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Everything posted by Confuzzled

  1. My daughter who couldn't memorize the phonics rules to save her life, learned to read with these. I'm not sure she'd be reading at all without them. I know there are strong arguments for teaching rules-based phonics and spelling but that method didn't work for my daughter. The BRI/ARI books worked for reading and Sequential Spelling is working for spelling.
  2. My daughter broke her arm falling on her hand the same way and it wasn't swollen or bruised either. I didn't take her to the doctor for several days because it just didn't look broken and she was able to use it somewhat. Definitely get it checked!
  3. What if the sinner, the unwed child expecting a baby, was your child? Would you truly close your heart to him/her? That is very sad to me. My 19-year-old unwed son will be a father next June. He will marry the mother, who he loves, as soon as he returns home from his deployment. (The baby was conceived during a short leave.) And I will embrace him, his new wife, and my first grandbaby with love and generosity. We are all sinners. I sin every single day and so do you. It's not my place to try and make him, his girlfriend, and the innocent baby who didn't have a choice in the matter, pay for their sins by rejecting and closing off my heart and fellowship to them. We will welcome our first grandchild with open arms and rejoice at the new life, whether we agree with the circumstances of his/her conception or not. Kris
  4. Thank you for all the suggestions. I have a full shopping cart at Amazon now! I'm going to finalize the order in the morning after I check this thread one last time. You guys are the greatest! Kris
  5. My 9-year-old daughter participates in worship and then I let her draw during the sermon. She usually draws something pertinent to the sermon or decorates her bulletin which she usually gives to the pastor on the way out. She listens better when her hands are busy.
  6. I do almost all of it online. I really hate shopping, especially this time of year.
  7. Yeah, that's who it is. :) He has A Storm of Swords and A Feast For Crows. The latter is in hardback so he must have wanted it badly to pay the HB price.
  8. I just looked at his bookshelf (he's deployed in Kosovo) and he has almost everything you've listed except for Heinlein, which I have previously suggested to him but he didn't like, and The Dresden Files. In addition, he has among many others: 3 other Douglas Adams books 2 Terry Pratchett 3 Dean Koontz 2 George Martin 2 Verner Vinge Lord of the Rings - Also one of his favorites. Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to look at the Dresden files.
  9. Thank you so very much! And tell your son thank you too! Kris
  10. I'm looking for book suggestions for my 19-year-old son based on these favorites of his: Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion, Endymion, The Rise of Endymion - By Dan Simmons Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Orphanage by Robert Buettner Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams The Star Fraction by Ken MacLeod Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't read science fiction so I'm at a loss. Kris
  11. For that many kids I would just use graham crackers, royal icing, and a good selection of candies. That's what I've done and it's worked out quite well.
  12. I think you can download four weeks of it and try it for free. That's what I did before I bought it. Kris
  13. It probably averages 30 minutes. Some days it only takes 15 minutes and some days, if she's dawdling it takes as long as an hour. I would imagine it's probably longer for upper levels.
  14. When we first started it always took about a week and half to finish a "week." Now that she's learned the routine and we've dropped the spelling it frequently only takes a week. But it sometimes still takes a week and a half, depending on the complexity of the writing assignment. The last week of each unit is always harder and takes a little longer. She'll be writing a book report next week for the first time and I suspect it will take longer to get through that week than five days. We started CQLA last November and will probably finish it up by the end of January. So it's taken more than a year. I haven't worried about how long it takes to complete a lesson but have looked more at the progression in her skills and knowledge to gauge the success of the program. Kris
  15. I did the same thing, and this alone did not make my daughter a fantastic speller at all. In fact, I'm not sure the ETC books helped her to spell one bit. The only thing that has worked with my 3rd grade daughter is Sequential Spelling. We are finally seeing progress in her spelling ability. I suspect that different children respond well to different spelling programs and it's somewhat trial and error as to what works. But I wouldn't worry about it too much in first grade. I would take Jennefer's advice and wait until he's done with learning phonics. Kris
  16. I've been using it for 3rd grade, Pre-A for almost a year and still love it. My daughter has made incredible progress in her writing ability. The writing lessons are based on IEW I believe. However, we ditched the spelling portion this fall and switched to daily Sequential Spelling lessons. My daughter was doing fine with the CQLA spelling, getting 100% on the spelling tests, but was totally unable to correctly spell the same words in her actual writing. She's not a natural speller and the weekly spelling lesson just wasn't enough for her. I've never used the upper levels, but have a friend with a daughter in A and a son in B. They are loving it too, especially for their son who needed very explicit, methodical, and systematic instructions. Kris
  17. I have problems with depression in the winter and have had great success using a therapeutic light box in the late fall and winter. I haven't needed antidepressants since I started using one about four years ago. I got it from this company: http://www.lighttherapy.com/
  18. We checked out "Wee Sing Bible Songs" from the library and ripped the two books of the Bible songs onto our computers.
  19. My daughter has similar problems remembering math facts. We've just moved on and she has had no trouble working the problems. She's currently finishing up 3B. She eventually learned her addition and subtraction facts just by using them. Last year I spent a lot of time drilling multiplication facts and using Times Attack until she had them down cold. Then when she moved into 3B this fall she had completely and totally forgotten them. So I stopped Singapore and went back to Times Attack and drilling so she would have them in her head again. She could retrieve them instantly again and we moved on. Now, at the end of 3B, she's forgotten them again! So I have given her a times table to use when doing long division. (sigh) I'm hoping she'll eventually remember them by using them in the same manner she did the addition and subtraction. She thinks mathematically so very well. I just hated holding her back because she struggles with memorizing the facts. Kris
  20. I don't have any answers but that is the coolest Lego set I've ever seen! It's on my own Christmas wish list! Kris
  21. If it was me I'd stay away from processed sugar, eat mostly protein and veggies, drink lots of water, and take a nap in the afternoon. Sometimes I can't actually sleep in the afternoons but I've found that resting in darkness and silence with my eyes closed does almost as much good. Kris
  22. I'm using Biology I with my 9-year-old 3rd-grader. The open and go aspect of it is great and she's loving it. I require her to complete a notebook page for every reading. She's only required to draw a picture and write at least one sentence. It's her favorite subject of the day. That being said, it seems to be a little light for her age. It works great for us because we likely wouldn't be doing science at all if I had to plan it all out and collect supplies for experiments. But if you want science to be more in depth and detailed you'd be better off choosing something else. The experiment kits are great so far, although I wish there were more of them. She really loved growing bacteria in petri dishes! I'm in a bit of a quandary as to what to do for science next year myself. I'm afraid that the next level of Noeo will be too hard for her, yet if I buy Chemistry I I'm concerned it will be too light. Kris
  23. We don't get cable so no Cartoon Network here. I do think much of the advertising on TV is inappropriate for children, including PSA's about STD's. However, doesn't the violence on Tom and Jerry bother anybody except me? My daughter has checked out T & J cartoons from the library and they make me cringe! The whole cartoon is the two beating up on each other. Kris
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