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Everything posted by Gamom3

  1. I have already purchased 99.9% of our curriculum for next year. I don't even want to look at it at the moment. When do you start looking over it/planning out things? How do you go about planning out for next year...software, self made program, homeschool forms, schedule books???
  2. Here, http://www.vegsource.com/homeschool, yahoo groups(there are a lot of them), http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=33316&p=1 http://www.teachingmom.com http://www.homeschoolchristian.com/forum/category-view.asp Make sure you describe the book in detail..bent pages, stain, pencil/pen marks, highlights, etc.. IMO..this shows honesty, when I read details in postings or have been told the details (with out asking) when they e-mail me about the item I have inquired about. Sometimes people think if you don't ask, they don't have to tell! It makes me feel good knowing that I have described the books flaws and letting the buyer know what they are getting.
  3. Thank for all the help. I wasn't even thinking about some of the things you mentioned!
  4. Ds's graduation is next weekend. As of right now we are expecting 36 people to come to the graduation ceremony. After the ceremony we are having a reception at our house. I am sure most will have eaten since the graduation doesn't start until 6pm and will probably last 1 to 1 1/2 hrs. So that will put us back at our house around 8pm. I am not sure if all will come back here or not. We have family driving 3hrs and will have to go back home that night. My menu has only changed slightly, but I think I need more variety. Ham and Turkey slices...would you buy the meat(like sandwich meat) from Sam's and make the platter yourself? Rolls Veggie platter...I will make this myself..broccoli, carrots, celery..anything else? Fruit platter..make myself...I am thinking apples, oranges, honeydew and cantaloupe..maybe a small watermelon...how do I keep the apples from turning? Also how many apples and oranges? I figured 1 honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon(if I use it) Chips and salsa Chips and dip Mixed nuts...my mom says its a must have Cake..I don't think I am going to do ice cream..should I? I was planning on doing a broccoli salad and potato salad, but ds(graduate) does not like them, so I want to do things he enjoys! Oh for drinks I was just going to get coke and sprite
  5. A cockatiel can be fun. They aren't furry, but not as smelly! She could teach it some songs. I would definitely get one that has been hand raised!!!
  6. We planted some strawberries about 2 wks ago and they are growing and producing..BUT, the strawberries are soft on the bottom. My mom thinks I should put some straw under the plant...Do I?
  7. I have to watch my caffeine..BIG time! My GYN told me to take Vit. E..which seemed to help a great deal. You might want to try that. Good luck!
  8. I couldn't tell you whose they were, but they are all there!! Ds(12) is now losing his back teeth. We were out one day and he pulled one out. He handed it to me, so I could put it up. I put it in my purse and forgot about it. I went looking for a pen and found the tooth!!! That might gross some out!!:lol:
  9. $5 for the first 4 front teeth...kids are just so dare cute when the first 4 teeth are missing!!!:lol: After that is a $1.
  10. We went on our monthly grocery shopping day yesterday..a few days earlier than normal. We have a busy schedule the rest of the week! Spent $392..this does include cleaning & personal products Breakfast menu Pancakes and sausage Cinnamon toast Eggs and toast Grits muffins cereal on weekends Lunch menu Sandwiches Hot dogs/fries Ramon Noodles Pizza Mac and Cheese Ravioli Leftovers Supper menu Pot roast Hamburgers/fries Taco salad Chili Fried chicken w/veggies and rice Alfredo w/broccoli Pork chops w/veggies and rice Spaghetti BLT's Chicken and rice Baked potato w/ salad...these are the HUGE potatoes from Sam's. these are one of our favorite meals! The menu is alternated throughout the month. I will have to go back for milk and salad.
  11. My car had 11 miles left in the tank...so the meter said. I stopped to fill up. $93.00!!!:ohmy::svengo: This should last me 2wks...hopefully a few days more than that!!!!
  12. we are not in your shoes!!! Honestly, I would not want to ride for 1 minute with sick children!
  13. Would you have someone clean your carpet or would you purchase a machine with the money and clean it yourself? Ds's graduation is on the 25th. We need our carpet cleaned! We got an estimate of $125 for our downstairs and stairs and if we want dupont(sp)??(I think this is like scotch guard) it will run and extra $60. I have seen what this company can do..they do a great job and they leave the house smelling really nice! Or with that money we could purchase our own machine and do the carpet ourselves..more than once. But would we get the same results???
  14. I am not all that thrilled with ours. We have had it for a little over a year. You can NOT wash a lot of jeans or towels..ours sounds like a jet warming up for take off when it has to many clothes. It smells when I haven't washed clothes in a day or two. It takes a long time to wash clothes!
  15. I would love to start some classes with other homeschoolers! We were and are in a co-op that does not charge a great deal for the classes that they offer. The one we were in prior to moving..charged $60 a year for the family and they offered awesome classes 2x a week, from math to latin to PE and dance(this was an extra $5!!). To me this is what its about, homeschoolers sticking together helping each other, knowing that we are doing this for our kids and that most of us are a one income family..rather it be large or small income. The one we are in now, not at all like the one mentioned above. We use it mainly for our kids to get to know other homeschoolers. It runs $85 a year for the family. Classes are 1x a week..these are fun classes nothing that would/should take place of what is to be taught at home. I would love to see more homeschool classes offered like the ones at our old co-op...for $60 a year or even a little more per year per family. I am sure the mom's that teach these classes would get extra $$ for tutoring services outside of co-op. IMO... tutoring and music are/should be in a different category than homeschool classes. Just my opinion..which I'm sure most will disagree with...which is ok!:D
  16. I called the vet at 3:30 they told me to bring her back in. They gave her some pain medicine and said that we should see a big difference in her by tonight. I sure hope so!!! Poor thing she hasn't eaten all day and just stands there looking pitiful!
  17. I called the vet, they told me to give her benadryl and call them in 2hrs. They said it is one of the side effects and that if the benadryl does not help her, they will see her! I hate this feeling of helplessness...like when your kids are hurt/sick and you can't do anything to help ease the pain!!! I let her out this morning and she had this look of horror on her face! She limped off to do her business and came back in laid down on her blanket and hasn't moved, until I gave her the medicine!!
  18. I am on a e-loop that talks about homeschool classes around Atlanta. One class cost is $50+ a month for one student and that doesn't include curriculum! Why so expensive!?!?!? Come on..we ARE homeschooling families and 99% of us live on one income!
  19. The main thing to remember is to cut the power OFF!!:w00t:
  20. We LOVE them, we are always using them. Our friends and family think we are crazy...until they try them!!
  21. It doesn't take that long to heat up the water. You have to be careful with the steam though! One Thanksgiving I was so busy cooking and wasn't paying attention. I got way to close to the steam and it burned my arm really bad!
  22. The shots were given about 8:45am and she is shaking at 8pm...is this normal??? I know the vet said she would be sore, but she has not been herself all day. She is 3yrs old and weighs 5.7lbs. She had her distemper and rabies..the vet gave one in each upper leg. Is there anything I can give her to make her feel better????
  23. The needle nose pliers are the best thing I have found for something like this. I could never get the potato to work.
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