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Everything posted by xixstar

  1. Thank you for sharing, looks like you make a smaller space work well. Oh thank you - the pictures paint a far better pictures than explanations for me, it looks different that I had imagined and I really like seeing it. Thank you for sharing, really brightens my day to see more examples of how people live in their spaces, especially with a lot more stuff. I need to do major decluttering too (have a semi-hoarding like husband) but I also have to just work around stuff a bit as well. So I find this far more inspiring than staged home photos or friends who insist they have a cluttered house and I visit and they own minimal furniture and no clutter anywhere in sight. ...... Okay excited to scroll down and see more examples! :)
  2. If you're considering it then just jump. I thought about it for more than a year before buying one and when I finally did, i kicked myself for waiting so long. Yes, the price tag is big, but I don't have another appliance in my kitchen that gets as much use. Since buying my vitamix 2 (or was it 3) years ago, it has pretty much been used at least 1x a day and often (very often) used 2x a day. My stove gets less use than the vitamix because there are plenty of days I don't cook at all (cold meals and such - mostly summer). I use it for lots of different things but smoothies, mostly green, is by far the most common. But I also love finding other uses for it and some uses that you'd never use a blender for but it's just so easy to clean that I like the option, like blending for scrambled eggs (with cheese and extras too). Sure a bowl works fine, but since the blender is there anyways and then a little hot water and a drop of soap and it's clean (versus a bowl and fork tossed in the dishwasher otherwise). I really love it for making salad dressings too. DH likes it for odd things like grinding up egg shells for adding into the garden. We made our own garlic powder from our own grown and dried garlic too. I made lots of soups when I first bought it, but not since. I am apt to blend up some extra veg to pour into dishes that no one realizes has veg in it. I also discovered it is much neater for making cauli-rice (cauliflower rice) and wish I'd tried it sooner. But really, if you're already considering it then just jump. Much easier push than for someone that would really love one but just can't possibly get one. Oh and out family's fruit and veg consumption more than doubled when we bought one - that there was a pretty awesome result too. And I thought we already ate well to start with. *oh and to clarify, I don't cook the eggs in the blender though I did see a video of someone doing that once, no thanks, the stove works fine.
  3. We do 1 video in the late afternoon/early evening - that witching hour where people are all cranky and crazy. It is either short (30-40 minutes) or long (90 minutes) depending on my mood - usually it's short. Also depends on how long dinner will take to cook or if we're eating later than usual because dh is late getting home. Rule is both have to agree on the show or no show. Sometimes, there is no show and lots of tears - then it's quiet reading time in bedrooms.
  4. Forgot to add, I am not really looking at way to improve my space though I'm sure it could be done. Just more for visual examples of the smaller spaces others are living in for inspiration that it can be done. Talking about square feet just doesn't really connect in my mind -- seeing actual spaces does a better job. :)
  5. I agree - all I find online is mostly stuff way more formal or decorated or just not our style of 'whatever works for now' living. I dream of a minimalist well furnished house some day, but since it's not at the top of our priority list, I really appreciate just seeing more real-life examples from other people. Though I do realize plenty of people are a nice and neat and organized as some blogs point out, I like seeing those that might be a little less so. Totally odd space for sure. I'm standing between two doorways (one is next to the loveseat) and one on the perpindicular wall next to the entertainment center right behind me - so it's really dead space (well it's a walkway not just empty space). I don't know the actual measurements but it isn't especially big. :) The cubby shelves hold toys/activities for the girls. If I put it vertical, they won't be able to reach everything. And two tables because with a 2 and 4 year old and I need my sanity, they needed their own space to do things like coloring/puzzles/etc. I usually set out several Montessori like activities that need done at a table - those tables are only big enough for 1 child at a time. I keep minimal toys out so it doesn't get overwhelming. It's not laid out this way now, actually, because I change it often. :) At the moment, the cubbies are along the wall by the door and the tables are in front of the double windows. With the chair and couch across from each other - gives them more floor space but a bit cramped for those sitting on the couch-chair.
  6. For getting started, I really like the SparkPeople Boot Camp videos, they're not too hard and do a good job getting the heart rate moving. Here is one: They have more than just that if you check out their other videos or even just google SparkPeople Bootcamp will probably come up with their blog-like post about them.
  7. And to play along, just don't mind the clutter and laundry but this is the living room space we have. Untitled by xixstar, on Flickr Though the loveseat has been replaced by a futon couch that allow 3-4 people to sit instead of just 2. It's laid out differently now, because I constantly change things in hopes of feeling like there is options (?) and in the winter we block off that door (we only open it in the spring/summer to get air flow in) because we don't use it for getting in/out the house. But this is what I feel like our primary living space consists off, off to my right where you can't see if the entertainment center and tv (and there are two doorways into this room, so where I'm standing is not usable space in terms of activity). Oh and next to the loveseat isn't a table, it's a wood-burning play stove -- thing we'll find a new home for it soon because it just takes up too much space and doesn't get as much play lately.
  8. I would love some visual examples of how you make a smaller house work for you. I've read threads of people talking about square foot per person and such but that comparison doesn't work well for me for lack of spacial awareness and the realization that some houses are just poorly laid out. I'm really curious because we currently have 3 children and part of me would love to have 1 or 2 more but I feel cramped in the space we have but maybe I just need an outlook adjustment. I think our house probably has reasonable amount of square feet but it is poorly arranged. Our living room is our primary play and social area and it barely seats 4-5 people now with a tiny play area for the littles - they don't have their own bedroom, so this is their only play area. When I think of adding another body or of my kids just getting bigger, I start to panic a little at how small it will feel. We never have friends over to play because I just don't feel like there is enough room to add more bodies. I do have a large craft room that will double for schooling space. I used to run a sewing business and it is the second largest room in our house (behind our bedroom) and it could make for a better living room-social space, but as a family we feel like we like having the space to make-create-learn-do more than sit on our tush, so we're happy with how it's arranged, for now. But anyways - I find inspiration in real-life photos of how other people make their spaces work. Now, I drool over minimalist blogs too but we're never going to be at that point, so it's not as inspiring as seeing someone else with realistic clutter and chaos making do with what they have. Anyone willing to share?
  9. I spent 4 years waking up at 9:30 or so with my little ones would wake up. I was annoyed because if I got up earlier, they would wake. I felt I needed the late hours to get me time. I have always suffered with depression nd difficulty getting to sleep -often I would lay in bed until 4am awake still. I was not really happy during this time. Those late hours were usually spent staring at the internet or really just wasting time, not really productive because I was so drained from the day. Beginning of January, I decided I had to change and started waking up at 5am to go to the gym every day. I have to be there when they open so I can get home in time for DH to leave for work. It was amazing how much better I felt, how much happier I have been and how I really love seeing dawn every morning. Now I go to bed at 9:30pm and I'm tired and fall right to sleep. I have some days, here and there, sleep is still a struggle, but I still get up regardless. It has made it clear just how depressed I've been because suddenly I'm awake and alive again with far more energy to do whatever needs done. Now for my children, the first day they both woke up early and I was annoyed but got over it. However, they've since gone back to one sleeping in to about 7am and the other 8am. This doesn't really give me much time since I get home from the gym at 7am, but my little one is such a morning person and in a wonderful mood in the mornings, it's worth it to enjoy her company in the morning. I have tried just waking early many times in the past and it didn't work. The gym is the motivation I need because I have to wake up and go if I'll be able to make it in time. And it wasn't really as hard as I expected, whereas when I've tried to just get up at 7am or so, I felt like such a zombie before. I love being a morning person now. ETA: I have other friends with more little ones and they are told that they can wake up but have to stay in their rooms until 7:30am or whatever time because mom wants her quiet time in the morning. If your children are a bit older, that can help some with the mom's up so kids are up issue.
  10. We have been here 5 years and will probably be here forever. I was fine with that before we had kids (well two more) but now the size of our house (mainly the layout, the size really isn't that small) is one of the biggest reasons to not have another child. We are a family of 5 with a living room that only seats 4-5 now (thankfully we bought a new couch this year, before it only sat 3!) and picturing more bodies or even bigger bodies makes me feel claustrophobic - and the littles don't have a playroom or their own bedroom so the living room is the main play area too. But there is no selling possible of our house without a major loss, so I don't see us ever leaving it. I used to be in love but not anymore, the fantasy of owning an older house (130 years) is gone since there is no pot of gold to do the rennovations and repairs it really needs. But I also need to just get over it and start loving it more.
  11. Well we are 15 minutes from the closest small town, 20 from a bigger town/little city, 25 from small city, 35 from a large city, 45-75 minutes from dh work. And I'm okay with those times.
  12. I've seen lots of variation with photographers, so doesn't seem too strange to me especially considering the low sitting fee. I would imagine if you really hate all the photos, you wouldn't have to buy any.
  13. I have a sample of those and they don't seem sturdy. The little connector knobs broke the first time I used them and I dont think they can be opened up multiple times. For the price, certianly not something I will invest in more of. But I could just have a bad pair (the company was kind enough to send me a sample when I asked ).
  14. You can do it yourself, I find a quilting rules and rotary cutter works great - can use a ruler and xacto knife too. Or you can have a printshop cut them off for small fee.
  15. Another tip for ordering online... Go to a large eye glasses place (lenscrafter?) and try on glasses you like to find what fits - on the frames it will have details as to how wide the lens is, how long the over-the-ear arms are, and such. I also also take photos (of them on me) so I remember the style when I get home. But knowing these measurements can help you pick out glasses that will fit well online. I have a wide head, so having these numbers helped me compare the glasses online to what I knew would fit. I also measured the glasses I have at home as well (be aware they are measured in mm) and that really helped because I had one pair that was actually too narrow, so that let me know to not pick frames narrower than x.
  16. tell them you want the prescription and will be buying glasses somewhere else. If you buy online, ask them to measure your PD (pupilary distance, I believe) for you! You can do it yourself but they'll give you a more accurate measurement.
  17. We've ordered from goggles4u.com, they send out cupon codes all the time, and I'm very happy with my glasses with transition lenses that were $25 shipped. I am ordering glasses for Dh week and his presception is much higher and we'll probably be spending about $90 for his, but they're of $300 or more at eye glasses places, so it's still a very good deal.
  18. Drive here too. In fact, start thinking of reasons to run errands when I'm really engaged in a story - not so great for our gas budget. :)
  19. If I was going to the Chiropractor, I would keep the appointment because it is usually helpful even when something start feeling a little better. If it was a regular doctor, I'd probably cancel but because I've found they're less helpful with solving problems such as that.
  20. I have a 17.5 yo and she hasn't started the process. The requirement I added is that she pay for drivers ed (required here) and all the associated costs. She still hasn't got a job to earn the money to do these things. I would be happy for her to make progress and as she approaches her senior year, I'm a little nervous she hasn't because it is a delayed process to get a full license here and I worry she'll leave for college without driving. But I also need to her to make that effort as well, so it's a stalemate right now. But even with a license, not sure how she'll manage the insurance and such and we don't have another car for her to drive because I'm not too keen on her driving the family van (the first time we've ever had payments on a car) and dh doesn't want her to drive the cheap commuter car because it gets him to work. Not sure what we'll do when that part comes up.
  21. I wouldn't want to try a full day program. My local high school does a program that is 1 hr 45 min for 4 days. I think that would be a nice option for enough social time but not too much. Our program is also very affordable so we were willing to try it and wouldn't feel bad if we pulled her out. But if your only option is 3 full days and it would be a stretch financially then I say no. Especially if it isn't a known awesome program. I worked early childhood for many years and have seen just 1 program that really did an amazing job and the rest were just ok. Stretching financially for the amazing program I would consider but not for anything less but it really must be amazing and will work with your child to meet his needs.
  22. I have come across recipes by the Cooks Illustrated / Americas Test Kitchen folk where light vs dark does make a difference but they're few and far between and they even say that the majority of the time they are completely interchangeable. In that case I prefer dark over light.
  23. You're clearly uncomfortable eating it still, so in that case, you might as well throw it out. But honestly, it's fine - coming from someone with very young children as well. But it being fine doesn't really matter if you don't feel comfortable eating it or serving it to your family because in that case, it's best just to toss and be done with it.
  24. I found Trader Joe's to have a better price over costco and I prefer the Grade B stuff as well, better flavor. :) Costco is my second choice.
  25. If they look and smell fine, I would put them in the freezer.
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