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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. Is it bad I want to go looking through my Shel Silverstein poetry books and find the poem about the girl who yelled "Me First." Who wanted to be first on the bus and ultimately got to be first to be eaten by the cannibal?


    Or are there better stories or picture books that would cover the topic better? Lol


    Not at all.  Look at Mrs. Piggle Wiggle too.  She probably has a good story about being first.


    Learning to take turns is a skill.  Somehow he has gotten it into his head that he doesn't need to take turns?

    • Like 1
  2. I think you handled it fine. 


    I think in situations in which I have control of the timeline I'd intentionally make him be last until he gets over it.  For instance, instead of asking the kids to brush their teeth as a group, I'd ask them each individually to do so and then come back one at a time, holding 5yo for last.  When he can get through that type of scenario without throwing a fit I'd change to random first selection.

    • Like 7
  3. Septum pellucidum


    Cave of septum pellucidum includes info on vergae


    The cavum vergae (CV), along with the cavum septum pellucidum (CSP) is a persistence of the embryological fluid-filled space between the leaflets of the septum pellucidum and is a common anatomical variant. https://radiopaedia.org/articles/cavum-vergae


    Looks like an anatomical variation which is common but might indicate possible fetal neural maldevelopment?

    • Like 1
  4. I recently discovered that sulfur soap gets rid of my rosacea. The likely reason - it kills the skin mites that are probably causing the skin problem.  Did you know that everyone has microscopic skin mites?  Cuz I sure didn't.  My skin looks better than it has in years!


    My scalp had the same bumpy, itchy, flaky problem that my face did. I had used dandruff shampoos for years with no relief.  Turns out that sulfur shampoo fixed it, so I'm guessing it was also the mites.  Now that these problems are gone I can use the sulfur shampoo once per week to maintain my scalp.  The rest of the time I just rinse extra oils off my hair and redistribute them using hot water, and then condition the ends.  My curly hair finally looks great - no grease, flakes, or frizz.

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  5. I haven't read the rest of the responses yet, but given all the time here on the boards that we hear from boardies whose in-laws have a problem/boundary issues and we tell them the dh should deal with his own parents, I'd say the boyfriend is just wrong on this.  If he wants to keep her around then he needs to stand up for her and be on "her side".  This "get over it or deal with it yourself" precedent does not bode well for her if she marries him.

    • Like 12
  6. I found on my phone under Mobile networks and then under network mode...it says, preferred network mode: CDMA/EvDo  


    does that mean it's a CDMA phone...or not?


    But I still don't know if that indicates what service provider my phone hooks to.


    this whole thing is confusing me now.


    It does seem to be.  Have you tried looking it up on the Tracfone BYOP page?

  7. The thing I like about the S5 SM-G900V is that it has a slot for the CDMA SIM, and will also work on the GSM (no SIM) network if you get a card for that instead.


    I also like the fact that you can replace the battery when it stops holding charge.


    Also, the charge port cover makes it waterproof.

  8. I did that....the first suggestion was to reboot the phone and the carrier might show up on the phone...so I did that...no carrier.  so the next thing said to figure out if it's GSM or CDMA....well, I think I figured out that it is CDMA....but I have no idea what that means.  So that isn't any help.  And the manual isn't any help either.


    So, assuming that it is CDMA....what does that mean?


    Some new phones have a built in service-contract requirement before you can use them on whatever carrier you choose.  For instance, this winter I tried to by a Galaxy J5 (?) on the Verizon network from Walmart.  My plan had been to switch out the SIM and use it with our Tracfone account.  It turned out that the phone serial number is connected to Verizon until you have completed a 1-year service contract with Verizon, so I couldn't use it.  Apparently they discount the price of the phone and make up the difference in the cost of the service plan.  No thanks.  I returned it and bought a refurbished unlocked S5.

  9. I was looking at a Galaxy S5 on the tracfone website...but it's $300.  Maybe that isn't a lot for some people, but for me it is...and especially if it's only going to last a year before starting to give me trouble.


    is there a cheaper place to buy this? and how trying will it be to make it a tracfone?


    We got ours refurbished for about $180-200 each on ebay or Amazon.  We saved up and purchased them one at a time over the course of a year.


    I did that....the first suggestion was to reboot the phone and the carrier might show up on the phone...so I did that...no carrier.  so the next thing said to figure out if it's GSM or CDMA....well, I think I figured out that it is CDMA....but I have no idea what that means.  So that isn't any help.  And the manual isn't any help either.


    So, assuming that it is CDMA....what does that mean?


    CDMA and GSM are two different cell phone networks.  You can see the coverage maps for Tracfone on the two different networks on this webpage.


    If you want the CDMA network, you need to get an unlocked Verizon-compatible phone.  You also need to purchase a SIM card from tracfone to connect the phone to the network.  The BYOP packages locally available (at Walmart for instance) have recently changed, and the SIM won't fit in the Galaxy S5.  Call Tracfone customer service to have them send you the proper SIM.

  10. All the link showed is that more people are using them and they are great at preventing pregnancy. I did not think the OP was looking to prevent pregnancy, I thought she was looking at hormones.


    Here is a link stating why there are OBGYN's who would never give it to their own children.



    If someone was looking to regulate hormones I would choose either a more natural route - diet, activity changes before suggesting that they risk their health with an IUD. I know someone who had multiple infections and another with other complications.



    faux news

  11. I am unsure how an IUD would affect hormones but personally I would not suggest an IUD for such a young girl unless she is very aware of the risks. A very common side effect of placing foreign objects inside of you are cramping, spotting, heavy menstrual and infection (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) which can even cause her to be infertile. On top of that there is the smaller risk of perforation and emergency surgery...


    Mirena is an IUD with hormones.

    Paragard is an IUD without hormones.

  12. Yep.  I have struggled most of my adult life with depression.  My oldest dealt with it in his early teens and then his last year of college.  But K's issues of really knocked the wind out of us.  Although things are stable right now, the turmoil has taken a toll on my mental and physical health. 




  13. I had postpartum depression for several weeks, and prenatal (is that what they call it during pregnancy?) depression for a few months.  


    However, I understand wanting to post anonymously about someone else's mental illness and the difficulties that arise from it.  If I had a family member with a mental illness I'd never post about it on the internet, certainly not in a place that is searchable and where I (and therefore they) am identifiable.  


    Also, I agree that chronic mental health issues - bipolar disorder being one - are very different in terms of both treatment and perception than time-limited episodes, especially of what are generally more socially acceptable (if that makes sense) mental illnesses, like PPD.


    Mood disorders, even here on these forums, are often very frowned upon, even while there is more social acceptance of things like depression (largely, I assume, because so many people these days are being treated for depression and anxiety and etc.)


    I don't see mood disorders being frowned upon anywhere but in religious circles.  Here on the boards I have only seen a non-acceptance of the lack of treatment for mental illnesses.  If it is making you or your loved ones dysfunctional it should be treated.

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