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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Not sure what an appropriate Spring title for cat scratches would be.......made me laugh!
  2. Aggieamy -- I just finished "Whom the Gods Love" by Kate Ross and enjoyed it immensely. I think I have to wait on the fourth due to time and I like the idea of stopping with a great one. I really want to finish Laurie R. Kings "The Moor" before we leave this library (can't find it elsewhere). You really should try the CS Harris books I have been reading. The first in the series is "What Angels Fear". Sebastian St. Cyr is so similar to Julian Kestrel that I had to stop occasionally and untangle my thoughts about Julian while reading -- I kept mixing Sebastian into the story. I think you would really like the series.
  3. Her books are always good - I have read many of them!
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/09/books/09whitney.html?_r=0 I found this when trying to pick out which Phyllis Whitney to request for dd(and me) after recent discussions here. One might conclude that great gothic romance authors live long lives after also learning how old Mary Stewart is. Wow, 104 years old.
  5. Floridamom -- I couldn't like your post. :grouphug: What an awful text to receive. Glad to hear you are home again. Will be thinking of you and your ds tomorrow.
  6. :grouphug: Praying you start feeling better soon. Glad your dh is going with you.
  7. http://books.google.com/books/about/Daffodils_Before_Swallows.html?id=1dLrPgAACAAJ Just put in a request for Daffodils before Swallows as my spring read. I love the cover, looks like my idea of spring. I planted my very small front yard full of daffodils like the cover picture. Not knowing the the four year old next door runs accross our yard to go to grandparents a few times a day.......should be interesting.
  8. When I think of spring I think of daffodils and tulips. Some spring I plan to go to Holland and see the fields in bloom! I recently read Pagon Spring by GM Malliet. It was good but not sure how enjoyable without the two previous books in the series. I have a book with Autumn in the title but no spring or flower books in the stack or requests. I finished "Nice Girls Don't Date Dead Men" by Molly Harper. A rather funny paranormal. Second in a series I am trying to finish . I also read another 12 th century setting "The Very Thought of You" by Lynn Kurland. This is a great time travel romance which contains a setting that I see frequently when home. Not sure how accurately portrayed but when my BF spotted the setting I had to read it. Currently halfway through my next Kate Ross. With more Nice Girl vampire books to read. I also need to read Laurie Kings "The Moor" this week. Reading The Expats on my kindle.
  9. I requested "White is for Witching" after reading that article because she said it was unlikable. Have to give it a try! She is so definate in her opinions -- only needs more friends if one dies. I can't do the google eyed emoticon but one belongs here!
  10. I have a suspicion it may be one where I skip around and just read bits. Every since I watched Heaven Can Wait with Dyan Cannon and my mom told me she was Cary Grant's wife I have wondered.....especially since they seemed happy. Probably going to regret it but....at least it says something along the lines of being a love letter! Family Vault looks good too.
  11. Yep a bit depressing but sadly I managed to find two books to request on that list. One a sci fi that someone in my household will probably like, the other dyan cannon writing about her life with Cary Grant. I am a bit of a fangirl too -- just don't keep up with current actors very well. ;)
  12. I spent awhile trying to copy and paste the Boy, Snow, Bird cover that my library is showing. Super plain not even the eggs. Curious to see what I get because I appear to be first on the list. I found this http://www.npr.org/2014/03/07/282065410/the-professionally-haunted-life-of-helen-oyeyemi about Oyeyemi when trying to get the cover to work. I found it interesting. I tried to read Mr. Fox but needed to return it pretty much when I started it, I couldn't go quick so gave up and returned.
  13. My lost wish list is a thing of the past! Although secretly hoping the books reappear as others read them here, I will try to go back but these threads are loooong these days. I spent some time with this weeks BaW thread and have managed several requests. I found Boy, Snow, Bird but the cover appears to be very plain not like Stacia's which I love...not sure why since I hate snakes but beatiful cover art.
  14. Thank you for Iain Pears name. I wanted to be able to request a few books on each of the village library card because we still have our librarians. My version of appreciation is several interlibrary loans. ;) Really hope we manage to keep the staff.
  15. I have been wondering about our missing BaWer's also. Michele hasn't been here either much. Jenn or anyone else, can I have the author for the art forgery mysteries that you were reading? I was being clever (I take full responsibility because Ninja Mom warned us all) and keeping a wish list of titles to request on the library website. No longer there. Can't remember what else was on that list but I know they had the art forger series.
  16. Probably the curriculum we have used the most but not for hand writing. The pictures were used as part of geography, history, and science unit studies for years. They generally composed their own sentences to go with the picture. Pictures for thank you cards etc. I pulled those books out all the time! :)
  17. I don't use a smart phone (not a big fan carrying a phone to be honest) but glad to know that a solution existed.
  18. I finally finished "Hunted" by Kevin Hearne. It was a long slog since February 25th for me according to goodreads. It is number 6 in a series that I love but this one had way too many scenes where the characters were being chased which were boring imo. It did have a fun end so I will end up reading the next one, if there is one. The series as a whole is incredibly clever with a druid as the central character and manages to incorporate the mythology of most cultures as it progress. Fun stuff if you love mythology and enjoy paranormal book. I also finished the first Jim Butcher "Storm Front" on my kindle. Enjoyable series so far. I need to go back to my historical mysteries but am being tempted by the stack of Jane Jameson books by Molly Harper I picked up yesterday. Something fluffy and funny sounds great!
  19. I am definately not a techie but I did the same thing recently and my dh, who is my personal techie and can generally fix my problems, could not figure out how to put the book onto my kindle. Dh would love to know if there is a way.
  20. Just wanted to confirm that mono and glandular fever are the same for you.
  21. Robin - I will try again to post this. I got booted by guru meditation, apparently the boards are being updated without being taken down per otherjohn. I hope you had a successful meeting this morning. I will be thinking of you this weekend during your mom's memorial service. :grouphug:
  22. We head home next week. We have been so busy this trip. No down time. Outside of ds we are all exhausted because we can't seem to adjust time zone wise this time. Ds really should sleep as a sport -- Olympic level easily. :lol: I honestly can't wait to get home and hopefully sleep well for 3 or 4 nights in a row. We have had a fabulous time while here but home sounds great right now.
  23. I went to a library book sale this morning. I concentrated on curriculum worthy items. Remember what I buy right now needs to be hauled in my luggage so did not dare go near fiction! I now own Norton's Anthology of World Literature -- like new library discardminus one volume which I just bought on Amazon for £5. Perrine's Literature by Thomas Arp which looks great, think some WTM member is a fan, and a significant portion of Knight's physics. I also bought a comparative politics AP book--needs review to see how out of date. Really excited. Didn't necessarily have to have but we will enjoy these books greatly!
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