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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I had to get ugly:cursing: I told them they had rung the door bell enough, if we did not come to the door the first time then we obviously didn't want to answer. I then called the mom and told her that it had to STOP. I then put a note under the doorbell that said "Kids do not ring doorbell, knock once ONLY". When the kids came back over, I read it to them. Trust me they memorized it, everytime they rung the doorbell or knocked more than once, I told them to read the note. I took the note down a few months ago. NOW...my doorbell is out(bummer) and the note is up again. I am sure with spring break here and summer on the way, I will have to remind them again, but they will remember very quickly. I also put on an angry face when I open the door!!:toetap05: The mom tell me that they are afraid of me..I told them good! I HATE kids ringing the doorbell or knocking excessively
  2. We have been with the same company for 12 yrs and are looking at changing since ds will be getting a car Wednesday. He just needs liability, but we would love to get full coverage..since it is a nice car. Our current company wants $1800 every 6months!:svengo: We called Progressive and they quoted higher than Allstate..our current company.
  3. Our oldest is 18 and boy I wish we could have had that wasn't really real child first too!
  4. We hardly ever order pizza, but we have company coming and it was quick, easy and didn't mess up the kitchen:tongue_smilie::thumbup: So I didn't know they did this.
  5. I just ordered pizza and they charged me $1.70 for delivery fees! Do they still expect a tip!?!...Do you tip them?
  6. the elementary course and someone responded by saying that they didn't think there was much to it. I was wondering about their 5th grade course and then move on to Basic math the next year for dd. I am now wondering if the same applies to Basic Math and on up. I have Pre-algebra, I have not had a chance to view it, but will soon. I don't want to be planning on it for next year and then come to find out it is not what we wanted. Thoughts?
  7. I was just reading the "how many books do you own" post. I can not find the time to read. When I go to bed dh is relaxing in the bed watching Law and Order. I am not a slow reader but not a fast one either. I saw that some of you read 4-5 books a week!:w00t: If I do nothing else then I could get one read in a week, maybe 3 days. I know the more you read the faster you are at it, but I can't seem to find the time. I have one book that I got from the library on Tuesday and it is still sitting on my night stand, untouched!
  8. I am trying to figure out when to post some stuff on ebay. Is it best to wait until the weekend, so it can finish the next weekend? Also how do you know how much to charge for shipping....not media rate?
  9. I have used MCP for K-2, Saxon for 3rd and Abeka for 4th. I already have the Abeka math for next year. After looking at it, I have a feeling that dd will struggle with it. I really don't like MUS, Saxon or R&S. So what other choices would you go with? What about Chalkdust 5..anyone tried that?
  10. I was wondering if you think this curriculum is a good one. I have used TT for Geometry only, thought it was pretty easy and not rigorous. I have wondered how children will do on standardized testing and the SAT using this program. What are your thoughts?
  11. I have posted here before about schedules. Next yr. I will only have 2 at home. This year has been a hard year. Time has been our enemy, the kids take too long to do their work. They are 4th and 6th grade this year. I tell them next year and every year after that is only going to get harder, so they need to work on getting things done in a timely manner. I have tried timers, time slots(did not work for us, I even told them that what is left will be done in their free time..when all their friends are home), grounding, getting dad involved and fussing at them..of course this never helps! I do sit with them the whole time. I need to come up with a solution to getting them to learn to use their time wisely. They will have 3 extra subjects next year and I know it's going to be TOUGH! Dd had a bad day Monday..she only had 3 subjects: R&S Grammar, Abeka Math and Calvert cd spelling(this was not the problem).She worked from 8:30 to 2:30. Today she is not feeling well, but did her 3 subjects in 2 1/2 hrs. I will not have any hair next year if these bad days continue, like they have this yr. I have spoke with dh about this and told him I feel like I am failing them, due to this time issue. They should NOT be working that long in the day..IMO. My oldest(18) never took this long! I am planning on doing flashcards with them as soon as they are finished with a subject. I think this might help them..especially in math. What do you do? Any advice or suggestions??
  12. :hurray:FINALLY after a month they have arrived! The end of the package was cut, but the tape the seller used kept the books in the package!:party: Why does the P.O. mark through a DC #??? They marked through the # 5 different times..to me that is a waste of money if they do that!
  13. She is 10 weighs 73lbs. I don't have any children's med on hand.
  14. She told me her throat hurt yesterday. I looked at it and it wasn't red or swollen. She woke up this morning telling me that she didn't feel good, so I got the thermometer and it was 100.4. I waited about 15 mins and took it again it read 99.7. I am thinking I took the first temp on the ear she was laying on..does that matter? I will take it again in a little bit, she is still in bed. I checked her throat and it does look a little red and swollen. I was trying to see if there was any white, but don't see any...I am not good at looking at my dc's throat, I don't really know what to look at but the sides..is this right?? I know when I get a bad head cold I have drainage, which makes my throat really sore. I take Benadryl. Anyone else get that? What do you take?
  15. I think he will be fine if has one or not(JMO). Ds had to have a work permit though and he was 17. Ds doesn't have his license yet, but does have a learners.
  16. Dc are wrapping things up in the next 3wks. I do not plan on starting any new books until August. I know they will have a horrible time, if we put off school until then. I have been thinking about it this morning and I am wondering if I need to do more than flashcards(I have planned on starting in 2wks, but haven't found what I need..considering CC but still not sure). I dont want to do hours of school work during the summer. What are your plans if any for summer?
  17. We don't make enough to pay for it. We have told him he will have to apply for Grants, Loans and the Hope Scholarship.
  18. using cardboard or even get some really thin board(can't think of what it's called and uses hinges so it can fold like a square U if that makes sense.
  19. 18yr old going to Culinary School in the fall to be a chef 12yr old..right now wants to do the same as his db 10yr old wants to be a vet...I look for that to change, she doesn't have a strong stomach.
  20. it will start in May. It states in the letter that "To receive a payment in 2008, individuals who qualify will not have to do anything more than file a 2007 tax return." Also "For individuals who normally do not have to file a tax return, the new law provides for payments to individuals who have a total of $3,000 or more in earned income, Social Security benefits, and/or certain verterans' payments. Those individuals should file a tax return for 2007 to receive a payment in 2008."
  21. I have not a lot of Social Studies with my dc(4th and 6th grade) and that worries me. I don't think I can get everything covered from now May 21st. They took the CAT test a couple of years ago, but getting the just of what is expected of them would be nice as well.
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