculum. So, although they must provide an evaluation under Childfind, they don't have to provide services.

  9. I had an employee last year who had been a foster mom for years and adopted 5 of her foster children as they became available for adoption and one of her adopted children was RAD (the oldest) and this child ran away at the age of 16 and caused her a terrible amount of heartache. She was a lovely woman. Everyone adored her.

    I know a family in a very similar situation who is going through a similar traumatic experience currently. I am sad for her.

  10. 4-H has strict risk management protocols in place for anyone working with youth and for youth in groups, extensive annual criminal background checks, etc. I also don't send my kids to overnight camp until they are old enough to know what's what, fight back, and speak up. This year will be youngest's first time at sleep-away camp, and I'm not worried at all.

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