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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I just finished "Before I Go to Sleep" by SJ Watson. For like of a better description was gripping. It opens when the main character wakes up in bed with an old married man then discovers she is old too. She is suffering from amnesia and only has short term memory -- must relearn everything every single day. With the help of a psychologist she soon starts questioning who she can trust and who is telling her the truth. I gave it a 4 so it wasn't absolutely fabulous but it was hard to put down. ;) I also finished a couple of others which haven't been posted: Damsel in Distress (Daisy Dalrymple series) by Carola Dunn Chasing the Dead by Tim Weaver -- this series has potential but I found this one to be somewhat confusing.
  2. Jenn and Jane -- I can't resist giving a bit of an Ivanhoe location lesson. I read it shortly after moving to England and visited a couple of places where Scott wrote it and used settings. The first is The Boat inn near Doncaster. The early part of the book was set near there if my memory is right. It is a nice pub where he stayed for several weeks while writing it. No great link but this was the only one of interest I could find. http://www.vintageinn.co.uk/theboatinnsprotbrough/gallery/ The second is Ashley de la Zouch Castle. Pretty much a ruin but we have had a couple of lovely picnics on the lawn. The town is quite nice too. http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/daysout/properties/ashby-de-la-zouch-castle/
  3. Our weather here has been really nice too-sunny and around 50 most days. Bulbs are sprouting and flowers blooming. Not normal at all. The cold germs struck the rest of us with a vengeance. I have spent two quiet days with a stuffy head. I got some reading done but have abandoned a shocking number of books that have been in my stack for ages. One book that I finished is "A Loyal Character Dancer" by Qiu Xiaolong. This was a Robin suggestion back in December. http://www.reviewingtheevidence.com/review.html?id=6153 It was very interesting and quite involved politically. I learned and thought about many things while the missing woman was being searched for. Not sure that I will read another in this series right away but it was an interesting read. I have now finished China for my geography challange!
  4. This is so me! Reread the series in order when there is a new one. ;) The Pink Carnation series has been on my to read list for awhile.
  5. I love American cake mix. The British brands are dry. Not a fan of canned frosting,funny taste. Personally I find most homemade white/yellow /sponges to either be dry or taste greasy so cake mix for me if at all possible. I think there is a reason the Brits dump a half cup of cream on a plain piece of cake. Taking a cake without plenty of cream is rude here. Funny story: My dc's enter a cupcake decorating contest each year and have a great time. Their best friend never enters and I politely asked her why -- because my dc's cupcakes taste so much better than anything she can make. Her mom used to bake professionally and makes fun of my mixes to my face but her dd likes them better when mom can't hear! Please realize this is a decorating contest, the cupcakes are not tasted so cheap mix or easy sponge is our base. We are not cheating.
  6. I did finish one last night that I enjoyed. Faye Kellerman's "The Beast" was the latest installment in her Rina/Decker mysteries which are some of my favorites. The reviews on this one were not great and as a stand alone it would have been blah but as part of an ongoing storyline it was fine. Big changes appear to be coming for the couple which should freshen the storyline up imo. The first book "Ritual Bath" is one of my favorites which I have reread many times. I haven't picked it up for many years and need to see what I think of it now soon. The Rina and Decker romance starts in this one and they are definately a favorite literary couple of mine.
  7. Thank you! I did go and download the free novella. Had to laugh per the description it takes place between the two other books. No mentionwas made of this bit of background and the first pages of the second book made it very clear they had not seen each other since the conclusion of the previous situation. Like I said some things don't track so well. :lol:
  8. I have rejected a stack of books this week myself. Partly because my stack needs to be returned to the library because of our trip to the States. One book that I gave up on was The Teleportation Accident. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2012/jul/26/teleportation-accident-ned-beauman-review it still sounds good. I think the problem was my ability to concentrate on it was not there. I only made it 10 or so pages before giving up. Stacia, this might appeal to you but I really can't recommend it. The cover was cool and made me think of you.
  9. I finished "Wake to Darkness" by Maggie Shayne which was the second in a two part series. Quick read. The first one is titled Sleep with the Lights On. Both are highly improbable and very creepy, not in a fun way. I honestly wouldn't recommend to anyone here but I have read Maggie Shayne for years so wanted to read these just because....good fluff author with not the best (organ donation based) twist for her storyline.
  10. Both dc's have their own kindles which are set up with a different amazon account with dh. It was a brilliant idea a couple of years ago when I really did not want ds reading some of my fluff. Now it is a pain but I normally use my fire and not the reader so it could be worse. She does seem better today and has laid claim to the reader. I am just glad library books load onto both devices.
  11. Stacia -- I found this http://www.montrealgazette.com/Mysteries+mind/9359495/story.html in my other link to Alan Bradley. It sounds like he plans to continue with Flavia. Also a BBC Flavia series. Not sure what to think of that.
  12. FYI, I think each hospital has it's own viability numbers. For ds it was 22 weeks 6 days (I was privately told they would consider 4 days because one other hospital had achieved that). I also suspect they are preparing her to miscarry. I do wonder if she tells them she is more than willing to do the bedrest etc if they might offer different advice. I was on bedrest at home with dd. I started bleeding with her the same exact day that I had previously miscarried on. The first time they said two days bedrest then resume activities which for me did not lead to a positive result. I was fine one minute then not for about two weeks. With dd when I openly discussed my willingness to do whatever I needed to it became first trimester complete then modified where I could sit for part of the day.
  13. Stacia -- It never even crossed my mind that Flavia would not continue. No spoilers but the end certainly prepares the reader for a new set Flavia adventures with a bit of what I consider to be a cliffhanger. I hope number 6 isn't it. I really was looking forward to what happens to Flavia next. I have to hand my kindle over to my germy dd today so she can read it. Yucky cold which needs to go away from this house completely. Everyone has had a slightly different version which always worries me in terms of can we catch it again? Probably. Anyway I should have her opinion on the conclusion soon.
  14. I liked this and then thought I hope she doesn't think I like the fact that her computer is driving her crazy! It is a sympathy like. Also an I do appreciate the time you spend on 52 books like. :grouphug:
  15. I think one of the big concerns with water leakage is infection. They thought I was leaking at 18 weeks with ds so went through lots of consultations on this. I had funneling but no leaks, supervised bedrest was the result for me. I have heard of cases where with antibiotics a good result can happen. I think almost complete bedrest and great monitoring for signs of infection would be needed. Praying for a good outcome!
  16. I carried my kindle everywhere today and managed to finish "The Dead and Their Vaulted Arches" by Alan Bradley. It was not the book I anticipated at all but I loved it. It was a series of surprises .....looking forward to #7 whenever that happens.
  17. In addition to all the reasons for not writing in books that have been discussed, I tried highlighting books in college. I always found that my highlighted book was never "right" for studying and actually a huge distraction.
  18. My path was very similar to BethS a pp. Where you take your classes does not matter as long as you can sit for the CPA when you are done. Also pass rates from that school -- remember people frequently take it multiple times to pass all sections. That is what I would be asking about. I never sat for it(and wish I had for no other reason now then I did prepare for it and would like to know if I would have passed easily, taken it multiple times etc.). I have no real regrets I went corporate because thanks to an internship I knew audit was not something I wanted to do for 2 years. That all being said many accounting firm doors are open to someone who has passed the CPA. It doesn't matter nearly as much where you went to school after you pass that exam. You become equal (unless we start talking MBA etc).
  19. Guess what book comes out today? I just managed to download it from the elibrary!!!! It sounds sooo good! ETA: Don't click the link unless you have read the rest of the series. I would consider the description to be a serious spoiler unless you have read all the others and know what must be going to happen. My big problem now is do I finish the current kindle read or dump it and read the really good book. ;) The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches by Alan Bradley http://bukowskiagency.com/Arches.htm
  20. I have been following the talk of rating systems with interest because I keep trying to figure out how to implement one. For a while I tried to work with strict personal guidelines in goodreads which essentially made it pretty hard to give fluff more than a three star. Different books serve different purposes and I eventially came to the conclusion that even poorly written fluff deserved a five star rating if I couldn't put it down. I don't give all fluff books fives, just ones that are exceptionally good and enjoyable. I do feel guilty rating a great paranormal romance the same as something like 1Q84 but both brought joy and deserve a rating on goodreads that shows they are good/exceptional.
  21. I still have ads but would not be sad if they disappear! The Murakami quote sums up my feelings about Wind Up Bird, it simply did not meet my expectations. I enjoyed much of it but wanted more. I hope everyone who was put off by our conversation here goes ahead and tries a Murikami just srat with a different one! ;)
  22. I actually had the first Isabel Dalhousie in my stack a few months ago. Someone else put a hold on it so I had to return it before I had a chance to read it. All of the reviews here have made me want to get it back and read it this time! I will in the spring.
  23. Yes, I did. Good memory. It is my favorite. I was so excited when I heard the book was coming out and hadn't looked at reviews that came after. I have always loved a portrait that hangs there of Lady Bailie and her two daughters. I always stand in front of it and wonder about them (generally get left behind by dh at that point too!). There isn't enough imo information about them on site so the book by the grandson interested me greatly. They look like they are ready to step out and resume their lives in that wonderful room. I now want to find the swimming pool which I have never noticed and have a huge desire to visit the nursery so the book didn't ruin it for me. I am just a bit sad the one of the princesses in my picture may have married a handsome lord to be but didn't live the charmed life I imagined.
  24. I needed something fun so just started Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill. No idea how it ended up in my stack but so far it is engaging. One more perspective on vampires. I always enjoy comparing the abilities each author gives their paranormals. These vamps eat real food and drink a bag of blood every other day etc. For the twelfth century I have the first Ellis Peter's waiting. It has been at least twenty years since I read a Cadefal mystery.
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