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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I want a good mystery book for myself..any suggestions?
  2. benadryl and they told me. So I have already started her on that. What type of shampoo do you use? I bath all 3 of the dogs once a wk. She is a Jack Russell, mostly white. Her rear looks AWFUL! I thought about putting some type of spray, but since it is raw looking I am afraid it is going to burn her. I will ask about the shot. Thanks!
  3. when we had our nephew for 6 months. I believe I got it either Home Depot or Lowes. Here is one..not like the one I had http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=71253-1787-SS4610&lpage=none Mine was battery operated and it was about $25. I am sure you would be able to find more at the store, than online.
  4. something? Our dog has allergies(we are almost positive), she only has these conditions during the spring/summer months. She bites on her feet and twist around on her butt to scratch. I just called the vet and they want $300 for a full allergy test!:eek::svengo: I don't think she needs the full allergy test, I seriously think it is the weeds in our yard.
  5. I want the kids NOT to argue, the house to stay clean and someone to fix me a nice dinner and clean the kitchen!
  6. S*x, how the body changes, what the body does, where babies come from. It is VERY informative!
  7. I noticed the post about TN and the state is suggesting that homeschooling parents have a B.A. when teaching highschool
  8. all homeschooling moms/dads have a B.A. in order to teach highschool? I only have my highschool diploma.
  9. I grocery shop once a month, but do go out to get milk and what ever is on sale. Would I still be able to join??
  10. OH MY!!!:blushing: Dd(10) will be using Sonlight's 5th grade science next year and this book is TO much!! Did you skip this book??? I think I will save it for ds and her to read in a couple of years! Dh told me to HIDE the book!:iagree:
  11. My mom picked me up one while in TN and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! The best thing I have ever used!!!:hurray:
  12. I'm looking for some curtains for our living room. It is very hard to cool, since we don't have a front porch to keep the sun out and the summer months are HORRIBLE and we get all day sun! I was thinking about insulated curtains. I will have to have get them 95" long. I don't like the look of curtains that don't touch the floor, so 84" is WAY to short! Where would be the best place to look for them?
  13. Dd does not like math. I think it's because she has not grasped the basics yet, she knows them but has to think about it. I plan on working with her over the summer on basic math facts. She will be done with her math book on May 19th. She struggles with the new facts that they are teaching...ex. finding the perimeter of a rectangle and square. I was surprised that she was being taught this in 4th grade! Would you stop and just start on the basic facts or finish the book? We are moving from Abeka to Teaching Textbook 6 next year.
  14. Dd(turned 10 in Feb) and I just finished rearranging her room. We decided to go through some toys and she is getting rid of 99% of her toys, only keeping her webkinz and a few favorite beanie babies. She has a small box of legos, that I have had her to keep. Other than that, she has NOTHING!! :eek::eek: She has been telling me for about 6months or so that she doesn't want any toys. For Christmas she didn't even ask for them and we talked about it, but she said she was getting to old for them. I feel sorry for her, because she is 10 and has nothing in her room to play with! We have a 3 girls on our street, 2 are 2yrs older than her and really don't want to play, they think she is immature. The other one is 3yrs younger than she is and is really mean to dd. I really want to just go out and get her want she wants so she wont be bored all the time, but then I feel bad because ds's didn't get anything! How have you handled this???
  15. For the past couple of yrs it takes dc FOREVER to do their work. How do you schedule everything they are to do and get it done????:confused: I have written down their schedule, tried to do certain subjects for only so many minutes and what they don't finish they have to finish on their free time, this hasn't worked. Math and English take the dc the longest. Also, I have changed curriculum in math, history, science, writing, literature, and bible for next year. I am concerned this is going to make things more difficult on us. What do you do when you have changed 98% of your curriculum??? Here is the schedule for next year. 7th grade Math: Chalkdust Pre-Algebra History: Trail Guide to World Geography Science: Apologia General Science(I have used Apologia with oldest, but he was more independent) Grammar: Rod and Staff 6th grade Writing: IEW Literature: Lightning Literature 7 Spelling: Spelling Workout G Latin: Latin for Children A Bible For All Ages Unit 1 Typing Co-op Tuesday Bowling Thursday 5th grade Math: Teaching Textbook 6 History: Trail Guide to World Geography Science: Sonlight 5 Grammar: Rod and Staff 5th grade Writing: IEW Literature: LLATL Spelling: Spelling Workout E Latin: Latin for Children A Bible: Bible For All Ages Typing Piano Co-op Tuesday Bowling Thursday
  16. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/uploads/g/Gamom03/63294.pdf I took the picture off the blog, I didn't want to leave it up long. I have put it back up and will leave it there until tomorrow.
  17. Those that are not using a full curriculum. What are you plans and what are you going to using?
  18. I was told by a plumber that Charmin is a good one to clog your toilet with and bad on your septic tank. I was having issues with our toilet getting clogged..our house is 3yrs old. I called a plumber and he asked what type of tissue we used. He suggested we change tissue and to use a snake. I did and we haven't had any more problems. It could be the combination of to much tissue and the tissue being used. Have you thought about the flushable wipes? If you have girls..I know this is nasty(I even think it is), my db has issues with his septic tank, so his wife and 2 girls put the wet(not poopy) tissue in the trash can. He still uses charmin, but this cuts down on the amount in the tank.
  19. Dd was invited to a friends birthday party. I was asking the mom what the child would like. She told me dc had put a wish list in the invitation. There are some expensive things this child is asking for!!!!!!!!!! I normally try not to go over $10..I know cheap! This is getting out of hand when a dc ask for nintendo ds games! What would you get a 11yr old girl???
  20. I was returning a call to my SIL on her ds cell phone and he has a ringback tone. I can't stand them!!!
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