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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. Actually she has spoke to me on how she thinks the kids should act and how she wanted mine and hers to react..if possible. I told her that was fine, if something happened then come tell one of us. Well this went well for about a week, until she was tired of hearing that one of the boys did this or that to mine, she even got to where she wouldn't answer the door! She also would end up saying something to my kids..like they did something to provoke hers. Her boys got to the point where they knew mom was not going to do anything so they would continue to hit mine or do mean things. I told her that mine were not going to be a punching bag or take the cr*p from them and that they were told to defend themselves. (I know that her kids are younger than mine...but they are bigger than mine and do hit hard!) Also, She is the type of person that does not discipline very well, one day it might be sitting in time out, next spanking, next yelling, next doing nothing(this happens more than anything). She is not consistent with them. The other thing is she will believe them in a heart beat...which is somewhat understandable. But her kids LIE and she knows it. She will confront an adult with her child standing right beside her..the child knows what is going to happen..mom is going to get very upset and regardless of the truth, she is going to defend her child. The child stands there with this smile on his face(like ha ha my mom is going to get you now look) and when told about this she claims its because they are nervous...Ask me how I know this! I hate that this is happening because my dh and her dh are good friends and love to grill out and fish with the family. She is a sweet person, I really enjoy her company. But my kids come before her!
  2. How do you do this? Do I have to have a program to do this or can I use Word?
  3. We got our ds's in Nov and it is very pretty..we opted for the valadium which is suppose to not turn green...so far it hasn't. We were not going to go for the gold. This is the style he wanted. We spent $125 for his. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=1582289
  4. No child(other than ours) is allowed in our backyard. We don't have anything for children to play with back there. My dc have other kids to play with, but they are not around as often as these boys are. There is one dc beside us that plays with both my dc and the boys and he is torn in the middle...but he likes all the separate attention.
  5. live next door and the other is my ds's girlfriend and family..which live 3 houses down from us.
  6. 3 of the people that you are inviting are neighbors? I don't know anything about mail etiquette.:blushing:
  7. I will know something by Monday. The Dr. should know something on Thursday with one of the test..can't remember what they were called. The other one they said takes a bit longer..they said should be by Monday on that one. I know they are rechecking my thyroid's.
  8. How did you like it? Is it worth the money? Ds will start General in August.
  9. I called Chalkdust and they said I could do the first 3 chapters for 5th grade..just take it slow. I received the books today. From what I see I will have to have dd do 1 page a day and that's it. I would love to know if anyone has done this and if they made a schedule.
  10. I have a 10, 12 and 18yr old(I am sure he could take a mans daily vitamin) Thanks!
  11. eats eggs or drink whole milk. I did not figure this out until I started thinking about what he had eaten. If he gets sick think about what he eats and don't do it the next day and see if that helps. He still will get car sick if we are out a while and being on a windy road. He is 12 now and I keep dramamine in my purse. Good luck!
  12. We have lived in our neighborhood for 3yrs and meet our neighbors a week after moving in and became good friends, our children play(ed) together. We have had our ups and downs in those 3yrs due to the kids playing to rough...wrestling and pretend cartoon playing. One time neighbor mom came over upset and wanted to speak to me, but my ds had ran in with a really bad cut on his foot, right before she came to the door. I could not go to the door at the time, my oldest ds told her that ds had a really bad cut and I was taking care of it. She went home and e-mailed me with some pretty harsh words and I know I shouldn't have but I e-mailed back with my defense and words of my own. We did not speak for about 2 1/2 months. We finally got things worked out and started talking. (I have kept my shield up with her and have limited my friendship. My kids are not allowed in her house or to play in her yard.) We spoke with our kids and told them absolutely no rough playing..which they have been obeying. Last week, I was in the front yard with oldest ds and neighbors dh walked over to talk to us. His oldest ds(8) runs up to us, tells his dad that db(7) was not allowed to play with my ds(12). Neighbor looks at me funny and I just shrug my shoulders at him. He asked ds why not, ds says that db spit on my ds the day before and mom said that my ds was to old for him to play with. Neighbor looks at me and ask, "Did he spit on him?" I told him I wasn't told anything about it. He tells ds that it would be okay for now, since he was out there with them. Later I asked ds if this had happened and he said yes. He tells me that he spit on his shoe and he went and told friends mom. I told him that he did the right thing. Neighbor mom comes over on Friday while waiting on her 2 boys to get off the school bus. She just starts talking about everything else, but nothing about what had happened with the kids. I ask her about what her ds said and she tells me that the kids were playing King and Knights and my son was the King. My son told hers that he had to obey the King and do what he said. Her son didn't like that idea and spit on his shoe. Ds went and told her and that was that. She then tells me that she told her kids that my son is to old for them to play with and unless she is outside with them, they can not play with ds(12) or dd(10). I do not say anything to her. I did not think what she told her kids was right, but they are her kids. About an hour later, her ds..the one that spit..shows up asking to play with my kids! I tell him, his mom said he is not allowed to play with them. Here is the thing, since Friday they have come a number of times asking to play..mom is NO where in sight. So in my mind she is sending them outside when she has had enough..her words..and really doesn't care who they are playing with. She does this quite a lot, especially on holidays and summer break. I spoke with dh about it and he says to just let them play, they are kids. I say no! I do not think it is right for her to say,"Ok, you can play with them today." and the next day, "I told you that he is to old for you to play with." If my kids have an issue with them, they can not go and speak to her about it, if they do she is going to say something to them and we will have our rounds again. I think she is allowing them to play when it is convenient to her and I don't want my kids treated like that. I told dh that he will have to speak to the neighbors about it, if that is how he feels, but until then they can't play. What would you do?
  13. I just posted this earlier on another thread that I had and thought I would get more responds if I posted it on its own. I called my GYN this morning and asked them about doing a hormone's test. I asked the nurse if they do hormonal testing and they said yes, but they needed to speak with me to find out if it would be a waste of money or not. They want me to come in for a consultation, which probably means nothing is going to happen. I have went in to speak with her one other time for something and it was just a waste of time and money, nothing was done. If they think I need the test it would be the blood test. I had a hysterectomy in '06, so I do even know when I would have the blood drawn. Isn't it done at a certain time of the month?? I asked them if the salvia test would be better and if I should do it on my own and the nurse said it didn't matter which test I did, they are still not that accurate. I am thinking I need to cancel the appt. and just do this on my own! What would you do?
  14. My mom was telling me about this yesterday. I didn't know anything about her having "Oprah's church"
  15. For some reason my address that was confirmed is now unconfirmed. Dh changed our primary address, which was on paypal prior to doing this. I have a payment sitting there and it will not let me get it. Our primary address is not related to yahoo. Yahoo is working and paypal is working, but they are not working together .I have sent 10+ confirmation e-mails, since yesterday from paypal to my yahoo account it I have not gotten them!
  16. and they want me to come in for a consultation, which probably means nothing is going to happen. I have went in to speak with her one other time for something else and it was just a waste of money, nothing was done. I asked the nurse if they do hormonal testing and they said yes, but they needed to speak with me to find out if it would be a waste of money or not. It would be the blood test. I had a hysterectomy in '06, so I do even know when I would have the blood drawn. Isn't done at a certain time of the month?? I think I need to cancel the appt. and just do this on my own! This is so aggravating!:banghead:
  17. When I was at my GYN in Dec, she didn't think my estrogen was low, but did not do a test. Do you just call them and ask for them to do a test, that I am having some symptoms?
  18. I believe my estrogen is low. I did an online search, I have more of the symptoms than the progesterone. I was thinking about going to the Vitamin Shoppe and getting something called Estropause. I was reading that to much estrogen is not good, what about herbal remedies? Is there anyway of finding out if it is low estrogen/progesterone?
  19. I had a hysterectomy Nov. 2006, still have ovaries. I was looking online and saw that I had a few of the symptoms that show I have low estrogen. I spoke with Dr. in Dec and she thinks I am to young(36 in June) and I have had some of the symptoms prior to the surgery. Is there something I can take over the counter to see if it helps with the symptoms and not cause harm to my body?
  20. Chateau Elan, which is a winery. I will e-mail them and see if they have an old one.
  21. Where did you get it? We would LOVE to have a wine barrel, but other than ordering one online and paying the HUGE shipping fees, we don't know where to go. We would like something decorative, since we have a small yard. Any ideas??
  22. What did you think of it...likes & dislikes?? Would it be suitable for a 5th and 7th grader? Thanks!
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