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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I read the information wrong! I thought a couple would only get $600 and then $300 per qualifying child.
  2. I didn't even think about it. When ds looked at the book, he said he didn't want to do that math! I think y'all are right, I will put them in separate binders, so it doesn't look so scary! Thanks!!
  3. Costco out. I wish I had know about their pp. I just purchased 2 boxes of 200 from Sam's for $8 something.
  4. Chalkdust Pre-Algebra. The lady I got if from had removed the pages(Student and TM) from the binding and hole punched. I plan on using this with dd in a few years and I know how hard it is to keep the pages in good condition...especially when they are loose!
  5. I can not believe they had 2 guys making out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
  6. tomorrow. I hope so, but I am not holding my breath!
  7. ds's book for next year and I am going to have to get a 4" binder!! I purchased a 3" thinking that it would work, but it's to small. I can not believe a 4" is $18 +:eek:
  8. Dd will be doing TT 6 next year and I was wondering if I will need to sit with her during her lesson time. Our computer is not in the same room, so will this be a problem? I do not think the cd's work with Apple(the kids have a windows computer, dh up dated it about 1 1/2yrs ago) and I was wondering if I should see if I could borrow an old laptop from my parents.
  9. If so what does it look like? I was just curious as to what people put on their list to do on a daily basis. My neighbor makes a list of things that she has to do daily. Her house is SPOTLESS all the time, yet she does not go to bed until 11 or 12 at night. I know she doesn't have to clean all the time. I can clean mine spotless,even drawers and closets in about 5hrs. As long as I stay on it, it doesn't take that long to clean!
  10. It becomes more and more an issue every day. I have mentioned problems with her mouth before on here. I am just so tired of it and she is only 10 and I do see problems in her teen years, if this continues. Dh has stepped in. She is one that will say "fine" or "okay, I am doing my work!" in a sarcastic tone. This really gets under my skin. I am really considering the soap consequence. I even mentioned it this morning. I have thought about how I punish her and I am not consistent with it. I will bring up, up coming events that are school related and I don't need to do that. She HATES math, which right now is the only work she has to do. Example...when she needs help in math she will ask me for help, but she thinks she knows what she has to do and it is stuck in her mind that, thats it and nothing else will work. So when she comes to me she thinks I do not understand what she is suppose to do and butts in when I am talking. I will tell her she needs to be quite while I explain what she has to do and she gets aggravated. ...Does this make sense???:confused: Example 2..she daydreams a GOOD bit! I will tell her to get busy on her work and she will say. OK, I will do my work! this may not sound snappy, but her attitude and her body language says a lot! I really need to get this nipped in the bud NOW.
  11. 5th grade Math: Teaching Textbook 6 History: Trail Guide to World Geography Science: Sonlight 5 Grammar: Rod and Staff 5th grade Writing: IEW Literature: LLATL Spelling: Spelling Workout E Latin: Latin for Children A Bible: Bible For All Ages Typing Piano Co-op Tuesday Bowling
  12. Other than curriculum what do you purchase? I will have a 5th and 7th grader next year. I know I will need good markers x2 (what kind do you buy?) good pencils pencil sharpener (what is your favorite?) copy paper paper ruler x2 glue sticks 3" 3-ring binder for all school work x2 divider for binder x 2
  13. The officer probably took the deer to a needy family. That is normal around here.
  14. Dd 10 had them when she was about 2, only because she cut them! We cut her hair last year and gave her bangs and none of us liked it. She said she would not do bangs again.
  15. I found out that I have an astigmatism. I am only to use them at night and I didn't think spending $120 for a pair was worth my very small prescription. I came home and ordered a pair for $17 which included shipping. They have helped a great deal with my headaches. I would/will not order from them for my son though. He has a lot STRONGER prescription and I am afraid to get anything except from the Dr. I had read reviews on them, that some took the lens they received to a place that examined them and they were not the right prescription...I only read a few negative reviews.
  16. by the fall? I have to make a decision on co-op(the director want us to sign up and pay $$ by June 15!!!). My dd wants to do it and my ds wants to bowl..dd likes bowling too, but really likes co-op(she is around a lot of girls at co-op). I know we wont be able to do both, due to gas prices(yesterday $3.62). Both events are about 20miles away, one on Tuesday and the other on Thursday.
  17. :iagree: Definitely tell her that you need it back by a certain time. That you are sorry that she isn't done, but you purchased it to teach your kids and now that time has come. Also, I would make a day to go over there to pick it up from her house, so you know you will get all of it...I say this from experience! I would have to say something to the pastor about loaning out someone else's stuff, it is not his to loan out. There are some places online that loan out curriculum, I will look to see if I can find the websites. JMHO..I would prepare myself to expect my curriculum not to look the same or even worse than when I loaned it out. Sometimes people will take really good care of others stuff, sometimes they don't! This is why I stopped loaning out! Money is tight here and to get what I can from my used curriculum, helps to purchase new stuff! So if it is in the same condition as when you loaned it..you will be so HAPPY and if not, you were expecting it to look that way!
  18. Ds got his learners at 15. We didn't feel like he was ready for city traffic and we were not going to pay for insurance and a car. When he was able to afford a car and insurance, he was able to get his drivers license. So about 3 1/2 wks ago ds got his license..he turned 18 in Dec.
  19. We joined a co-op(20miles away) this year for ds(12) and dd(10) to meet dc. Ds says he doesn't care to do it next year, he wants friends closer to home so he can play with during the week. Dd loves going and ask to go back next year..she has made a lot of new friends and 1 really good friend. I really don't care..I would rather not do it and stay home(I am a home body). I received an e-mail today saying that we need to sign up for next year!!! It is $35 for the first 6wks. I am not sure yet if we want to sign up. It really depends on how HIGH the gas prices go and if we can even afford to do it. I have explained this to kids. I have a feeling next year is going to be hectic with the kids getting older, the work is going to get harder and with new curriculum that they are not use to. FYI: We don't know alot of people in our neighborhood, I am hoping to meet new families and kids at the pool this summer.
  20. Little People Big World(I don't know why I like it), Judge Judy(haven't been able to watch in a while)
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