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Everything posted by mathnerd

  1. But, you are not taking into account that there is the case of the transponder that had been switched off and the radars tracking the plane which was "following a route between navigational waypoints" for 5 hours after it last contacted traffic control - this, according to US officials is consistent with the plane being piloted by someone familiar with aviation and it was definitely not on autopilot or out of control. This plane was not communicating and flying through a route from one "navigational waypoint" to another for hours. This case is nothing similar to that golfer's plane crash. And we have been misled that the plane was in 3 totally different regions so far. This is either extreme incompetence or someone is buying time to coverup (and possibly cleanup?) mistakes that have been made (shooting down a non responding civilian aircraft??) and would cause repurcussions if they admitted to them. Interestingly, the US did not take any action when they were searching the first 2 areas. Now suddenly, when the search has been diverted to a third location (Andamans) the US is sending battleships and other help there - so it seems that the US knew all along that the plane was not in the first 2 locations (spy satellites saw all that happened?). And the clues have been staged and timed so that the world's focus has been diverted to location A and then location B and then now to location C - so was anything going on somewhere else when the whole world was looking at location A and location B?
  2. Major germophobe here. I only buy bunches of bananas that people have not handled before (the ones without one or two bananas torn out), I pick the bunch from the very bottom of the pile so that less people have touched it, I bag my bunch of bananas (so that it does not have to come in contact with the icky shopping cart or the ickier conveyer belt and weighing machines) and I do this for all my produce. I prefer my produce going through less human hands and not touching carts or belts. If I think about it logically, I can see that I am weird and it does not make sense - most of the organic produce I buy probably have cow manure used as fertilizer and who knows how many people handled the produce on its way from farm to produce department in my store? But, I feel better if I do things this way.
  3. My 6 year old son wants to learn all that he can about Archery. He has been obsessed about it ever since he saw the movie "Brave" a long time ago. He also wants to learn the skill when he is old enough to take lessons. Any books (both fiction and non-fiction) that I can get for him? TIA!
  4. My pet theory is that the plane got hijacked to Indonesia which harbors a lot of anti-western terrorist groups in the dark. It refueled there (because it had only a few hours worth of fuel left) and took off in the night, flew under the radar at 29000 ft as it did while crossing Malaysia and went on to one of the pro-terrorist countries (you can substitute your own choice of terrorist harboring country here - Iran, N Korea etc). My followup pet theory is that the US has many spy satellites pointing to these countries and it has a pretty good idea of what exactly happened. It may have its own reasons for keeping quiet and not getting involved. Why the plane was hijacked is something I am unable to speculate about. And I can only pray that the people onboard are alive. Disclaimer: I came up with this theory because I cannot imagine any other possibility due to the lack of a wreckage. ETA: There is speculation now that something is being covered up: This article talks about the hijack theory: http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2014/03/12/Missing-plane-last-words/ Excerpt: "The exchange boosted theories among the anxious families that there are ongoing secret negotiations with terrorists who had hijacked the plane. Adding to this was the official's earlier statement that Malaysia hopes that the passengers are alive."
  5. they should have looked at their military radar ASAP and let everyone know the truth 4 days ago. The data was right there in their military radars and in several other neighboring countries' military radars too. If I were the army boss of that country and something so big goes missing, I might ask a few of the people working in my agencies to check their radars just in case ... So, they knew all this and let all the serachers look in the wrong sea for a long time because they were covering up something or they were really incompetent and did not know how to deal with this situation and to check with their own military. Whatever it is, the only questions I have are: where is the plane and what happened to the people on it?
  6. An US based satellite imaging firm is "crowdsourcing" the hunt for MH370. It will make available all the satellite images it has of that region and people can help out by scanning them and tagging suspicious objects in the pictures. Awesome idea. this is where they make the images available: http://www.tomnod.com/nod/challenge/malaysiaairsar2014 this is the article on their effort: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/03/crowdsourcing-the-search-for-malaysia-flight-370/
  7. I don't discuss these things with my MIL. It is none of her business. Make a decision that is good for you and your son and your husband. I don't even discuss medical conditions with the ILs, let alone reproductive choices. Good luck.
  8. I don't see this as a problem related to accelerating or perfectionism or early college entrance. What seems to have happened is that this young lady has suddenly woken up to a whole world of possibilities while so far she has been focused entirely on achieving one goal. This is very normal for many people (most high profile people with this problem are child stars, olympic athelets). All she needs to do is to take a step back, evaluate all the possibilities - like travel, picking up another subject to study, taking a gap year etc. and follow all these leads to see if they make her happy. It is also natural to blame the parents - most of us did that at some time or the other. But, she will eventually learn that her parents are no longer running her life and that she has the freedom now to make her own decisions and live by them. What I see is that they calculated her career path/education based on some assumptions and those assumptions did not hold true. Instead of seeking out the next best medical school immediately and continuing her medical education, she decided to stick around and wait for a chance to continue her medical education at the top medical school of her choice. She seems disillusioned that after all her hard work, she did not get to achieve her goal of getting into a particular program at a particular college by a particular age. In my opinion, in life and in one's career, one will encounter these things all the time (atleast, I do). If she is as good academically as the OP suggests, decompressing for a couple of years will not close the avenues of higher medical education for her. Maybe it will give her a break emotionally and time to recharge her batteries.
  9. Apparently, GPS is part of many of the passengers' cellphone services and Malaysian Airlines says that all its crew members have cell phones with GPS turned on. They tried calling those numbers and it was ringing. The amazing thing is that the phone chat client on some of these phones shows the status of these passengers as being online according to a Malaysian newspaper. This means that the sea water has not yet got to these phones. Chances of survival seem to be slim but cannot be ruled out in these circumstances.
  10. There are theories in newspaper that it could be N Korea, Cuba or Ukraine related. But, then, North Korea (and Kim) and Cuba are best buddies of China and they would not screw their only friend by hijacking a plane full of its nationals. So, that theory also is out for me personally. Ukraine is also on very friendly terms with China ... I am trying to figure out things in this mystery. A brother of a passenger said yesterday that the cellphone of the passenger is ringing. He urged the investigators to use satellites and GPS to track the cellphones of the passengers down. Why is Malaysia so slow???
  11. I keep checking the news all day long and they still have no updates. How is it that a plane so huge is impossible to find? :(
  12. I read theories on news sites that it could have been a possible sudden explosion because there were a lot of backup systems in the 777 that could have been activated in any other situation. Apparently, the only time when the crew cannot activate all the rescue signals or the power backups is when they did not have even few seconds to respond. This is such a horrible tragedy. My heart goes out to all those families.
  13. I asked my son's pediatrician this question a long time ago. Her answer was that if you eat vegetables it is good for you, no matter what form it is in :)
  14. In my opinion, asylum is for people who are fleeing persecution, genocide, violent state crimes etc. It is definitely not for people who want to live in the US because they want to school their kids in their own way and according to their own personal beliefs. I live in a metropolitan area and some of my co-workers have been asylees from parts of the world where there are horrible human rights violations (these people were from Myanmar, Bosnia, Vietnam and Ghana) - they received asylum and retrained in the STEM fields and are now productive contributors to society - some of their stories would give you nightmares and I constantly admire their courage, perseverence, faith in human dignity and their ability to adapt to their new life. The premise that a family that wants to homeschool and not take up a public school or private school option in their homeland and needs to be equated to refugees and asylees from war torn, ravaged countries is laughable to me.
  15. The private school says that she can stay. Another point - why is she being "hurt" by being unable to go to a private school? It is not as if parents don't lose an income and ask their formerly private schooled kids to move to a public school. If that happened, are they hurting their child?? If her parents are so intolerable, then she should be proud of herself to have walked away instead of going after them like a Collection Agency. She cannot have the cake and eat it too. If she won her lawsuit, then there will be millions of adults suing their parents for money (why not sue the parents when you are at age 21 or 25 or 45 or 55?). If she does not want to deal with her parents and their house rules, then she is on her own. The lawsuit is ridiculous. Moving out of someone's home means you have burnt some bridges and she needs to move on in her life or make nice with the people she moved away from (I have been in her situation, so I am conversant with all the possible scenarios).
  16. She has to go work and make money to support herself. Millions of 18 year olds all over the world are doing so. In her case, she can go and work in a mall or flip burgers or be a baby sitter etc etc. She left of her own accord (that is the story that has been put out). So, if she is adult enough to move out, she needs to be adult enough to work and pay for her keep, her college tuition etc. As for high school fees, most private schools in my area have a month to month contract - there is no obligation for the parent to pay beyond the current month fees. Why does she not go to the local public school? Why should the family that she walked away from pay for private school?
  17. We went to the waterpark in legoland in the summer and that was a lot of fun. Legoland is small, so a day would be enough. They have an aquarium that you can add on to the trip. And there is the Carlsbad flower gardens just outside - don't miss it http://www.theflowerfields.com/ If you still have time, go to the zoo, seaworld or the safari park. Check your local costco - or the san diego costco and they usually have good deals on the tickets to the parks.
  18. I am like you - I have neither the time nor patience to sell my used books. I also am an introvert and don't know many people IRL to give the books to. So, I donate all my gently used books to my local public library. They have a bin for this purpose and they accept all good quality books. There is a periodic fundraiser there where they sell all these books to raise money. They also put the almost new and good books into circulation. So, i suggest that you contact your public library and see what program they have for used books. The local women's shelters take books for elementary aged kids. But, I am guessing that your books are for highschoolers.
  19. All the Single Ladies and Irreplaceable - Beyonce - these are what popped into my mind.
  20. I hate babies screaming during spelling bees, piano recitals, movies (pg13), in public reading rooms and theaters and plays. I stayed away from all these venues when my child was a baby on purpose because I hate to be a nuisance. But, all the moms (I never see the dads) that bring in infants despite a big notice about babies not allowed in these venues are the slowest to walk out when the crying starts (just yesterday, there were 2 crying babies in a math contest that my son attended - despite all families getting a written notice that anyone below 3 years is not allowed in the venue because they make the participants lose focus). These moms try to control the situation and hope that the baby will calm down before deciding to walk out. I even have a DVD of my son's first public piano recital with a screaming baby in the background. My DH and I share babysitting duties. One of us stayed outside with the baby when the other had to go into one of these venues. I remember one visit to an upscale restaurant where I ordered for the both of us, I ate first all alone while DH waited outside with the baby and then I switched with him. If it was impossible to share the babysitting, we stayed away. The OP should organize a group of homeschooling parents who could chaperone the kids whose parents have infants to take care of.
  21. Have people in CPS heard about Mexican food (with Habaneros and Jalapenos), super spicy Thai food, spicy Vietnamese or Chinese food, spicy South Indian food, spicy Cambodian food etc etc??? Infants, toddlers and kids in these cultures eat spicy food - a dash of cayenne would not be enough for these kids to meet their requirements for "tasty" food. I am sure that there is more to the OP's story than a dash of cayenne in the tea. BTW/ cayenne in tea is a home remedy for head colds and other things (but this is just from my experience, and I am not a credible source :) )
  22. This methods is called "Step Up to Writing". It is popular in the public schools in Nor Cal. My DS did this program in K last year. It was impressive that K and 1st graders could output paragraphs upon paragraphs in a short time. This method also uses a color coded system - I saw the teacher use red, green, yellow colors to implement this when I volunteered in her class last year. Apparently, this method was designed by a public school teacher and it has become very popular. Found a link to it: https://www.asdk12.org/MiddleLink/LA/writing/StepUp/
  23. Sorry. I am right there with you. My DS got a B in creative writing while he maxed scores in all other areas of testing in school. And his handwriting is probably the worst in his classroom - I saw work samples put up by the teacher and my poor DS's work was pretty pathetic. My DS is so advanced in most things that the teachers do not realize that he needs actual help and instruction when it comes to writing which is his weakness. I have looked at writing programs (especially Bravewriter that is so highly recommended on these forums) - but I simply don't have the time to implement it in our afterschool because we accelerate other things. I suggest that you search this forum for Bravewriter and The Arrow and read the reviews from forum members. Now, I am using an informal approach to writing - Copywork of hard passages from current read alouds, dictation, spending more effort on book reports required in school, writing a journal and most recently, writing his own blog (with parental supervision for privacy reasons). It seems to help a bit as I have seen a lot of improvement over the past 6 months. Good luck.
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