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Amy in NH

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Posts posted by Amy in NH

  1. This is a regular occurrence lately. In the past 2-3 year, we haven't had a single claim go through properly. Every single one has a problem, either with the referral, or the authorization, or the procedure code, or the status of the doctor (whether they're in network or not), or the claims person (or robot) didn't notice that there really is an authorization number for this claim. Every time one of us goes to the doctor, I have to spend 2-4 hours on the phone getting the claim paid.


    It didn't used to be like this. In 25 years, I only had one problem. Now it is every single time.


    How do people manage this kind of stuff if they both work? It's insane.



    (For those who read my earlier rant about the credit score system, thanks for joining me on another one. It's not been the day I planned.)

    Contact your state insurance commissioner and submit a formal complaint.

    • Like 1
  2. I filed the first day they took freefile - Jan 22nd?  They wouldn't process it until February 15th due to EIC.  Just got it about five weeks after filing.  Not particularly fast, but better than the year they took 6-9 months and an excruciating process with a tax advocate.

  3. They don't like to be transplanted.  I've tried to plant them 3x (3 different years) and they've never taken, and that was nursery stock purchased through our county conservation district, so they were zoned for our region.  But if you can get them to grow, they are supposed to get up to 15 feet tall x 8-10 feet wide.

  4. While I am one to require three bites of everything, no alternate meals, and no dessert without a "good" dinner, I also let my (younger two) kids dip their food into the sauce of their choice for far longer than I would have liked in order to get them to eat meals.  Ranch dressing, BBQ sauce, ketchup, whatever it takes.  We have a sit down dinner every night, so they are accustomed to having everyone eating together the same foods.  They also had a hand in growing and cooking a lot of foods since they were small.  Now that they are older they no longer require the dip, and they are much less picky and more willing to try new things.

  5. It was a small community hospital. DH was so charming that they kept questioning if it was really a crisis or not. An hour before he completely different.


    I had to demand that they do the CT scan, and they finally agreed.


    By that time they gave us the CT results, he said he was fine and wanted to go home. They said OK.


    Then it went downhill again in the car and at home.

    This sounds just like my dad. Mental state never the best (PTSD from childhood trauma and war service) slowly deteriorated over the course of several severe medical crises. Came to a head last summer involving police, forced hospital stay, but ultimately charmed his way back home. No kids in the house,but that also means mom's been dealing with this alone with some telephone support from my sister (psychiatric RN) and requiring me to drop everything and rush 2 hours to help during crises. She finally let him move out. They sold their house. She is moving across the country to be with my sister. Now he is serious about getting help, keeps apologizing to everyone, calls me crying. What a mess.


    He has not fully moved into his apartment yet, and his interference with mom's stuff and continued presence is emotionally draining for her. I think there is some early dementia on both sides, but he doesn't remember what they agreed is his/hers, has been giving/throwing her stuff away, etc. She'll be gone end of next month, and I think we're all looking forward to peace.


    I hope you are able to find that peace, and that this separation is a wake-up for your husband to truly seek the help he needs.

  6. DS is 10 hours away at college in the middle of a large city with no transportation (well, public transportation).  Grocery shopping is not convenient or inexpensive at the available stores.  I tried Fresh to send him grocery items when it was a free trial, but I don't do it often enough to make a subscription worthwhile and I think it's too expensive if you add the fee onto the cost of the groceries. 


    Otoh, since then I've put together Peapod delivery orders for him which I can pay for online.  They have comparable prices to Amazon, but also include sale prices.  There is not an annual fee, but there is a delivery charge which I think is reasonable.

  7. A kid bugging another kid would be sent to sit on their bed until they could behave in a civil manner.


    I don't think we've ever given extra chores, taken anything away, or "grounded" someone.  We just have a chat and it's all good.  We believe in "failures" as a learning experience, and kids need to feel safe making mistakes, but my kids haven't ever done anything very "bad".  We've always had a culture of respecting each other, so we haven't had any oppositional or defiant behavior either.

    • Like 1
  8. When I was a child I tried to melt butter on the stovetop (pre-microwave) in a Tupperware measuring cup.


    Also used baking soda instead of powder and ended up with volcano muffins in the oven.


    Also made a double batch (huge bowl) of fortune cookie batter which was unsuccessful. Was able to alter it into teal crepes which made excellent frisbees.

    • Like 4
  9. My husband would be fired if he leaked passwords or client information (even names) and none of his information poses a national security risk. My daughter's optometrist won't email her prescription to me because of HIPPA rules. So, when I hear about people who are dealing classified information relating to national security playing fast and loose with it, I'm speechless. Just... what the crap, people?


    As far as threat of a nuclear attack... our president and Russia's president seem to get along for some reason, so that's good.

    How long will it stay good between two narcissists? They can't both be queen bee.


    And what about China?

    • Like 5
  10. People with nuclear codes have accidentally leaked their own account passwords this week.



    Same people are reportedly continuing to use private email servers and unsecured devices. I won't say any more about the hypocrisy, but just point out the security risk since everyone knows about it.
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