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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I have not finished catching up reading the thread but I am exhaustd and need to be able to findthis weeks thread easily tomorrow to continue reading and post my books. I had a lovely week with my family but travel out of the Great Lakes was a nightmare today. I can't even describe how fortunate I feel to be back with dh and the kids. I have spent more time on runways then in the air.....
  2. That is a huge improvement. Great job to both of you!
  3. Replay is in the stack that I picked up at the library. I have seen it recommended frequently here by several people. Looking forward to reading it. I am trying to finish the Black Knights series today by Julie Ann Walker. This is the first one http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/hell-on-wheels-julie-ann-walker/1107693863?ean=9781402267130
  4. A couple of favorite time travels of the romatic sort: Linda Lial Miller's "Knights" and "Pirates" Nora Roberts "Time and Again" Shukriyya -- I am Stateside for a few weeks. Going to my mom's tomorrow for her birthday so no Internet for a week unless I go to McD's. Looking forward to looking at the bookshelves there because I am wondering what I left there.
  5. Oh VC, not sure what to say but :grouphug:
  6. Onceuponatime's list is awesome. I have just been through a massive google search of time travel books. The ones she listed were all on another list or two and appear to be the best choices imo. I found this article https://www.kirkusreviews.com/features/recent-novels-use-time-travel-great-effect/ which has some fascinating choices. I am actually interested in all of them. The stack grows..... Ds has done well off my search too. I found quite a few ones with titles like How to build a Time Tavel machine for him. Lol
  7. Shukriyya and Stacia -- I will put some thought into time travel books and try to come up with some great ones. I have read many over the years. I think part of the reason I loved 1Q84 was the time travel element. The idea of being transported to another place and time and having to find a way to survive has always fascinated me. I admit that I generally take these journeys with pretty frothy romances which neither of you would enjoy. I will consult with my best friend who I share most of these books with and see if we can pick some that you might like. I watched a great time travel movie on the plane with the actor who played Bill Weasley called About Time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/About_Time_(2013_film) It was sad at the end but worth it. ;) On the subject of Connie Willis, I read and loved Bellweather last year. It almost made my top 10 list! I keep meaning to read some more by her. Stacia -- Glad you arrived safely. Downhill skiing or cross country?
  8. Eaglei -- Still praying for your son and family. :grouphug: Eliana -- Praying for your daughter and grandbaby. I hope the dizziness goes away soon. Praying for you and your dh too. :grouphug:
  9. I finished my 13th century challenge! "The More I See of You" by Lynn Kurland. At one point in my life I owned most of this author's books. They are fluffy historical romances that normally involve time travel. It was a fun trip back to the past, both my old reading tastes and the 13th century. Also read the second of CS Harris' Sebastian St. Cyr mysteries titled "When Gods Die". It took place in 19th century England during the reign of the mad Georges. These are good, enjoyable historical mysteries. I think the people here who enjoy Laurie Kings Mary Russell books might like these.
  10. This isn't crumpets but it is a great website that is centered on traditional British baking with the history included. I thought it might be helpful. http://grandmaabson.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/try-famous-anzac-biscuits.html We love the anzac biscuits. I think karo syrup with a bit of molasses might work for golden syrup if anyone wants to try them.
  11. Marbel -- Please let us know if your dh reads Reamde. I clicked on the link and my ds would probably love it -- he aspires to being a game programmer. I am putting on my list but impossible to read a 1000 page book as a preread right now.
  12. The second one in the review looks good also. I put them both on my written list to read when I catch up a bit. Harlequin Historical romances are far better than I remember them being. I have read several in the past few months and all have been good.
  13. I now have The Winter Sea on hold. :lol: I prefer my kindle too. I picked up 30 plus books from the library here yesterday. All hardcopies that my other libraries don't have. I keep a list all year just for this moment. Lots of fluff etc. All those books in 5 pretty hectic weeks. I am a fast reader but not sure that I can do it. ;) I am helping circulation numbers.....
  14. I finally give in and put a Susanna Kearsley on the kindle and you stop liking them as much.....anyway I did the Shadowy Horses which I think you loved. Moonspinners is a huge favorite of mine. Just reread it with dd last fall. Mary Stewart was the first adult author I was allowed from the library. As I remember the movie compares well. Possibly a bit more action packed with the book more romatic but it has been awhile since I saw the movie.
  15. Jean -- I haven't been on the boards much in the past week. I didn't know you were still feeling so poorly. Praying for a speedy recovery. :grouphug:
  16. Thank you so much for telling me Fair Game takes place years later. I am so compulsive about reading in order that I was worrying about what I should do. At this point the only comparison I can give is the A and O characters are better developed. The MT books are a bit more like quick reading candy. I know the A and O took longer to finish which means they made me slow down which is a good thing because they require more concentration.
  17. They seem to be taking place simultaneously which is different. I read the first two Mercy Thompson's as one essentially so I can't separate them very well but someplace in the middle of book two the entire first book of Alpha and Omega apparently happens. Shortly after A and O 's book two must of happened. Now in book three I am wondering what I am missing because I haven't read anymore of A and O. :lol: I think quite a bit might be going on but my stack is huge and no time to attempt to coordinate this midway switch series order. When reading A and O it wasn't the least bit distracting. Probably because I didn't know. ;) So I think I am going to stick with MT for now simply because I have a 5 book omnibus from the library on my kindle. I travel by myself this weekend for my mom's 92nd birthday so tons of plane time with no distractions. Dh and the dc's plan to stuff themselves at Cracker Barrel while I am gone for the week.
  18. I have internet!!! Things on here have been moving fast. I managed to read a couple of Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson series while in transit. "Moon Called" and "Blood Bound" are the first two and currently working on the third. Amazed at how interrelated they are with her other series Alpha and Omega.
  19. I just wanted to let everyone know that we are finally off on our trip tomorrow. Not sure how often I will have internet but am hopeful that I will be able to keep up here. :) Happy reading ...... Hopefully I will have time later tonight to catch up.
  20. There is violence that does have more of a surprise factor then being incredibly graphic. I knew the violence had to coming but I really did not expect it when it happened. I am not sure how to class the major s*x/r*pe scene because it involved pr*stitution so it was up to a point what was expected by the characters. Much of this book is rather matter of fact about many things which I found quite fascinating. Please remember I read a large number of somewhat violent books (not sure what that says about my taste) and this one wasn't overly descriptive imo but it does describe.
  21. I just looked up the definitions of heaths and moors in order to confirm my observations and they are the same except a moor is a heath on rolling land. Strolls on moors are frequently hard work. ;) Here is a link so you can see what I mean to Longshaw Estate which hooks on to the Peak District National Park. Several outdoor scenes for the movie take place where the two intersect. http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/longshaw/things-to-see-and-do/
  22. Now for the Harry Potter debate. I have both read and watched them all. Imo the first 5 are far better in book form, I have read them several times. I have only read 6 and 7 once and would have to really have a reason to read either again -- I was depressed for a week after 6. The last one was even harder on me. Oddly enough I did enjoy the movie versions. The first 5 movies drive me a bit nuts because so much that I love in the story is missing. Beautiful filming with great acting but missing chunks that I love.
  23. Robin -- I ended up requesting Roman Blood by Steven Saylor. Looked too good to miss but might live in a stack for awhile! Glad you are enjoying the CE Murphy series. I really loved all of the truly exotic paranormals in the negotiator series -- dragons, gargoyles, genies.......fun stuff! :)
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