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Everything posted by Cindyz

  1. What do you do when you have read about a topic (in this case the Earth), and after reading, you ask the child to narrate a sentence and they say they can't do it? Some days he can and does, but it's always a struggle. I have had him read it himself, I have read it for him, I've asked him to pretend like he's going to call Grammy and tell her about what he's learned and what would he say? He just says, "I don't know" and "I can't do it". Also I KNOW that it's NOT that he doesn't know. He very well knows, and later can tell anyone who asks all sorts of things that we read about the Earth today, but when it comes to officially narrating after we have read, it's always a struggle like this. It's SO frustrating. He is 7 and we have been working on narrating with WWE and through various topics since he was 5 years old so this is not something new for him, but this "I can't do it" is getting worse lately. He is in first grade but reads at an almost third grade level (tested by a certified teacher). When he does this, it could waste an entire half hour or forty five minute to come up with ONE sentence. There's arguing, there's crying, there's rereading by him, rereading by us, there's example sentences given, there's example topics given. Still he says, "I can't", or right now the newest is "I can't decide". He will have the natural consequence of home work later to finish up all lessons that are not completed during the usual lesson time, and will not have any screen time for the day as well. He knows these are the consequences, because I feel that this is a case of stubbornness. We do not waver with the consequences. He knows what they are ahead of time and we don't give in later. So what do you think? Is it a case of being stubborn? or.... I just don't know what else to do. Thanks!
  2. May I just remind you that "crazy" runs in families? :glare: Like mother, like daughter? What she did was very hurtful and I think manipulative. If you do not plan to salvage the friendship, I wouldn't send the cd since they said they didn't like they photos. If they don't like them, why do they want them? >hugs<
  3. When I respond to ads to ask if something is still available and I KNOW that i want it, I usually include that I'd like to purchase it in the message. So I would not only ask if the item is still available, but I would say that if so, I would like to purchase it. That way they don't have to wonder. Selling things second hand can sometimes be difficult due to flaky buyers and unless promised to someone else or the person was very clear they wanted it, I would do the same as this seller did.
  4. I am also a photographer, and I say with kindness and concern for you that your prices are already far too low. Having said that, here's what I would do. Because she is a good friend and her friendship obviously matters to you, I would give her 10 images of her choice on a disc for the $150 that she is offering. Going forward, I would never do another session for her again. You don't have to tell her this at this point. I would just be gracious and make your offer with a smile. If she asks in the future, I would either tell her that you are booked out, or ask her to pay your happy price up front, or go into it knowing that you will either be working for free or for far less than you are usually paid. When I shoot for friends, I either do it for free or I don't do it at all. They always end up paying me something (not near what I charge clients), but I go into it with no expectations other than doing something kind for a friend. If I don't feel like doing it for free, I just let them know that I don't have the time to do it right now.
  5. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to share? I'd love to hear the various methods you've used and had success with. Some recipes recommend adding powdered milk, others don't. If you like fruit in your yogurt, do you just add it as you eat it? or can you add it all at one time and save it that way? How long can you keep what you make in the fridge? I'm going to use old glass mayonnaise jars to store it in the fridge. Can I safely sterilize these in the microwave? or will they crack? (we don't have a dishwasher) Thanks! :)
  6. True! My son and husband don't seem to mind so I decided to let things be for now. :)
  7. I've been considering this bread slicer, but the price is holding me back. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005YCKRMU/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=whispesprin0e-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B005YCKRMU
  8. While this is scary and the type of scenario that we usually teach our kids about, I think it's also important to teach them about the people who seem nice and tell them to come with them because their mom needs them, etc. It's difficult for kids to refuse a nice person asking them to go along because their mom said to! We were at a birthday party and I watched a lady that my son had never seen before in his life go up to him and say, "I have a little boy just your age. Do you want to play with him? Come with me." She put out her hand and off went my son with someone he'd never met before. Of course she was perfectly harmless, but how could my son know that? I taught him that he should have said, "I have to ask my mom" and run to me asap to ask before going off with someone. He also knows that if mom or dad are ever hurt or can't get to him for some reason, there are only 3 people who would ever come to get him and that would be Grammy, and 2 Aunts. If anyone else tells him this, it's not true and never to go. My son also really liked this video and it brought up a lot of good conversation on the topic. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009LS9Y4/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=whispesprin0e-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B0009LS9Y4
  9. I've also read that the first few weeks some people see a worsening of behavior from withdrawal and irritability so you have to prepare for that as well.
  10. Yes, from everything that I have read you need to do it 100% to see results. If your child is one with sensitivities, one drop of dye can bring it all back full force. Also if you don't do it 100% you will have no idea if the diet would have worked. I think replacing as you run out and easing into it is fine as long as you give it 100% for at least 6 weeks to see if there have been changes.
  11. I agree that the child should have more direct supervision. Whenever my son and I are in social situations, I consider it my job to help to educate him on behaviors that are and aren't acceptable and to guide him through the experience. At 5, 6 and even at 7 he still needs quite a bit of redirection and guidance. My first reaction when hearing of your son's experiences is that these are the types of things my son would do if he was trying to get your son's attention or be his friend. He wouldn't do these things in a mean, destructive way, but in a come play with me, silly sort of way. The more another child ignores my son or doesn't want to be his friend, the more silly things my son does to try to get his attention. Part of being a child with asperger's is that they often don't know how to approach other children, they have problems joining in with the group, and can't read when someone else isn't liking the things they are doing. So keep in mind that while the things you are describing (drawing on your son, coloring on his paper, etc) could seem like mean, destructive behaviors, they may also be silly, attention seeking behaviors with no malintent.
  12. Although I did just find this which may or may not be helpful. http://allnaturalmomof3.blogspot.com/2009/05/my-feingold-shopping-lists.html
  13. I agree that the price is high! It was very hard for me to put that out as it's almost a week's worth of food for our family of three. I scoured the internet before purchasing and you can find almost all of the information that you need to do it on your own...except with the membership you get the 200 page booklet that tells you exactly which brands and items meet the guidelines which saves you from reading a lot of labels. Also many foods have hidden additives that aren't listed on the ingredients so you may think they are safe when they are not. Also, you get access to the forum for support and more brand names, etc. There is a yahoo feingold group that you can join, but again they are not allowed to tell brand names that are safe for each stage. Hopefully it will be worth it for us. My son has a diagnosis of ADHD and sensory processing disorder. Sometimes I think the ADHD is because of the processing disorder (constant sensory seeking or avoidance).
  14. We just signed up with the Feingold Association. Once we receive the materials we plan to begin. I'm really hoping we will see some changes. I thought we were eating healthy until I started poking around this site. http://www.feingold.org/
  15. Where did you read about the changes? I'm curious as well.
  16. We stopped and started Spanish. We will do Latin again in 4th grade. We use wordly wise and read a lot and stop to define words when necessary. My guy is only in 1st grade, so I'm not too worried about it beyond that for now.
  17. My son still loves the Mercy Watson series along with all of the others listed above.
  18. We are not required, but I keep track of all of our time with homeschool tracker plus. I print out the daily to do list and check off as we go along making note of how long it took to complete. I enter the info into the calendar every other day and print out the new to do list at that time.
  19. You can change the settings in google to only show child safe images and search results. I have done this on my son's computer.
  20. I would just keep working through the curricula that you have. Singapore Math and AAS are solid programs. If he gets it, don't dwell, don't make him do all of the problems and exercises and just keep moving on.
  21. I think it looks really nice! I'm also very impressed that he has such an interest in his hair and his appearance at such a young age. That's a great thing too! If he ever changes his mind, just remember hair is always growing. I'm sure throughout the years he'll experiment with a lot of different hairstyles. :)
  22. I voted yes even though we have 7 lessons left. We will have it finished in a week and a half. I'm so excited! lol!
  23. :iagree: You can easily used lined paper for the student pages. We are on week 9 of PR2 and my son can read Little House with only a little help here and there. When we started PR1 last year he was reading the first one or two Bob Books only. We also use OPGR.
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